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A tag is where you put text information about your character, not limited to a description, song lyrics, a poem, etc., anything that you think defines who your character is or what your character's state of mind is at any given moment. It can also include a location, who that character is with, etc., but there are a few things to keep in mind when developing a tag for a Hawthorne Manor character.

Your tagline should not contain more information or detail than your posts. Taglines are generally used to display a line of poetry or music that describes your character. Generally, you do not need to make your tagline a physical description, because your picture will show people your character's appearance. Personality traits, weaknesses, strengths, disabilities and the like are acceptable as brief taglines - the key word here being brief - but it's far better to show those things by playing them instead.

So you've come up with a good tag that you think fits your character. How do you use it at WBS? Well, there are two different ways - you can just simply type it into the "Tagline" text box in your handle's configuration details or you can use HTML and make it look nifty with certain fonts and colors by typing it into the "Title" box.

When using the "Title" box to configure your tag, please have a good working knowledge of HTML. Also, be aware that you must use the NAME where you want your handle or your character's handle will not show.

The following are a few examples on how you may do this. Feel free to copy and paste and use them as you will:


<font face="verdana,arial" size="+1" color="00FFFF">NAME</font><br><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1" color="#666666">She keeps a lock of hair in her pocket<br>She wears a cross around her neck,<br>Yes, the hair is from a little boy<br>And the cross from someone she has not met</font>

will display as:

She keeps a lock of hair in her pocket
She wears a cross around her neck
Yes, the hair is from a little boy
And the cross from someone she has not met

Or To Center Your Tag/Handle:

<center><font face="verdana,arial" size="+1" color="00FFFF">NAME</font><br><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1" color="#666666">She keeps a lock of hair in her pocket<br>She wears a cross around her neck,<br>Yes, the hair is from a little boy<br>And the cross from someone she has not met</font></center>

will show as:

She keeps a lock of hair in her pocket
She wears a cross around her neck
Yes, the hair is from a little boy
And the cross from someone she has not met

You can also use URL's to link to your website, or any other HTML that you might like.


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Want to know what the manor looks like? Or Salem? Or Boston? The following slideshows feature photos of the area:

Hawthorne Manor Slideshow
Salem Slideshow
Boston Slideshow

Become A Better Writer!
Looking to enhance your roleplay writing skills in Hawthorne or elsewhere? Well, check out this article for some great tips that will help you become a better writer.

Plots and Storylines, Oh My!
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   Copyright 2003 Robin Burks