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Room Rules

The following rules apply to Hawthorne Manor, in addition to those laid out by WBS.

1. Respect other role-players. This means keeping rude or otherwise offensive OOC comments to yourself. If you have a problem with another player, please take it up with that person in private. This also goes for room staff and chat admin - do not disrespect them.

2. If you feel someone is posting something etremely offensive, feel free to ask them to take it to a private room or private messages. However, we do promote free speech in this room, so consider yourself warned. This is a mature role-playing room, so posts of a sexual nature or with offensive language are allowed. If you are uncomfortable and wish to remain in the room, feel free to use the "ignore" feature. This goes for images within the room as well, although nothing with nipples or genitalia may be used.

3. We work on the three strikes and you're out rule: If you violate the rules one time, you get a private warning; a second time gets you a public warning; a third time gets you banned from the room. We realize that everyone has a bad day ocasionally, so if you feel you've been treated unfairly, .

4. This is a free-form room, no dice rolling please. We prefer to ROLE-play, not ROLL-play. If you have a conflict that needs to be resolved, try to involve an objective third party (preferably a moderator).

5. Don't expect others to RP with you. Also, don't attempt to hound others to RP. Asking for RP is alright, but if someone tells you no, respect that and LEAVE THEM ALONE.

6. Please keep images under 60k and under 450 x 450 pixels. And if you use "nameplate" images in your tag-line, please keep them under 12 K and under 200 pixels by 200 pixels. Do not use someone else's character pic (or any known copyrighted material) AND keep images tasteful (we prefer no nipples or genitalia showing in images). If you are asked to take down a pic, please respect the wishes of other chatters and/or staff and do so. Just because you don't find it offensive does not mean that others will agree.

7. Do not criticize other player's role-playing abilities. If you have a problem with someone's role-playing, DON'T ROLEPLAY WITH THEM! It's that easy.

8. Thou shalt not kill... other people's characters, unless you have their permission.

9. The most important rule of all: HAVE FUN!

10. Also please note that roleplay does not have to be specifically limited to the Boston/Salem area or the manor itself. Feel free to include other places within your scenes, but please let other players know that this is the case by using the Locations drop-down box.

11. If the room is busy (20+ players), please try to keep non-RP related OOC conversation to a minimum or take it to PM's.

12. Hawthorne is specifically a creative writing RP room. This means we want our players to write in style consistent with actual writing. No asterisks, no tildes. You weren't allowed to write like that in school, so we ask you to not write like that in the room. We also have little tolerance for one or two line posts. Think about what your writing before you hit that "Post" button.

13. We have very little patience with the "I'm bored" or "I suck" or "I'm being ignored" syndrome. These sort of comments are not conducive to RP and will cause to be put into people's ignore boxes.

14. These rules are not optional and will be enforced by room staff. This is so that we can continue to create a good RPing environment for the users and are for the benefit of all. You don't have to agree with the rules, but you are expected to abide by them or risk having yourself banned from the room.

15. Please note that our companion room, Downward Spiral, was made in an effort to create a cross-RP environment, but that the writing standards of Hawthorne are expected to be higher. You can visit this room, by typing in the word Spiral in the Private Realms box from WBS' portal page. Most of the storylines in Hawthorne are playable in Downward Spiral.

16. If you are playing a source character in either Hawthorne or Downward Spiral, you must apply for it here.


Room Owner:
Robin/Aunt Susie -

Room Moderators:
Bea -
Sis -
Dragoness -
Wes -
Zeph -
Shay -
Laurel -
Scheri -
Ryan -

Hawthorne/Spiral Cross-over Storyteller:
Mery -

Hawthorne/Spiral Message Board Admin:
Carrie -


New To the Room?
Be sure to read our FAQ.

Want to know what the manor looks like? Or Salem? Or Boston? The following slideshows feature photos of the area:

Hawthorne Manor Slideshow
Salem Slideshow
Boston Slideshow

Become A Better Writer!
Looking to enhance your roleplay writing skills in Hawthorne or elsewhere? Well, check out this article for some great tips that will help you become a better writer.

Plots and Storylines, Oh My!
Find out what's happening in Hawthorne Manor here.

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Hawthorne Manor Supports the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign!

   Copyright 2003 Robin Burks