Episode 15
A Side Adventure in Nulb

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 3rd Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 7th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 1st Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 3rd Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 4th Level (NPC)
Locale Just outside of Nulb
Date 5th of Fireseek, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time Early evening

The party agreed to help the Gnomes clear out the undead from this village, and returned to their campsight with them. Over the fire they discussed their past adventures, legends and rumours, and battle tactics for the next days fight. Three of the five gnomes were warriors, one was a rogue and one an illusionist. The illusionist mostly directed traffic, as the undead were quite immune to his magery.

Gimar went to his pack-horse and brought the silvered weapons he had borrowed from Gelfant. With him there was a silvered long sword, short sword, and two daggers.

Gnome Illusionist We've only run into ghasts, ghouls and zombies so far, so I don't think you'll need any silvered weapons.
Gimar Well, better safe than sorry I say. My smith Gelfant and his helper Dean made them.
Gnome Illusionist Will Dean be a smith someday?
Gimar Probably.

Gimar distributed a long sword to Jaron, a short sword to one of the Gnomes and daggers to Rheaphlyndar and Wed. No troublesome monsters vexed the party or gnomes that night, and in the morning they discussed their tactics & strategies over a quick breakfast.

Jaron Seems like that tavern is the largest building remaining, so it will probably house the most undead.
Gnome Fighter That's what we figured also. However, some of the houses have had root cellars, and the nasty ghouls have been hiding down there.
Nicola What do you do about the paralyzation?
Gnome Illusionist Mostly if one of us gets paralyzed I go pull them out of combat. Ghouls mostly try to paralyze the group for their later eating, but if they realize the battle is turning against them they get nasty and occasionally inflict damage on the paralyzed one.
Gnome Thief Usually if two of us go down with paralyzation we grab them and make a hasty retreat.
Rheaphlyndar What about backstabs?
Gnome Thief The humans who created this settlement were real good about strong oak beams over doorways. I've been very successful climbing up above the doorways and jumping down for a backstab on the lead critter.
Gimar So, where should we start?
Gnome Illusionist I believe we should come at the tavern from the side, perhaps the river. How about this building with the peak roof down by the river?

The group headed for that building. The horses were left just behind the building, near the stream, which they could cross if necessary.

Entering the building, the war party found it empty. After a quick discussion it was decided to head along the brook to the taverns outbuilding, which was also found to be deserted. A back entrance stood nearby, and the group entered the main building next.

This small kitchen area was deserted, with doors leaading to an office and the tavern common room. The office was found to be empty as well, then the group headed for the common room.

The first thing to hit the group upon entering the common area was the smell. The carrion stench caused Wed and Nicola to begin retching; only one of the Gnome Fighters and the Illusionist were unaffected.

Jaron Let's even this fight. (striding forth) Begone in the Light of Pelor!

The Ghast and half the Ghouls in the room turned and fled, heading for the entryway. The Wight and the other four Ghouls strode forward into combat.

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :17-|6+4|:12: hit  1d6+4=9, slaying Ghoul 1
 3 [2+1] Wed Magic Missile 2d4+2=6 on the Wight
 5 [1-1+3+2] Gnome B Short Sword :18-|6+1-2|:14: hit  1d6+1=7 on Ghoul 3
 6 [2-1+3+2] Gnome A Short Sword :18-|6+1-2|:6:  miss
 6 [4-1+3] Gnome C Short Sword :18-|6+1|:9:  miss
 7 [1+6] Wight :15-|0|:8:  miss
 9 [2+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|5+5|:16: hit  1d8+1d2+8=12 on Wight
10 [7-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :18-|6+2|:20: critical(18)  3x1d8+4=25, slaying Ghoul 2
13 [6+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|5+5|:16: hit  1d8+1d2+8=12 on Wight
13 [7+6] Ghoul 3 Left Claw :19-|4|:17: hit  1d3=3 + Paralyze on Gnome A
13 [7+6] Ghoul 3 Right Claw :19-|4|:19: hit  1d3=1 + Paralyze on Gnome A
14 [8+6] Ghoul 3 Bite :19-|4|:5:  miss
15 [9+6] Ghoul 4 Left Claw :19-|4|:19: hit  1d3=1 + Paralyze on Gnome C
15 [9+6] Ghoul 4 Right Claw :19-|4|:12: miss
16 [10+6] Ghoul 4 Bite :19-|4|:10: miss
16 [9+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|5+5|:19: hit  1d8+1d2+8=12, slaying Wight

The gnomish fighter did not succumb to the touch of the ghoul, and he battled bravely on.

