Episode 14
The Road to the Temple

The Biscuits Rheaphlyndar - Thief 4th Level (PC)
Locale Dyvers, Rheaphlyndar's room.
Date 5th of Needfest, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time Early evening

In Dyvers, Rheaphlyndar went back to his room early.

Rheaphlyndar That earth wine did a number on me last night guys. I'll catch you in the morning

Once back in his room, he reached into his backpack and removed the card he had removed from G'Leina's deck the day before. Muttering a quick prayer to the gods to avoid the Void, he turned the card over.

The image on the card was of the bright and glorious sun at dawn, the red rays stretching from the horizon. Rheaphlyndar smiled and felt the luck of the gods had truly smiled on him. He went to his closet to hang up his studded leather for the night and spied an eyepatch. He put it on, and looked in a nearby mirror.

Rheaphlyndar I'm looking good. I feel good too!

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 3rd Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 7th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 1st Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 3rd Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 4th Level (NPC)
Locale On the road to Hommlet
Date 7th of Needfest, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time Midday

The weather had been decent, with spots of rain, and the Biscuits made good progress through the Gnarley Forest. They had entered the forest this morning, after making camp just outside. The track was quite visible, but very overgrown, and some of the party wondered aloud if they should have hired a tracker.

Little John I know these woods pretty well, and this track was made by many wagons, so it won't disappear too soon.
Nicola Uh, Rheaphlyndar?
Rheaphlyndar Yep.
Nicola Didn't you have that patch on your left eye yesterday? And I am pretty sure that you weren't wearing it at all a two days ago.
Rheaphlyndar (chuckling) I don't know what you're talking about.
Gimar So, you're the only female in the party now.
Nicola Hey, you don't have to worry about me in a bar. One look at this face and they'll run away, fast.
Jaron It's not the face that counts, it's the personality.
Nicola Spoken like a true gentleman.
Wed You do have a good sense of humour.
Nicola Sure, and I'm height-weight proportionate too. Give it a rest, guys.
Wed Look out behind you!

Jaron and Gimar raised their crossbows as one, firing a volley over Nicola's shoulder and into these new opponents -- Spiders!

10 [3+7] Gimar L.Crossbow :13-|4|:12:  hit, 1d4=4 on #1
13 [5-2+10] Jaron H.Crossbow :18-|4+3|:6:  miss

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :16-|4+4|:12:  hit, 1d6+5=10, slaying #1
 5 [3-2+4] Rheaphylander Quarterstaff :17-|4|:9:  miss
 7 [4+6] Giant Spider #6  :17-|0|:20:  critical (13) 2x1d8=16 on Gimar + Poison Save
 7 [6+1] Wed casts Magic Missile at #2: 2d4+2=9
 9 [2+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|4+5|:14:  hit, 1d8+1d2+8=18, slaying #2
 9 [6-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :18-|4+2|:5:  miss
10 [3+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|4+5|:9:  hit, 1d8+1d2+8=16, slaying #7
14 [6+6] Giant Spider #5  :17-|4|:2:  miss
14 [7+6] Giant Spider #4  :17-|5|:8:  miss
15 [6+6] Giant Spider #3  :17-|0|:9:  miss
15 [9-1+7] Nicola Mace :20-|4+1|:6:  miss

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :16-|4+4|:13: hit, 1d6+5=10 on #6
 2 [1+1] Wed casts Magic Missile at #4: 2d4+2=9
 3 [1-2+4] Rheaphylander Quarterstaff :17-|4|:20: critical(8) 2x1d6=12 on #5
 7 [7] Jaron Shield Punch :18-|4|:17:  hit, 1d6=6 on #3
 8 [5-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :18-|4+2|:5:  hit, 1d8+4=12, slaying #3
10 [3+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|4+5|:10:  hit, 1d8+1d2+8=16, slaying #4
10 [4-1+7] Nicola Mace :20-|4+1|:11:  miss
12 [6+6] Giant Spider #6  :17-|4|:20: critical(10) 2x1d8=12 on John + Poison Save
13 [6+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|4+5|:16:  hit, 1d8+1d2+8=14, slaying #6
14 [5+6] Giant Spider #5  :17-|0|:12:  miss

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :16-|4+4|:18:  hit, 1d6+5=10 on #5
 2 [2] Jaron Shield Punch :18-|4|:4:  miss
 6 [4-2+4] Rheaphylander Quarterstaff :17-|4|:3:  miss
 9 [6-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :18-|4+2|:12:  1d8+4=7, slaying #5

Gimar quickly broke out a shot of Keoughtom's Ointment, handing it to Nicola. Rheaphlyndar seemed to peer into the woods, then strode purposefully towards the webs. He got hung up a few times, but Gimar helped him out and soon he reached the center of the web, where he had spied a skeleton, one of the spiders victims.

