Episode 35
Rheaphlyndar Remembers

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 5th Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 8th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 5th Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 5th Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 5th Level (NPC)
Locale King's Arms Inn
Date 2nd day of Growfest, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time Evening

Rheaphlyndar Now that I have beer in hand I can truly tell my story. I was in town, on the job, so to speak, when I fell into the river. . .

Friendly Voice Well hello there, you look like a drowned rat. Can I give you a hand?
Rheaphlyndar (reaching up) Thanks, much, stranger. I must have taken a bump on the head back there. How far from Chendl are we?
Friendly Voice Not far at all, as the crow flies, but a little farther as the river flows. Would you like a cloth to help dry that gear of yours?
Rheaphlyndar Sure, that would be appreciated. It seems my polishing cloth is a bit damp. I didn't catch your name, stranger, but I think you to be a ranger of some sort.
Friendly Voice Ho-ho, I tried that out for a time. Mostly I just wander the woods now. I am Enolis Dollindoleribinish, but most folks that speak common call me Dollin. I would hazard a guess from your clothes and some of this equipment that you are not one of Chendl's law-abiding citizens.
Rheaphlyndar (smiling) No indeed I am not. If you are a druid then you believe in both Law and chaos, right?
Dollin Merely two sides to the same coin, which I like to call nature. It's like an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the crystal sphers together.
Rheaphlyndar Speaking of calling nature, I think nature is calling me. If you will excuse me for a moment.
Dollin Certainly.

I took the opportunity to check this guy out while I was, you know, busy. He was a fairly good looking guy, for a human. He even had a little rabbit that was following him around. I didn't think them nature priests could use a bow, though. Anyhow, he fixed me up a real nice meal . . .

Rheaphlyndar I usually go for a good steak myself, but that was a fine vegetable stew.
Dollin I'm glad you liked it, it's a recipe my mother taught me. And it wasn't too spicy?
Rheaphlyndar Shoot no. Sometime when you're in Greyhawk you need to go to this one place called the Red Serpent. Well, anyhow, thanks again.
Dollin I think I should take you to see Steve now.
Rheaphlyndar Is this some sort of quirky druidic ceremony?
Dollin (laughing) No, not this time. Steve is head of the Exile Guild of Chendl.
Rheaphlyndar (smiling) Ah, now we're getting somewhere.

He led me to this rinky-dink old cottage in the woods and left me there. I swear that bunny stayed behind to watch me, but maybe this eyepatch was just too tight. Anyhow, the door opened to a little hallway and another door. I stepped in an knocked but got no answer . . .

Rheaphlyndar (muttering) Guild head indeed. This door does seem to have a few extra locks, and as long as I'm here . . . (tinker tinker) . . . That's two down, but this one seems to be connected to a trap.
Disembodied Voice Very good, young Re-Flyn-Dar. Keep going.
Rheaphlyndar Ah-ha, a test. OK, here goes nothing.

I aced the rest of the locks and removed both traps. The guildmaster was mighty impressed and offered me a guest membership for just five platinum. I talked him down to three.

The facilities were mighty impressive for a cabin in the woods. It's obvious this guild was originally a businessman's special, and Steve was a consumate businessman. That reminds me, Gimar, I need to introduce you to Steve, because he has a proposal for you. His partner Woz was the real pro -- he definitely knew his way around the tools.

I guess it was the next day that I heard about the King's offer. Steve still has some pretty good connections in the city, but free training? I hit the locks and traps pretty hard with Woz, and got to practice my climbing on some nasty rock formations.

I basically stayed out there and trained until just yesterday.

Gimar You've improved your armor I see. Did you learn any new weapons?
Rheaphlyndar Not yet, and no, I'm not interested in taking up the Battle-axe. I mostly worked on my "special" skills.
Jaron Like being a serving wench? I could use another ale here.
Nicola Ignore him. We were just discussing our return to the Temple.
Rheaphlyndar I suppose you guys have a plan to fight those Earth Elementals now?
Gimar We sure hope so.

After not much longer, the Biscuits turned in. Three days hence (the morning of Waterday) they resolved to leave Chendl to return to the Temple of Elemental Evil and finish what they had begun.

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Normal Text Character's words or descriptive text if part of a paragraph
Italic Text Character's thoughts or actions if surrounded by parenthesis
Bold Text Character is shouting.


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Quote: Gary