The Biscuits | Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC) Jaron - Paladin 4th Level (PC) Rheaphlyndar - Thief 7th Level (PC) Nicola - Cleric 4th Level (PC) Wed - Mage 4th Level (NPC) Little John - Fighter 4th Level (NPC) Thrommel - Paladin (NPC) |
Locale | Arriving in Nulb |
Date | 22nd of Fireseek, 585 CY (Common Year) |
Time | Late-afternoon |
Outside the Temple, the weather was bright, if cold. Clearly it hadn't snowed in a few days, and there were no tracks around save those of small animals.
Gimar had given up his Heavy Warhorse to the paladin prince, and was riding one of his pack horses. Most of the dungeoneering goods were left behind, and Rheaphlyndar set a few traps for any two-legged pests that tried to get them.
During the short trip, Rheaphlyndar and Wed tried out various combinations of magic ring and bracers. Since Rheaphlyndar had no magic armor, he benefitted most from the ring, while Wed had the most boon from the bracers.
Gimar chose the cloak from the Medusa statue, which he packed away. Jaron spent his travel and break time removing the slime from his new wooden shield. Wed ended up with some of the mage scrolls, giving Gimar the scroll of elemental protection. Nicola claimed the remaining item, the magic short sword.
Nicola | Maybe I can trade this for a nice mace. |
Prince Thrommel was mostly silent on the journey, responding in mono-syllables to the rare question he was asked. His face was a mask of worry and shock, and his eyes looked far older than his youthful body.
Gimar | Nulb lies just over that hill, Sir Thrommel. |
Thrommel | Yes. Er, I've been thinking . . . |
Wed | (under his breath)That's an understatement. |
Thrommel | . . . I believe I should cover my face with a cloak. Please refer to me as Avras in public. |
Gimar | You are fearful of reprisals? |
Thrommel | Fearful would be too strong a word. For now, it pays to keep our options open. |
Nicola | Is Avras your given name? |
Thrommel | Quite right, lady Nicola. Once I take the throne I will be Thrommel the Fourth. |
The party crested the hill and saw bustling activity in Nulb. Gnomes were everywhere, with carpentry and masonry tools and sheafs of paper.
Gnome Foreman | Hail! You must be Gimar Gnome-friend. |
Gimar | Er, yes, I suppose. |
Gnome Foreman | We heard tell of your exploits. The new mayor would like to meet you at the tavern. |
Gimar | Now that's a good location for city hall. |
Jaron | All this in just 16 days. (under his breath) Busy little buggers. |
The party met with the self-described mayor, who bade them welcome. In fact, he proclaimed that the Biscuits may stay there for free anytime, thanks to their help in clearing the noxious undead (see episode 15). With a nod from Avras, Gimar accepted that invitation.
Nicola inquired about Mother Screng, and one of the gnomes mentioned that a person of that name had been found recently in Verbobonc, and efforts were being made to contact her. When the priest mentioned she was headed to Verbobonc, she was given the name of a contact there.
The gnome illusionist found Wed and they chatted at length about spells. The gnomish mage also pointed out a new shortcut that led to the main road to Verbobonc, bypassing the southward road through Hommlett. Wed thanked the gnome and brought his map up to date.
The Biscuits | Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC) Jaron - Paladin 4th Level (PC) Rheaphlyndar - Thief 7th Level (PC) Nicola - Cleric 4th Level (PC) Wed - Mage 4th Level (NPC) Little John - Fighter 4th Level (NPC) Thrommel - Paladin (NPC) |
Locale | Just outside Verbobonc |
Date | 23rd of Fireseek, 585 CY (Common Year) |
Time | Evening |
Although the party left early the next morning, their departure was marked by tapping hammers and grunting laborers. The gnomish shortcut was easily followed, despite the sprinkling of snow during the night. There were no surprise encounters along the path.
During the afternoon the rolling hills became lower and less pronounced, giving way to what were obviously tilled fields, covered in snow. The occasional farmstead was seen, but few travellers or merchants went along this road during the winter.
The lights of the city were seen first. The party was stopped at the southernmost gate, the High Gate, and asked their business.
Gimar | Adventurers, travelling through to Chendl. |
Guard | Sign in please. Lodging plans? |
Avras | Is the Riverside Inn still in operation? |
Guard | Aye. Next, please. |
Thrommel led the party through town, to the Riverside Inn. Gimar paid the tab, and after a quick planning session most of the party hit the hay pretty hard. Rheaphlyndar took advantage of the late hour to find a contact, who agreed to meet with him at two bells past midnight. He then returned to the inn to sleep until then.
Over breakfast, the Biscuits had a quick discussion with Thrommel. It seemed that most of the party had their own separate agendas for the time they were in town.
Avras | I will be meeting with Viscount Wilfrick. |
Nicola | I should visit the Church of Pelor and catch up on my studies. |
Wed | Speaking of studies, I've read good things about the Academy of Farsight. |
Jaron | I'll be heading out to Hamstid's Horse Stables to groom my warhorse. |
Gimar | I have an appointment with the Viscount's adviser, Lerrick. |
Rheaphlyndar | (just arriving) Morning all. I have found a fence and should be able to convert much of our treasure cache today. |
Avras | I suggest we meet this evening at a little spot I know that's across the river from here in Ryemend. That way we can set out in the morning without waiting for a barge. The inn is called Zebel's Maroon Mon. |
Little John | Fine with me, jack. I'm headed there now to catch up on some shut-eye. |
The Biscuits | Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC) Jaron - Paladin 4th Level (PC) Rheaphlyndar - Thief 7th Level (PC) Nicola - Cleric 4th Level (PC) Wed - Mage 4th Level (NPC) Little John - Fighter 4th Level (NPC) Thrommel - Paladin (NPC) |
Locale | Ryemend |
Date | 24th of Fireseek, 585 CY (Common Year) |
Time | Early Evening |
Zebel's was a gnomish inn, so Gimar felt right at home. There were dwarves, also, from the granite quarries to the southwest, and even a few elves. The layout was somewhat convoluted but Little John had found a large table that dominated one of the side rooms. The service was good, and most of the party reported success in their ventures. Jaron had purchased a good warhorse to lend to the Prince, and his pocketbook was refilled when Rheaphlyndar showed up and dolled out purses to the party members, each fat with small gems and coins.
The festivities of the second main course were interrupted by a gnomish youth, who burst into the bar shouting something about an attack by a monster.
Wed | (well into his cups) What kind of monster is he? A ghoul? A demon? A spook, or . . . ? |
Wed's interjection was cut short as various members of the Biscuits, along with a few others at the bar, claimed their checked weapons and quickly headed out after the messenger.
The flames on the western edge of town were soon visible. The rag-tag bunch charged down the streets, snapping armor and adjusting helmets. What they saw next caused them to stop in their tracks.
The leader appeared to be over nine feet tall, with six arms and a head that looked like a goat-horned dog. Two of the arms ended in great pinchers, already stained with fresh blood. At the creatures side were two other beasts, best described as "Vulture-Men". All three were in the process of razing buildings and slaying any Ryemenders that stood in their way.
Normal Text | Character's words or descriptive text if part of a paragraph |
Italic Text | Character's thoughts or actions if surrounded by parenthesis |
Bold Text | Character is shouting. |
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