The Campaign
It is 2501 on Post-Apocalyptic Earth. Nearly two centuries have passed since the Apocalypse, and the extent to which the world has changed is almost indescribable. Fission weapons, fusion weapons, nerve gas, plague, genetically-engineered viruses, combat robots, and automated laser weapons have burned, blasted, and bombarded the world into a strange, new shape. Global warming, which was slowed during the early 21st Century and largely reversed during the 22nd, came back with a vengeance after the Apocalypse. Most of the coastal cities of the Ancients - the people from before the Apocalypse - have only begun to emerge from the receding waters of the Lantik and Pazific Oceans within the past few decades. A number of highly-fortified, well-built structures still stand amid the ruined urban and suburban areas. Neutron bombs and electromagnetic pulse weaponry killed-off the human inhabitants and artificial intelligences inside, however, leaving them hollow monuments to futility.
More twisted than the landscape is the very web of life on Post-Apocalyptic Earth. Numerous biological and genetic weapons were unleashed during the Apocalypse. These, coupled with massive amounts of radiation have given rise to thousands of new species of plant and animal life - some of which are sentient and most of which are dangerous. Humanity itself has suffered a similar fate, and some would argue that homo sapiens' days are numbered; certainly there are more Mutants than True Men on Post-Apocalyptic Earth now.
Humanity, which had looked to the stars throughout its history for other intelligent life, now needs only look in its own backyard. Sentient plants and animals also roam the Post-Apocalyptic Earth, competing with Mutants and True Men alike for precious food, water, and - perhaps most important of all - the lost knowledge and mysterious artifacts of the Ancients.
The Post-Apocalyptic Alternity Tangent
-3.718, +30.119 (Gamma World Cluster)
- Fantastic Division
- PL 2-7
- G2/R2/A2/P3/H2
The Post-Apocalyptic Alternity (PAA) campaign setting is one of the infinite tangents of Superspace, and lies parallel to the Nuclear Aftermath tangent described in the Tangents sourcebook on pp. 74-83.
The PAA tangent is much further to Paratemporal "North," however, placing it just within the Fantastic division of Superspace. Post-Apocalyptic Alternity's Z-coordinate is +2501 as of this writing, meaning that the campaign begins at the exact same point in time as the Star*Drive campaign setting, and five hundred years ahead of the default DarkoMatter timeline.
For GMs running Star*Drive, Post-Apocalyptic Alternity could serve as an alternate timeline created as the result of an experiment with time travel gone awry, or a klick or gardhyi plot to alter the past (ala Star Trek: First Contact). For GMs running Dark-Matter, it could serve as a dark future to which the PCs are transported via FX or a doorway.
- Lord Irish