Highpriest Sleg-Naar of Seaport
Dragonlord Zelran of Zelrania
Trade Emperor Randar of Mysili
Powerfull priest |
Dragonlord Zelran is rumoured to really be a Dragon. She is feared by her neighbours, and there has been wars in the past. |
No one has seen hin in years, but no-one complains as the City has been getting richer all the time. |
Alfons, Master of Black Rats
Renng the Dwarven Warlord
Gabriel the Royal mage of Mysili
Leader of the most powerfull thief organization in Seaport. |
Originally from Greydome he is now ruling over large army in west, fighting the forces of chaos. |
Representitive for the Trade Emperor Randar, the Royal mage has lots of power but doesn't seem to be interested in this world. |
Mirelda the Lord Mage
Sir Gurthden of Seaport
Merchant Lord Nathan Bell
Highmagian of the Guild of magians in seaport. |
Captain of the Emperors guard. He commands a small army of 5000 men. |
The head of the Court of the Merchants. |