Welcome to the Tower of Imagination. Instead of fluffing this introduction up with a whole bunch of crazed fiction that would doubtlessly end up confusing you (You know the stuff: You see through the fog of the marsh the shimmering silhouette of a tower....), I have (with the help of Pardui) decided to get straight to the point and tell you what this page is all about (with the proper use of a few witty remarks of course.) The tower, plain and simple, is a repository of forgotten knowledge from ancient times. (Haha, just kidding! Wasn't that witty???) Realistically it is a community-based RPG page. Its main function is to bring together large amounts of information (in the form of rules modifications, equipment stats, articles of gaming nature, adventures, etc) for use by GMs (and occassionally players) worldwide. Currently there isn't an enormous amount of stuff here (well, there is barely anything here!), but there is a bit, and it is slowly growing. Feel more than welcome to send me you stuff to put up on this page (Go to the 'About The Tower' section for more information on doing this.)
The Caverns This is where the creatures caught in the tower are put. Don't you find it frightening that I placed it first on the important places list?
The Dining Hall Here you can meet with many different people as they take a break from their travels. The Library In this section of the tower you can read tales of adventure, mystery, and often even stories with large amounts of 'humorous' content.
The Archives This is where the scribes keep all of the sacred articles (Some of which may be useful. Not many though...) The Happy Spot Most RPG pages call the section dedicated to weapons and equipment 'The Armory' or 'The War Room.' Well, for the sake of originality, this one is called, the happy spot. The Path Leaving the tower? Why not head to some of these exciting sites?
The Rest of the Page
The Forum Kind of self explanatory, isn't it? It's a message board... About the Tower Tells a bit about the tower and its inhabitants. Also, information on sending me stuff to put up here (I could have said Submission Guidlines, but isn't that a bit too professional sounding?)
Downloads Various programs and other things for you downloading pleasure. Also, links to the webpages of useful programs.
Mr. Zibjeriduu The Glorious tales of Mr. Zibjeriduu and his friends/allies.
Mysterious Inner Realms My own personal section of the page.
Campaigns Information on the campaigns that I GM (not overly useful to anyone but my players, but you may find some things of interest.)
August 13/99: Well, after being screwed by my old server (they put that hideous add up on my page) I have been forced to move, yet again. Luckily I discovered a wonderful (seriously) RPG organization called the Amethyst Alliance. I signed up with them, and guess what? I got 10 megs of webspace. So... after checking my new page out, head over to them and see what they have to offer.