The following characters are supported for role-play in the Hawthorne Manor, Salem and Boston locations. If you have a question about a particular type of character that is not listed, feel free to to ask about it.
There are a variety of vampires that exist in the world of Hawthorne Manor. The two most common types are those of the Ricean variety (based on novels by Anne Rice) and White Wolf Clan Vampires. However, there are also more traditional types of vampires, characters that may be based on Dracula or other source materials. To keep things simple, we prefer to consider any vampire part of a clan or group (i.e., the Ricean clan, the Tepes Clan, or traditional White Wolf clans - Toreador, Ventrue, etc.).
For World of Darkness vampires, there are positions available amongst the Camarilla. If you're interested in playing a character with a title, check this list.
Hawthorne boasts traditional shapeshifters (can take on any form), as well as White Wolf shapeshifters: garou, ananasi, corax, etc. There are other forms of animal shifters (i.e., traditional werewolves) in our realm as well.
The fae of Hawthorne Manor can be a variety of things, from White Wolf Changelings to traditional faeries to sprites, pixies, nymphs and anything and everything in between. The realm of Faerie, however, is closed off to most characters but there are several mortals who have the power to walk between the worlds. For Changeling players, our rules are looser and based more on traditional faerie legends, as well as Neil Gaiman works, to fit more types of fae into the room.
We prefer that most mages in Hawthorne be of the White Wolf variety. However, there are several non-tradition mages that have been played with a bit more leeway. If your character falls into this category, please ask the Host or Co-Hosts if your character is acceptable.
Hunters can be either mortal supernatural hunters or can be of the White Wolf variety. They can either be similar to the Blade comics or adhere to the rules and powers that White Wolf allows.
Ghosts, Spirits, Wraiths:
There are many spirits at the manor so if you'd like to play one of these, feel free. You can play a traditional sort of ghost or spirit, or something along the lines of White Wolf's Wraith game. Please note, though, that not all characters can see ghosts, so pick your roleplaying partners carefully.
DNA Altered:
Characters who have had their DNA tampered with or altered fall into this category. This also includes the White Wolf concept of Fomori. Cyborgs, however, and similar creatures are not allowed.
Technically, traditional gypsy types fall into the mortal category, but there is also a brand of White Wolf gypsy that has special powers that make him/her a little more than mortal.
Celestials are gods/goddesses and angels. Since there really are no rules set in stone for such characters, please give them limits and keep their powers somewhat in check. If you have an all-powerful god-type character, please do not RP them in Hawthorne Manor unless you intend to keep that power in check.
Creatures from the underworld are demons and demon-like beasts. Also, succubus and incubus fall into this category.
Spirits can be of wraiths as written by White Wolf or can be ghosts or poltergeists based on numerous sources. Anything that exists in the spirit realm falls into this category.
The undead are not spirits in that their physical forms exist in the physical realm. This would include things like zombies and mummies. There is a White Wolf version of mummies that are also accepted at Hawthorne Manor.
Mortals in Hawthorne do not have to be banal creatures with no supernatural gifts. Mortals can be telekinetic, psychic, have witch-like powers or other sorts of "super senses." Ghouls to vampires also fall into this category, as they still retain their mortality and lose the powers ghouling gives them if they do not drink the vampire's blood regularly.
Demons are allowed within the room, but we'd prefer not to have too many of them running around. If you'd like to play a demon sort of character, please check with who you're roleplaying with to make sure it's alright.
If you wish to play a character with the Hawthorne surname, we do allow that. Just remember that ALL Hawthorne C's have witch's blood within them, whether they realize it or not. Many might not accept the powers that lie within and others may wish to abuse such powers. It's up to you!
Source Characters: Any appropriate character based on source material is allowed. This includes Anne Rice characters, characters from other books (i.e., Dracula), characters from comic books, characters from television, etc.. However, these characters must be approved in order to prevent duplicate characters in the room. If you want to play a source character, you may request it here. Also note that these sort of characters must adhere to the rules laid out in their sources (i.e., Anne Rice characters must follow rules laid down by Anne Rice).
Other Characters: If your character doesn't fit into the above categories, but is a gothic sort of creature or mortal, you can role-play him or her.
Character Approval: The only characters that have to be approved are source characters.
Characters Not Allowed: The following characters are not allowed: superheroes (ex: Superman, Batman), D&D type characters (ex: elves, wizards, etc.) anime characters (ex: Vegeta, Goku) and video game characters. Also, certain creatures may be a little too "out there" for the room, but feel free to ask us in advance if you have something like that.