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The RPG Campaign
Page updated
January 3th 2001

The Devourer:
cthulhu rising
May the merciful Gods, if indeed there be such, guard those hours when no power of the will, or drug that the cunning of man devises, can keep me from the chasms of sleep. death is merciful, for there is no return therefrom; but with him who has come back out of the nethermost chambers of night, haggard and knowing, peace rests nevermore.

Mr. Thomas Bevan, Field Resercher of Miscatonic university, was asked in a letter for help by his old friend professor Brockleman of Miskatonic University. Another Professor, Mr Draper had just arrived from geological expedition to the Arizona - New Mexico region seemed to be in somekind of a trouble. Professors had arranged a meeting and after Prof Draper never came to the meeting professor Brockleman bacame worried over his friend. Mr. Bevan quickly arranged everything and called to his old friend Harry Arms who in turn called Chris Ricca and Mat Kyllogx. When Mr. Bevan made a call to professor Brockleman everything was for Mr. Bevans surprice cancelled, Prof Draper had called professor Brockleman and told he had been on a important business for the university. Professor Brockleman invited the investigators for a dinner at his place where prof Draper was also coming to tell about his journey and why he did not come to the meeting with professor Brockleman. At 7.00 pm Mr. Bevan knocked at professor Brockleman's door, after a short while professor opened the door a little and peered out.
"I am sorry," the professor said dully, "but Professor Draper has come and gone, and I am satisfied with the explanation he has given me. I am very tired now, and I do not feel up to other visitors. Good night." The investigators left the scene.
Without anyone else knowing Mat and Chris entered professor Brockleman's house later that night and encountered the thing Brockleman was turning into. Only the upper part of Mr. Brockleman was still human, the rest was just a formless mass of some monster. After a fight the thing was killed. During the fight the part of the monster still Brockleman talked and asked to kill him.
"I ma losing myself.. All that I ever was is being sucked away to feed a foul, vile curiosity... Kill me, I beg you, while i still remember gratitude..."
and in the end, before dying he warned the world of the monster.
"It is infecting the town... It is learning, growing in intelligence and cunning... Soon it will be ready to extend itself... You... must not let this... happen.. It could... devour the world!"

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Created by Jakke the Gnome