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January 3th 2001

In the old days Elves were thought to be some kind of forest-spirits or demons, and they were greatly feared. Actually almost no one had seen an Elf but everyone knew some story of the evil Elves. In the Kingdom of Dalfan during the war between the Dark Elves and Men the races of men and Elves joined to fight the Evil Dark Elves. After that Elves have been seen differently even in other countries. Even in Dalfan the Elven race was almost never seen in human controlled areas, and in the other areas Elves are usually never seen. At the beginning of the Great Darkness Elves blamed men of the Chaos, but when the forces of Chaos attacked the Elves they were forces to join Men to fight the Chaos. There is still lots of hate between men and Elves, and the Elves still hate Men for the Great Darkness. Only on the worst cases will the Elves talk or show them selves to Men. During the Great Darkness many Elves seeked shelter from the Dwarven cities underground.

Dwarves have been in contact with the Humans almost always, selling their crafts to the human merchants. Some Dwarf merchants have even been seen in human cities with their heavyly armored bodyguards. There were even some towns in the south were dwarves and men liven together in peace, but nothing have been heard from these these places for Years.
The trade between men and Dwarves has grown as men need food. Nowdays there are lots of men living in the Dwarven cities. Many of the Dwarves hate men for they blame men of the Great Darkness and the falling of many Dwarven cities in the south. Dwarves have been forced to form alliances to fight the forces of Chaos with other races, it has been heard that even the ancient enermies Trolls have been fighting along with Dwarves.

The Trolls have been in contact with humans in the same way as Dwarves. The Trolls have been selling lots of food to humans During the great darkness, and have been helping men in many other ways also. There are lots of men living in the Troll cities.

The Halflings have always been everywhere, though their habbits of stealing are not liked by anyone. It seems that most of the Halflings have disappered, eather they have been killed or they are hiding somewhere. Some of the Halflings have moved to live with other races.

The Serpent people was struct hard by the temperature drop during the Great Darkness. Many Serpent people cities were destroyed but some survived by making a pact with the forces of Chaos.
Races Monsters Other Creatures
Serpent People
Deep Ones
The Undead.
Servants of Chaos.

Created by Jakke the Gnome