Races: Elves
Elves (Dentro Sapiens)
All Elves have infravision. Death occurs only through violence. 2 hours of meditation each day suffice in place of mortal sleep. The features of an elf are delicate and finely chiseled. Though they are not as sturdy as humans, elves are much more agile. Elven clothing tends to be colorful. They often wear pastel colors, especially blues and greens. Because they dwell in forests, however, wood elves often wear greenish grey cloaks to afford them quick camouflage. One of their greatest strengths is the ability to pass through natural surroundings, woods, or forests, silently and almost invisibly. Elves are especially proficient in the use of the bow. |
Habitat/Society: Elves value their individual freedom highly and their social structure is based on independent bands. These small groups, usually consisting of no more than 200, recognize the authority of a royal overlord, who in turn owes allegiance to a king or queen. However, the laws and restraints set upon elven society are very few compared to human society and practically negligible when compared to dwarven society. Elven cities are always well-hidden and protected, but some cities were destroyed and many suffered greatly during the Great Darkness. Because elves are immortal, their view of the world is radically different from most other sentient beings. Elves do not place much importance on short-term gains nor do they hurry to finish projects. For ages most humans thought Elves as just a fairy tale, and those Elves that were seen were hunted as demons. In the time of Great Darkness many Elven nations formed alliances with Dwarves and Humans. Elves prefer to surround themselves with things that will bring them joy over long periods of time-things like music and nature. The company of their own kind is also very important to elves, since they find it hard to share their experiences or their perspectives on the world with other races. This is one of the main reasons elven families are so close. However, as friendship, too is something to be valued, even friends of other races remain friends forever. Cooperation is far more likely to be had from an elf, by offering an obscure, even worthless, (but interesting) magical item, than it is with two sacks of gold. Ultimately, their radically different perspective separates the elves from the rest of their world. Elves find dwarves too dour and their adherence to strict codes of law unpleasant. However, elves do recognize dwarven craftsmanship as something to be praised. Elves see man's race after wealth and fleeting power as sad.
Ecology: Elves produce fine clothes, beautiful music, and brilliant poetry. It is for these things that other cultures know the folk of the forest best. In their world within the forest, however, elves hold in check the dark forces of evil, and the creatures that would plunder the forest and then move on to plunder another.
Wood Elves
Most attuned to the subtle tides of forests, streams, and the creatures who roam the sylvan realm, Wood elves wear greens and greys to blend with the surroundings. Adept at moving silently, their presence in the wood frequently goes unnoticed among the shadows of swaying branches. Sandy hair and light blue, green, or grey eyes completement their rustic demeanor.
High Elves
High elves have raven-black hair and brown or hazel eyes.
Fair Elves
The most lordly of all Elves, they have golden-blond hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. They favor bright garments of white, gold, or silver.
Grey elves
Their treatises on nature are astounding. Grey elves value their independence from what they see as the corrupting influence of the outside world, and will fight fiercely to maintain their isolation. All grey elves carry swords, and most wear chain mail and carry shields.
Dark Elves
Evil. |