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The following is a list of the staff of Hawthorne Manor, with links to their e-mail addresses. Please feel free to contact any of them if you have any questions, issues, suggestions or comments. Room Owner: Head Moderator: Room Moderators: Room Storytellers: Staff Guidelines The following is expected of room greeters and moderators: 1. All staff are required to spend a reasonable amount of time in the room. If you do not feel that you can commit to this, please do not volunteer to be staff. 2. Greeters are expected to welcome new chatters and roleplayers with a greeting as well as offer any information that the newcomer should request. Be on call to help newcomers with whatever they need, whether they have questions about the chat or the room. 3. Moderators must make efforts to roleplay with people outside of their usual roleplaying circle. They must be willing to play with new people, especially with newcomers into the room/chat. 4. Moderators and Greeters must be friendly and courteous, even when correcting a chatters' roleplaying style or behavior. 5. We have a certain set of guidelines for roleplay within Hawthorne Manor. Moderators are expected to help others adhere to this style, but must remain courteous when giving constructive criticism. 6. The room storytellers will assist the room owner and moderators with plot ideas and stories. 7. Several moderators have the power to ban other chatters, as they see fit. They are expected to be fair in their banning and to communicate it to the rest of the staff.
Design by Robin Burks