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Camarilla Stations

The Inner Circle The council of elders that controls the Camarilla and its policies. No one knows how many Kindred sit on the Inner Circle, let along the clans and names of those who do so.
Justicars A roving representative of the Inner Circle charged with upholding the Traditions and laws of the Camarilla. There is one Justicar from each clan, elected to a 13-year tern by the Inner Circle and subject to replacement at the end of that term. Justicars have sweeping powers, including the right of destruction, to enforce the laws and Traditions.
The Archons A vampire in the service of a Justicar. Archons are rarely of the same clan as the Justicar they serve so as to avoid appearance of favoritism, and are deputized with a wide array of powers. Most archons are blood bound to the Justicar they serve.

The Justicars in office as of 1998: Jaroslav Oascek (Brujah), Maris Streck (Malkavian),  Cock Robin (Nosteratu), Madame Guil (Toreador), Anastasz di Zagreb (Tremere) and Lucinde (Ventrue)

The Prince The ruler of a city or its equivalent in the Camarilla; the supreme authority in local Camarilla affairs. The title applies to both male and female kindred.
The Primogen A member of the council of elders who putatively advise the prince of a city. The Primogen council's actual power varies from city to city. 
The Whips A member of a kindred clan that serves underneath the clan Primogen. 
The Seneschal A prince's right-hand vampire. The seneschal handles many of the night-to-night operations of a city.
The Harpies a de facto title given to the Kindred who sit in judgment on the rest of a city's social status. The harpies mandate the social pecking order through innuendo, rumors, favoritism and other such tools. A city usually only has three harpies at one time. Each Harpy usually has an understudy.
Keeper of Elysium The vampire charged with upholding the sanctity and quality of a city's Elysium
The Sheriff Kindred charged by a Prince with the duty of upholding the laws and Traditions of the city
The Scourge Title given to a Kindred charged by the Prince with cleansing the city of unwanted, unauthorized vampiric rabble.
The Huddled Masses The rest of Kindred society

Boston Stations Filled

Character and Clan
The Prince
Donovan Cainnech
The Primogen
Alexandra St. James (Toreador)
Cheyzanne (Brujah)
Ashmeen (Tremere)
Dometrius Caldwin (Nosferatu)
The Whips
Preston Carter (Toreador)
Evil Chris
The Seneschal
Francesca de Medici (Ventrue)
The Harpies
Keeper of Elysium
Skylar Luciano
The Sheriff
Jamal Al'Hazzard
Ryan (Resident Devil)
The Scourge
Jamal Al'Hazzard
Ryan (Resident Devil)

Camarilla Affiliated Stations

Gangrel Primogen Milla Thomas Missy


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Boston Slideshow

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   Copyright 2003 Robin Burks