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Ashex / Dwarven Valley
Page updated
December 27th 2000

Ashex: Dwarven Valley
In the North-Eastern part of Ashex just South from the Great river, high mountains seem to raise to clouds. If you follow one of the smaller forks up to the mountain you may find a wall cutting a valley, there you can find a gane leading to the small village of Dwarves.

The town is in the end of a narrow valley that is blocked by great wall/gate . after the gate there is a road that goes in the bottom of the valley with narrow stream. The road has some bridges over the stream as it lingers to the end of the valley where the castle of the mage is. The water comes out of the wall of the mountain that is made to look like great skull it comes out of the nose of the skull, the eyes are windows to the castle of the mage and the mouth is the door. The mage collects artificial life (golems, constructs and other)so the castle is well protected. He is powerful and looks like a man of 35 years or so, wearing black clothes. He is very good looking with his dark hair and small beard. He is not the leader of the village, but if he chooses the dwarves will do his bidding. the dWarves have made the whole place. In both sides of the road there are houses and cave openings to the mountain. Smoke lingers out of most houses and caves though clever air conditioning in mountain. The dvarves are working all the time. They are masters in stone crafting and machinery. Also they make great weaponry and jewels. There are dwarvenmines in mountain. And so on. The actual castle is inside the mountain. Only the skull is shown to outside.

The Mountain Spring Inn
It is two floors building. Whole first floor is taken by common room, kitchenand common sleeping room. Last is for servants and guards of coming merchants.All private rooms are on the second floor. There are 8 private rooms: 4double and 4 single.The inn is well kept by the owner Eldwyn and his wife Herefara. Old groom Húrwetakes care of stables. There are also two servants girls called Oroca and Celeonwe.Oroca helps Herefara at the kitchen, and Celeonwe helps to keep the inn clean.The owner is easy with newcommers, but keeps all locals secrets until he will know new people better. Although his wife is quite easy with her tongue, but fortunately he spends most of her time at the kitchen, so the visitors are notoverwhelmed by her all time talking. Húrwe knows all local tales and storiesand tells them if asked so. Two servants girl are usual village girls.Although Celeonwe is quite pretty.

Local Shop
The owner Menelbold can offer anything suitable enough for the small village shop.Things of great price can not be found here. The goods comes with merchants and local farmers. There is also possibility to change gems for money here.Mur resells them to merchants.

It is actually a place of few blacksmiths that are working together. There are three blacksmiths here. Each has its own master and three apprentices. The weapons and armor that is made here goes to the markets of close towns.Instruments for mining and farming are also made here. The weapons and armorare of good quality. Even custom weapons and armor can be produced here.The name of the blacksmiths are: Forn, Eldil and Ruleg.

Carpenter and Leather Worker
Two brothers Haurdin and Hadvir lives here with their families. Each brother has its ownbussiness. Haurdin is a potter and Hadvir is a leather worker.

Market Place
The unusual goods and books can be found here which come with merchants. Usually merchants sell their goos only o the local shop. Of course each merchant usually has some itmes that the local shopper will not buy beacuse either they are too expensive, or they are to unusual to buy for the towns folk. But since merchants travel a lot they can sell them at other places. And if one is lucky he can find such items at the market place when the comming merchants are here. Local feast are also hold at that place.

Miner's Houses
Usual houses of common people. All of them are one floor height and consists of one or two rooms. Near some houses small gardens can be found that are upkept by the goodwives of the miners.

Town's Gates and the WallThe wall is about 7 meters tall and the gates are wide just enough for carts to pass. The wall was build quite long time ago to keep the town safe from the often attacks of the goblins (?) in the past. It is still upkept well and the small harnison of local soldiers keep its watch here. The gates are usually opened during the day light, but are closed during the night. The commander of the harnison is Turamgolfin. He can be quite stubborn sometimes if guided in such mood.

Thanks to Darkpastor for the material about the Valley

Created by Jakke the Gnome