Rheaphlyndar Hey, this guys got treasure!

All tolled, 84 Gold Orbs and 120 Silver Nobles were found.

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 3rd Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 7th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 1st Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 3rd Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 4th Level (NPC)
Locale On the road to Hommlet
Date 2nd of Fireseek, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time Midday

The small village of Sobanwych grew smaller on the road behind, if it was possible for the nearly deserted town to get any smaller. Only a very few farmers were there, along with a mayor and a druid. They didn't know anything about Nulb, the next town up the road, but they also had not seen any of the rumoured undead legions or other abnormal beasties. Only the occasional hungry wolves or other forst creatures.

The party had stayed the night at the mayors house, and would have eaten rations from their packs had Jaron and Gimar not brought down a boar.

None of the few farmers in the village knew anything of the Temple of Elemental Evil besides the occasional historical notes, which matched what the party already had. They were eager for news of the world, as the last caravan had arrived in town years ago. The group filled them in as best they could, then left the town in late morning.

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 3rd Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 7th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 1st Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 3rd Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 4th Level (NPC)
Locale On the road to Hommlet
Date 3rd of Fireseek, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time Evening

Just as the group was looking about for a clearing to pitch their tents, they heard the sounds of combat. Voices that sounded distinctly goblinoid.

Jaron Let's go!

The party jumped off their horses and charged into the fray. But topping a hillock, they spotted a most curious sight. Only one goblin out of a war party was still alive, but being bludgeoned to death by a tree!

Nicola Holy Light, what is that thing?
Gimar I've heard of those, it's called a Treant. And since that goblin's dead, maybe we can go talk to it. I've heard they're quite wise.
Wed Hmmm...

The party advanced into the clearing. Rheaphlyndar quickly darted about, collecting the meager treasure of the goblins. Gimar stood and adressed the tree.

Gimar Tree! What are you up to?
Tree Grrrrrr.
Gimar Hey, I think that tree just growled at me.
Jaron Hmmm, I can't see any evil. Let me try to talk to it. Tree!
Tree Get . . . Him . . . Away . . . From . . . Here.
Jaron You know, Gimar, I don't think this tree likes you. Maybe it's that big axe you're carrying.
Gimar Harumph, like I would hurt a tree. OK, I'll be over here.
Rheaphlyndar Oh great tree, what is your name.
Tree Tabonga . . . Now . . . Leave.
Jaron Will you give us any wisdom?
Tabonga No . . . Leave . . . Now
Rheaphlyndar I am getting the idea we should be leaving.
Gimar If you people feel like chopping wood I don't mind a little exercise.
Tabonga Grrrrrr.

Gimar led the party away from that clearing and found another to pitch camp.

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 3rd Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 7th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 1st Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 3rd Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 4th Level (NPC)
Locale On the road to Hommlet
Date 5th of Fireseek, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time Late afternoon

With the town of Nulb nearing on the horizon, the group saw a party of Gnomes approaching. Gimar hailed them, pulling his pendant from under his armor.

Gimar Hail!
Gnome Hail, Gnome-friend.
Gimar What news from Nulb?
Another Gnome We've slain fully half the town population by now.
Jaron What?!?
Yet Another Gnome Hold, warrior. The residents of this town have long since fled, and all that remain are the undead. They don't come out much during the daytime, though, so we usually just go house to house. Sparky over there casts a silence spell so the other undead don't get riled up, and we slay them all.
Another Gnome Maybe it's more like two-thirds.
Gnome We've stayed away from the waterfront hostel and surrounding buildings. Here, I can show you a map. We've marked the tavern as 1, and we've cleaned out the smithy, which is number 2. The door to Mother Screng's Herb Shop is sealed with a glyph here at number 3, and we just finished wiping out the undead at the the market which is number 4.
Another Gnome Actually, I think it is three-fifths.
Yet Another Gnome So, are you interested in helping us finish the slaughter?
Gimar Actually we are headed to Hommlet, then the Temple of Elemental Evil.
Gnome That would be out of your way. The Temple lies just SW of this town, and in fact that's probably where most of these undead originally came from.
Gimar Hmmm, let me talk over your proposal with my group here.

Read the preceding or succeeding episode, or return to the index.

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Italic Text Character's thoughts or actions if surrounded by parenthesis
Bold Text Character is shouting.


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Quote: (Mike)