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :17-|6+4|:5: miss
 7 [3-1+3+2] Gnome A Short Sword :18-|6+1-2|:13: hit 1d6+1=3 on Ghoul 3
 7 [3-1+3+2] Gnome B Short Sword :18-|6+1-2|:20: critical(9) 2x1d6+1=13, slaying Ghoul 3
 7 [7] Jaron Shield Punch :18-|6|:3:  miss
 8 [1+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|6+5|:9: hit  1d8+1d2+8=16, slaying Ghoul 4

A half-elf and a gnome stepped from the shadows.

Rheaphlyndar Nice shots Gimar. You didn't exactly let us have any fun though.
Gimar I suspect your time will come.
Jaron (laying on hands) Let me heal you, sir gnome.
Gnome Warrior Ah, that feels better. I for one am glad the stench of that wight is dissipating. That must be the toughest undead we've seen out here.
Gimar OK, let's get into that entryway next.

The group found and dispatched the remaining ghouls and the ghast. The rest of the inn was found to be devoid of the undead, and the Illusionist crossed it off on his map.

Next the party worked its way through the other houses on the southwest side of the road. Only a few zombies were found and quickly put to rest.

A midday break was in order, and everybody chipped in and created a picnic near the tavern.

Rheaphlyndar I've got some beer here. I guess the undead don't have need for spirits, eh?
Nicola You ought to be slain for that one. (mocks turning) Begone in the Light of Pelor! Oh, you're still here.
Rheaphlyndar Darling, the only ghoul in the house is you!
Jaron (chuckling) Looks like there's just a few homes to cover on this side of the river, and maybe four shacks on the other side.
Gnome Thief I've heard tales of the undead that could not cross running water.
Rheaphlyndar Oh those would be vampires. Let me tell you a story of what happened to the last vampire we ran across . . .

After a lunch break and a minor curing spell for one of the gnomish warriors, the war party set off on a house-to-house. The first house they entered contained that familiar ghastly smell, however. This time Little John, Nicola, Rheaphlyndar, and all of the Gnomes were hacking and coughing.

Nicola There goes lunch.
Jaron I'm on the job. (turning) Back foul spawn of darkness.

Again four of the ghouls turned to leave, but stood clawing at the rear wall of the house instead. The party pressed the attack.

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :17-|6+4-2|:17:  hit 1d6+4=10, slaying ghoul 1
 4 [4] Jaron Shield Punch :18-|6|:4:  miss
 5 [2-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :18-|6+2|:16:  hit 1d8+4=5 to ghoul 2
 7 [1+6] Ghoul 3 Left Claw :19-|4|:20:  critical(16) 2x1d3=4 + Paralyze to Rheaphlyndar
 7 [1+6] Ghoul 3 Right Claw :19-|4|:7:  miss
 8 [2+6] Ghoul 3 Bite :19-|4|:8:  miss
 8 [2+6] Ghoul 6 Left Claw :19-|4|:6:  miss
 8 [2+6] Ghoul 6 Right Claw :19-|4|:9:  miss
 8 [6-2+2+2] Rheaphylander Dagger :17-|6-2|:3:  miss
 9 [3+6] Ghoul 5 Left Claw :19-|4|:10:  miss
 9 [3+6] Ghoul 5 Right Claw :19-|4|:4:  miss
 9 [3+6] Ghoul 6 Bite :19-|4|:13:  miss
10 [4+6] Ghoul 5 Bite :19-|4|:2:  miss
10 [6-1+3+2] Gnome A Short Sword :18-|6+1-2|:1: fumble(2) weapon saved(10)
11 [10+1] Wed Magic Missile 2d4+2=6 to the ghast
11 [7-1+3+2] Gnome B Short Sword :18-|6+1-2|:4: miss
12 [7+3+2] Nicola Holy Water :20-|4-2|:13:  miss, splash miss
12 [8-1+3+2] Gnome C Short Sword :18-|6+1-2|:2:  miss
12 [9-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :18-|6+2|:1:  fumble(2) weapon saved(14)
14 [7+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|4+5|:9: hit 1d8+1d2+8=14 to ghast
14 [8+6] Ghast Left Claw :17-|0|:1:  fumble(19) no further effect
15 [8+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|4+5|:12: hit 1d8+1d2+8=18, slaying ghast
15 [9+6] Ghoul 2 Left Claw :19-|0-1|:20:  hit 1d3=3 + Paralyze to Jaron
15 [9+6] Ghoul 2 Right Claw :19-|0-1|:1:  fumble (17) no further effect
15 [9+6] Ghoul 4 Left Claw :19-|4|:17: hit 1d3=1 + Paralyze to Gnome a
15 [9+6] Ghoul 4 Right Claw :19-|4|:11: miss
16 [10+6] Ghoul 4 Bite :19-|4|:15: hit 1d6=4 + Paralyze to Gnome a

Neither Jaron nor the gnome began to stiffen from the effects of ghoulish paralyzation, so the attack was pressed.

