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Room Locations Guide:

The City of Boston - this is for general roleplay in and around Boston.

Boston University
One of many universities in Boston, primarily known mostly for its mage population.

Boston: MFA
The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Serves as Elysium for Camarilla Kindred.

Boston: MFA: Lobby
The lobby of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. This is where the majority of the Camarilla will be when in Elysium. If your character is not Kindred, you are not allowed here and NPC guards will stop you at the door.

Boston: MFA: Meeting
The main meeting room of Elysium in Boston. The table is made of a intricately-carved mahogany and there are enough chairs for 15-20 people. Though not readily noticable the room is modified for all the modern comforts including hidden conference equipment. This room must be reserved in advance.

Boston: MFA: Office
There are three main offices in Elysium: Seneschal De Medici's office, Prince Donovan's office and Keeper Luciano's office. You must be invited into these offices to have a character there.

Boston: The T (Subway)
One of the oldest in North America, circles the city and outlying areas.

Boston: The Avalon
The Avalon is a nightclub that appeals mostly to a European crowd, as well as mages, particularly Virtual Adepts.

Boston: The Rathskellar
The Ratshskellar, otherwise known as The Rat, is a local dive that serves as the meeting place for the city's Sabbat vampires.

Boston: Valerion Chemicals
Station of the Null-B Construct. For more information, click here.

Hawthorne Manor - this is for general roleplay in and around Hawthorne Manor.

Manor Chapel/Chantry
This is the chapel that sits just behind Hawthorne Manor. Serves as the primary mage chantry of the area.

Manor Forest
This is the surrounding forest of Hawthorne Manor. Includes the garou caern.

Manor Library
The Hawthorne Manor library expands two floors and is just to the right of the manor's main entrance. It boasts a huge collection of occult-related books.

Manor Parlor (main room)
The parlor is located just to the left of Hawthorne Manor's main entrance.

Manor Private Bedroom
If your character is in a private room at Hawthorne Manor, use this location.

Manor Ballroom
The Hawthorne Manor ballroom is one of the largest in the area.

Manor: Dining/Kitchen
The Hawthorne Manor dining room is one of those long dining rooms done up in Victorian style and is connected to the adjoining large kitchen.

Manor: Foyer
The foyer is the main entrance into Hawthorne Manor.

Manor Front/Driveway
The front of Hawthorne Manor is a large circular driveway, with a parking lot to the extreme right.

New York
New York City - this is for general roleplay in and around New York.

NY: Giovanni Complex
Only Giovanni and those who have business with the Giovanni are allowed into New York's Giovanni Complex, located in Manhattan.

NY: Central Park (Caern)
New Yorks largest park in the downtown part of the city. Serves as a caern.

Whenever you are OOC (out of character), please use this location tag.

If you are in a location not listed, please use this tag.

Private Residence
This would be a character's home.

Salem, Massachusetts - this is for general roleplay in and around Salem.

Salem: Hawthorne Hotel
This is an upscale historic hotel that sits in downtown Salem.

Salem: Jean's (Club)
A club near the Hawthorne Hotel, owned by a vampire by the name of Jean.

Salem: Gypsy Camp
Just outside the city of Salem, there is a gypsy camp.

Salem: Shimmering Temple
The newest nightclub to hit Salem. Read more about it here.

Salem: Witch's Brew (Cafe/FH)
Coffee shop in downtown Salem. Popular "hang out and chill" spot. Also serves as a Changeling Freehold.

The Dreaming
The Dreaming is the deepest part of fae territory, originally cut-off from everyone, but has recently opened up to those who are called "Openers." Only Openers and true fae are allowed here.

The Umbra
This is the garou spirit realm, and only those capable of umbral travel are allowed here.


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Want to know what the manor looks like? Or Salem? Or Boston? The following slideshows feature photos of the area:

Hawthorne Manor Slideshow
Salem Slideshow
Boston Slideshow

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   Copyright 2003 Robin Burks