Episode 34
A Sumptuous Feast

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 5th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 5th Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 5th Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 5th Level (NPC)
Locale King's Arms Inn
Date 2nd day of Growfest, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time Evening

It was a warm day of Growfest. The farmers that were in town, picking up their last seeds and supplies, were a happy lot. Ahead of them was the first spring with no war in a few years. Many of the farmhands were home from the war, and although there was a somber tone for those who hadn't come home, the overall mood was joyous. Two days hence was the first day of Spring, which scholars called the Equinox. It was also Godsday, and there were religious festivities organized around the city.

Most of the biscuits sat around a large table at the King's Arms Inn. Heaped in front of them was a sumptuous feast of roast squirrel, garnished with Wickler cheese and hot spiced beans. The wait staff kept many the many flagons of Furyondian Applewine pouring, although Gimar stuck to a large tankard of Banthor's Best he had managed to acquire.

As they finished the main meal, they compared notes and stories from the previous six weeks.

Jaron That was some of the most satisfying training I've had in a while.
Wed Really? How so?
Jaron We did some of the standard drills, but we also went out on a few skirmishes to the north. I dare say that orcish patrol was not ready for a squad of adventurers and trained veterans, that's for sure.
Little John Gimar, remember when those orcs said we were "Pole-arm Pussies?"
Gimar I sure do. You took out half with your staff and I got the rest with my battle axe.
Jaron Ho! Haha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust!
Gimar I was especially interested in what that Ymaris Blue-Eyes was saying. It's refreshing to meet a half-elf who knows so much about bowmanship and isn't afraid to talk to a dwarf.
Little John Didn't he say he ran an archery school near here?
Jaron Yep, up near Highfolk. I daresay you wouldn't get quite as good a reception from the rest of the elves, though.
Gimar Probably true. Still, I would like to go pick up some of those bird quarrels he was talking about. Wed, tell us what you've learned my boy?
Wed I made a few trips to the southern branch of the Libary Temple. It is simply astounding how much knowledge has been gathered by this organization.
Nicola You are aware that it's a church, right?
Wed I am not concerned with who gathered the information, merely that it is available to me. I have managed to learn some new spells as well. I picked up Lightning Bolt in honor of Hannah.
Nicola Speaking of missing members, has anybody seen Rheaphlyndar?
Little John I haven't seen him in six weeks. Didn't the King say something about him, though?
Gimar I think he said he'd "see to his training".
Jaron If he doesn't return maybe we can replace him with a magical chime of door opening.
Nicola Bite your tongue. A good rogue is an important asset to any dungeon party.
Wed I would describe the Temple of Elemental Evil as a dungeon alright.
Gimar Maybe we should consider stopping at Claw Gorge on the way back. King Belvor tells me that his veterans were only able to find and defeat a few monsters, but the troubles there seem to continue. There are many more missing miners, and the limestone is consistently splintered and cracked.
Jaron That's quite strange. Do you believe the story of a curse?
Gimar Perhaps, but this seems like such a powerful effect.
Nicola Iuz is a demi-god, you know, and the gods are capable of just about anything.
Gimar Still, why curse a limestone quarry? Nicola, how was your training anyhow?
Nicola It was very hard for me to stay focused, but I did learn something when I wasn't out . . .
Wed Shopping!
Nicola Yeah, shopping. What can I say, I'm quite proficient. I found new rations for the party, right? I also found that bolt quiver for Gimar, and I got us quite a deal on that Magical Wand.
Gimar Somehow I think the "free recharge when you leave" had something to do with the King. Are you getting better at using it, then?
Nicola No question. If Pelor were to grant me a spell like that, the missiles would be miniature suns and would really hurt the undead.
Jaron Pray on that one then, sister. Ah, here's the dessert tray.

A cloaked figure arrived with a tray full of iced desserts and cakes.

Gimar (smiling) Gainfully employed at last, I see.
Rheaphlyndar (liftging the hood) I like to think of it as "under cover."
Nicola Rheaph the thief, how's it going?
Rheaphlyndar That's rogue, to you, and have I got a story to tell.
Little John Well pull up a chair.

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Italic Text Character's thoughts or actions if surrounded by parenthesis
Bold Text Character is shouting.


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Quote: Ryan