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :17-|6+4-2|:14:  hit 1d6+4=6 to ghoul 5
 3 [3] Jaron Shield Punch :18-|6|:17:  d6=4 to ghoul 2
 5 [1-1+3+2] Gnome A Short Sword :18-|6+1-2|:8: miss
 5 [1-1+3+2] Gnome C Short Sword :18-|6+1-2|:9: miss
 6 [2-1+3+2] Gnome B Short Sword :18-|6+1-2|:7: miss
 7 [1+6] Ghoul 6 Left Claw :19-|4|:17:  hit 1d3=2 + Paralyze to Gnome C
 7 [1+6] Ghoul 6 Right Claw :19-|4|:13:  miss
 7 [4-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :18-|6+2|:10:  hit 1d8+4=10, slaying ghoul 2
 8 [2+6] Ghoul 6 Bite :19-|4|:20:  critical(15) 2x1d6=6 + Paralyze go Gnome C
 9 [7-2+2+2] Rheaphylander Dagger :17-|6-2|:16:  1d4=2 to ghoul 3
10 [3+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|6+5|:12: hit 1d8+1d2+8=14, slaying ghoul 6
10 [4+6] Ghoul 5 Left Claw :19-|4|:8:  miss
10 [4+6] Ghoul 5 Right Claw :19-|4|:1:  fumble(8) hits Gnome B for 1d3=2 + Paralyze
11 [4+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|6+5|:3: hit 1d8+1d2+8=11, slaying ghoul 5
12 [5+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|6+5|:4: hit 1d8+1d2+8=14, slaying ghoul 4
13 [10-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :18-|6+2|:10:  hit 1d8+4=6, slaying ghoul 3

One of the Gnomish warriors stiffened up from the ghouls Paralyzation.

Gnome Illusionist This usually goes away in five minutes or so. Go ahead and check the rest of the house; I'll stay here and watch him.
Nicola (addressing another gnomish warrior) Looks like you could use a minor healing spell. I'll stay here as well.
Rheaphlyndar This place is sure bigger than it seems on the outside.
Jaron The rest of the ghouls went this way. Charge!

Once again, the party quickly dispatched the remaining ghouls. Only a few zombies were found in the remaining homes on this side of the stream. They were laid to rest, at which point the party quickly crossed the bridge to clear out the other houses.

Finally the map was cleared and the town was declared free of undead influence. Some members of the war party rested near Mother Screng's Herb Shop while the rest went house to house one more time. No shouts were heard however and within the hour all had convened again.

Nicola Say, this sign on the door is black with seven stars. I seem to remember that was for Celestian.
Rheaphlyndar Who's that?
Nicola A deity. You know, Celestian, The Star Wanderer.

A flash was seen on the door, and on a hunch Nicola pushed it open.

Nicola Say, that was the password for the Glyph!
Gimar Cool, I think I'll come in.
Nicola Hold up Gimar, the pass is only good for a short time. (flash) I would bet it is activated again. I'll just take a quick look around.

Nicola found nobody home, and this was indeed an herb shop. Nicola's proficiency in herbalism allowed her to pick through and replenish her healing kit with some needed herbs. Afterward she deactivated the Glyph again and exited the building.

Nicola No undead in there, just herbs. I would like to meet this Mother Screng sometime, though.
Gimar She probably fled the undead invasion, protecting her house in the process.
Gnome Illusionist Yeah, and after we get word to Verbobonc it's possible she'll come back.
Nicola Good, maybe we can stop back here after exploring the temple.
Gnome Thief Oh that's right, you guys are headed to the temple. It's about a two hour trip down that side road, not counting wandering monsters. We plan to make camp here and head out in the morning if you'd like to stay with us for another night.
Gimar Sounds good to me. In the morning we head for the temple at last!

Read the preceding or succeeding episode, or return to the index.

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Italic Text Character's thoughts or actions if surrounded by parenthesis
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