The Biscuits | Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC) Jaron - Paladin 5th Level (PC) Rheaphlyndar - Thief 8th Level (PC) Nicola - Cleric 5th Level (PC) Wed - Mage 5th Level (NPC) Little John - Fighter 5th Level (NPC) |
Locale | Just outside of Stalmaer |
Date | 18th day of Planting, 585 CY (Common Year) |
Time | early evening |
Rheaphlyndar and Jaron finished up their time in Chendl with some communications, and Nicola participated in the Godsday ceremonies at the Chendl church of Pelor. Gimar and Wed did a little additional research on Earth Elementals, and Little John was nowhere to be seen.
From there the party of adventurers travelled southwards. Along the way they passed many farmers who were out planting and tending their fields. Many along the way were short a farmhand or two, lost in the recent wars.
At Worlende, instead of continuing by horseback, they found a small fleet of barges making ready to travel down the Att River, which would lead them most of the way to Verbobonc. Rheaphlyndar completed the negotiations, using this opportunity to try out his disguise skills.
Rheaphlyndar | Are you interested in any extra guards for your barges? |
Barge Captain | No, not really; and I doubt we could afford adventurers such as yourselves. But I do have space for you and your horses at a reasonable rate. |
Rheaphlyndar | Is it a fast ship? |
Barge Captain | She's fast enough for you, old man. |
That night in Worlende the group heard a few rumours about the return of Thrommel, which they neither confirmed nor denied. Most of the talk was just wild speculation, rarely approaching the real truth.
The next morning they clambored aboard the lead barge of the group. The captain gave them some dire warnings about creatures that he called ankhegs which he'd seen by the river downstream. The party was alert but none of the beasties were seen.
Travelling by barge, the Biscuits got to see much more of Furyondy than their previous journey. The Att River was the dividing line between the Barony of Littleberg and the Viscounty of the March.
Along the way they stopped for the night at Pantarn. Wed was greatly impressed by the great stone Griffin Bridge, named for the find carvings of griffin heads at the corners.
Jaron | That's pretty cool. |
The flotilla passed by the city of Free Borough in the late evening. The twinkling lights were tempting, but the captain pushed on, citing good currents.
Nicola | I wonder if they have a Peloran church there? |
The next city along the journey was the Barony capital of Littleberg. The barges passed underneath the very bridges the party had crossed nearly two months before. There was much discussion of leaving the barge during the two days in town, but the rough landscape of the Rhavelle Holdings to the south discouraged the group in the end.
While staying in Littleberg, the party attended a celebration called Tanabat, or the Seven Sisters Festival, which involved much sampling of Furyondian wines and prayers for the vintage of the coming year. The gossip of Thrommels return had reached to here as well. Other rumors were heard about a rock formation to the south called Geshender's Needle.
Gimar | I wonder if it's related to the Moonarch? |
The barge continued downriver, a light spring rain dampening the decks but not the spirits of the Biscuits. When they were alone they discussed their tactics for battling the Earth Elementals and the Will'o Wisps.
After another bend in the river, the barge fleet pulled into Stalmaer, a small town by the junction of the Velverdyva River. To the east was the Gnarley Forest, to the south was the Temple. Gimar looked longingly downriver, towards Dyvers.
The party stayed just outside of town at a small travellers inn and tavern. It was very similar, in fact, to Zebel's place in Ryemend.
Wed | I wonder if this is some sort of franchise? |
Little John | Remember what happened the last time we stayed in a place like this? |
Suddenly a gnomish youth burst into the bar, shouting something about a monster. The fully armed and armored Biscuits charged out of the place, itching for some action.
Just down the block they found the monsters, terrorizing a wagon and the few commoners around it. All three of them closely resembled the Vulture-men the party had fought before.
Jaron | Vrocks! Charge! |
Gimar | (throwing his hand axe) Back, fiends! |
Little John | (charging) I have no fear. |
Wed | (casting) Eat magic missiles. |
Nicola | (drawing her wand) Good idea! |
5 [2+3] Wed Magic Missiles :3: 3d4+3=10 to Vrock 1 6 [3+3] Nicola Magic Missiles :12: 3d4+3=9 to Vrock 2 10 [8+4-2] Gimar Hand Axe :13-|0+5|:12: 1d4+10=11 to Vrock 3 * [*] John Quarterstaff :16-|0+4|:15: hit 1d6+4=5 to Vrock 1 5 [2+3] Wed Magic Missiles :10: 3d4+3=12 to Vrock 1 6 [3+3] Nicola Magic Missiles :9: 3d4+3=12 to Vrock 2 7 [1+6] Vrock 2 :12-|-2|:15: hit 1d8=4 to Jaron 7 [1+6] Vrock 3 :12-|0|:12: hit 1d6=4 to Gimar 8 [2+6] Vrock 3 :12-|0|:17: hit 1d4=1 to Gimar 8 [2+6] Vrock 3 :12-|0|:19: hit 1d8=5 to Gimar 9 [3+6] Vrock 1 :12-|2|:2: miss 9 [3+6] Vrock 1 :12-|2|:8: miss 10 [4+6] Vrock 1 :12-|2|:9: miss 10 [4+6] Vrock 2 :12-|-2|:20: crit(3) 1d8x2=16 to Jaron 11 [5+6] Vrock 1 :12-|2|:14: hit 1d6=4 to Little John 11 [5+6] Vrock 3 :12-|0|:11: miss 11 [5+6] Vrock 3 :12-|0|:6: miss 12 [6+6] Vrock 2 :12-|-2|:19: miss 12 [6+6] Vrock 2 :12-|-2|:20: crit(17) 1d4x3=12 to Jaron 14 [8+6] Vrock 1 :12-|2|:16: hit 1d8=4 to Little John 16 [10+6] Vrock 2 :12-|-2|:17: hit 1d6=2 to Jaron ** [**] Jaron L.Sword :16-|0+2|:**: hit 1d12+6=7 to Vrock 2 ** [**] Jaron L.Sword :16-|0+2|:**: hit 1d12+6=12, slaying Vrock 2 ** [**] Jaron L.Sword :16-|0+2|:**: hit 1d12+6=15, slaying Vrock 2 ** [**] Jaron L.Sword :16-|0+2|:**: hit 1d12+6=16, slaying Vrock 2 ** [**] Gimar changes weapons to Battle Axe
Jaron | Don't mess with Pelor, you fiend. |
Nicola | I think you got him, Jaron |
Wed | Hey, it looks like that one is trying to summon some friends. |
Nicola | What did he say? |
Gimar | Something like "Hey, slap-nuts, get over here." |
Rheaphlyndar | (from behind the summoning Vrock) Heeyahh! |
* [*] John Quarterstaff :16-|0+4|:10: miss 1 [1-2+2] Rheaphylander Dagger :17-|0+1|:19: backstab 1d3+1=4 x3=12 to Vrock 3 11 [4+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|0+5|:6: miss 12 [5+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|0+5|:5: miss 13 [10+3] Wed Magic Missiles :6: 3d4+3=10 to Vrock 3 14 [7+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|0+5|:9: 1d8+1d2+8=15, slaying Vrock 3 ** [**] Jaron L.Sword :16-|0+2|:7: miss ** [**] Jaron L.Sword :16-|0+2|:19: hit 1d12+6=9, slaying Vrock 1
Crowd | Hooray! |
Normal Text | Character's words or descriptive text if part of a paragraph |
Italic Text | Character's thoughts or actions if surrounded by parenthesis |
Bold Text | Character is shouting. |
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