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So you're wondering how to get a good picture for your character. Here are a few tips:

1. The first thing you'll need is a good graphics editing program. Although Photoshop is the editor of choice, due to its expensive price, we also recommend Paint Shop Pro. If you need to download one of these, you may do so at Download.com.

2. What does your character look like? If you have a general idea and can think of a model or actor who will fit what you think your character is, you can do a search for that model/actor's name at .

3. Once you have a photo or photos that you like, take them into your graphics editing program. After that, you're free to experiment with effects, filters and text to get the image to look the way you want. For some good tutorials on different effects, check out Deviant Art (this site is also good for background images for your piccies).

4. Size your images so that it's at or under 450 pixels wide and then 450 pixels high and then save. When saving, make sure your image size does not exceed 60k. These are the room image limits.

5. The most important thing? Be creative and have fun!

6. If you're looking for some good (and free) filters, go to Free Photoshop - please note that most Photoshop filters will also work in Paint Shop Pro.

7. If you need help with piccies, ask anyone in the room - we'd be more than willing to help out!

8. Also, we provide hosting for character pics. If you need hosting, let room staff know.



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Want to know what the manor looks like? Or Salem? Or Boston? The following slideshows feature photos of the area:

Hawthorne Manor Slideshow
Salem Slideshow
Boston Slideshow

Become A Better Writer!
Looking to enhance your roleplay writing skills in Hawthorne or elsewhere? Well, check out this article for some great tips that will help you become a better writer.

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   Copyright 2003 Robin Burks