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Thousand Kingdoms / Kingdom of Mysili / Seaport
Page updated
January 3th 2001

Rulers of Seaport:
This is the list of all the powerful people in the City of Seaport

Highpriest Sleg-Naar of Seaport

Dragonlord Zelran of Zelrania

Trade Emperor Randar of Mysili

Powerfull priest

Dragonlord Zelran is rumoured to really be a Dragon. She is feared by her neighbours, and there has been wars in the past.

No one has seen hin in years, but no-one complains as the City has been getting richer all the time.

Alfons, Master of Black Rats

Renng the Dwarven Warlord

Gabriel the Royal mage of Mysili

Leader of the most powerfull thief organization in Seaport.

Originally from Greydome he is now ruling over large army in west, fighting the forces of chaos.

Representitive for the Trade Emperor Randar, the Royal mage has lots of power but doesn't seem to be interested in this world.

Mirelda the Lord Mage

Sir Gurthden of Seaport

Merchant Lord Nathan Bell

Highmagian of the Guild of magians in seaport.

Captain of the Emperors guard. He commands a small army of 5000 men.

The head of the Court of the Merchants.
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Created by Jakke the Gnome