The Caverns
The Dining Hall
The Library
The Archives
The Happy Spot
The Path
The Forum
About the Tower
Mr. Zibjeriduu
Mysterious Inner Realms
The Tower of Imagination
Old News
This is where the happy little site-goblins put all of the old news. You see, they use a clever little system of pulleys and frighteningly large marbles to almost magically transfer it from the news box on the main page, to this "news archive." The whole process was actually Pardui's idea. Care for some tea?
August 8/99: The newly revamped site is finally up (your looking at it)! Let me know what you think of it please. Oh ya, lasy old me (and Mr. Zibjeriduu) still hasn't gotten around to fixin' up every section of the tower so most of the links will take you to the same section on the old page. I'll fix em soon though (Yeah, right, thats what I said about the main update!) BTW, sorry it took me so long to get the last of your weapons up Philip. The site-goblins hindered me... Notice how my site seems to get smaller everytime I fix it up? I'll stop doing that one day....