Home / World of Ynni / Empire

Page updated
December 28th 2000

Duchy of Mjyyl Duchy of Naaran Duchy of Ashex Duchy of Fersten Duchy of Gougna Duchy of Kibia Snake islands Duchy of Seiwar

Seven parts of the Empire

Naaran Kibia Mjyyl Ashex Gougna Seiwar Fersten
Duchy of Naaran Duchy of Kibia Duchy of Mjyyl Duchy of Ashex Duchy of Gougna Duchy of Seiwar Duchy of Fersten

Before the Great Darkness Empire had the most powerful military power in Ynni, but it was torn apart by former Emperor's hunger for power. After failure to gain absolute power over his dukes the war was stopped only by a mysterious destruction of the capital city and the death of the Emperor. Empire was then ruled by priests of Graag and their loose alliance with the dukes of Empire. Empires military was based on slaves. The climate here is warm all over the year. Naaran and Ashex were ruled by Graag priests. Mjyyl has always been a weak link in Empire. Fersten has also kept distance to The Emperor and has been in close contact with the Old Empire to east. The southern Duchies of Seiwar, Kibia and Gougna have been peaceful and used to be in good relations with the Emperor. Now that the forces of chaos are controlling the Empire nothing is known about these Duchies.

There are many large trading cities in Empire but the trading with humans in north ended after the chaos took over. There are many large islands to west of Empire that were controlled by pirates. Some of the pirates migh be still alive.

Nothing is really known about Empires current situation except that the evil is now in control.

Created by Jakke the Gnome