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If you're planning on attending the ball and are interested in having your character in on the hunt for $1 Million, please fill out the form below. Players are going to be put together in teams, to work together, but we would like it random teams, with different kinds of characters, as well as making sure that you and your teammates can be online and working together at the same times.


I would like the following character involved in the Masquerade Ball and the $1 Million Hunt. If you wish to play more than one character in this, please submit them as separate requests.


New To the Room?
Be sure to read our FAQ.

Want to know what the manor looks like? Or Salem? Or Boston? The following slideshows feature photos of the area:

Hawthorne Manor Slideshow
Salem Slideshow
Boston Slideshow

Become A Better Writer!
Looking to enhance your roleplay writing skills in Hawthorne or elsewhere? Well, check out this article for some great tips that will help you become a better writer.

Plots and Storylines, Oh My!
Find out what's happening in Hawthorne Manor here.

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Hawthorne Manor Supports the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign!

   Copyright 2003 Robin Burks