Episode 28
Demon Battle!

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 4th Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 7th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 4th Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 4th Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 4th Level (NPC)
Thrommel - Paladin (NPC)
Locale Ryemend
Date 24th of Fireseek, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time Moments later

The leader appeared to be over nine feet tall, with six arms and a head that looked like a goat-horned dog. Two of the arms ended in great pinchers, already stained with fresh blood. At the creatures side were two other beasts, best described as "Vulture-Men". All three were in the process of razing buildings and slaying any Ryemenders that stood in their way. The larger Demon was pointing a finger and flames were dancing along from the buildings to the horses to the people.

Jaron I wish I had found a magic sword today. Pelor protect me! Back you evil spawn!

Jaron charged immediately to the left, and Thrommel to the right, both aiming to save innocent villagers. Nicola threw a quick Bless spell, Wed dug into his scroll case, and Little John advanced, staff in hand. Of Gimar only a blur was seen, for the dwarf had gone invisible.

The Demons turned to battle their fresh attackers, and a deep voice seemed to issue from the main Demon and the ground in front of the party simultaneously.

Glabrezu More puny beings for my glorious conquest. Humans are such easy prey! I shall squash your dwarf first.

Gimar, seeing that his invisibility was no match for this summoned evil, attacked immediately, with Little John by his side.

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :17-|-4+4|:7: miss
 7 [1+6] Glabrezu :10-|0|:3:  miss
 8 [1+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-4+5|:1:  fumble(6) 12 pts to Little John (16 saves)
 9 [3+6] Glabrezu :10-|0|:18:  1-3=3 pts to Gimar
 9 [3+6] Glabrezu :10-|0|:9:  miss
10 [4+6] Glabrezu :10-|0|:11:  2-5=5 pts to Gimar
11 [5+6] Glabrezu :10-|0|:11:  2-12=8 pts to Gimar
Gimar cursed the Demon's sharp pincer and the new hole in his armor plating. A low rumbling laughters was his only response.

Thrommel attempted to turn the Demon with an oath to Heironeous. The vulture-headed monstrosity was unfazed, however.

Nicola and Wed both advanced and touched the battling warriors, giving Healing to Gimar and Strength to Little John, respectively. The Demon chose to turn its attacks to Little John.

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :17-|-4+4+2|:9:  miss
 8 [2+6] Glabrezu :10-|2|:16:  1-3=3 pts to Little John
11 [4+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-4+5|:20: critical(14) 2x(1d8+1d2)+8=28 pts to Glabrezu
13 [7+6] Glabrezu :10-|2|:14:  2-12=10 pts to Little John
13 [7+6] Glabrezu :10-|2|:1:  fumble (11) Little John +1 next attack
15 [8+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-4+5|:5:  miss
Gimars hit was intended to turn the pincered Demon into stone, but there was a blue flash and the Glabrezu battled on.

It was quite surprised, however, when a half-elven rogue leapt from a nearby burning building, burying two daggers into its back.

   [*] Rheaphylander Silvered Dagger :17-|-4+4|:17:  1d3x3=6 pts to Glabrezu
   [*] Rheaphylander +1 Dagger :17-|-3+5-2|:18:  1d3x3=3 pts to Glabrezu

Rheaphlyndar Silvered weapons can hit these guys! Attack!
Glabrezu Rogue, it is your turn to die!

The dog-faced Demon summoned a patch of darkness around it and Rheaphlyndar. Little John fell back for healing and Gimar charged forward, shouting for light. Having cleared most of the innocents, the paladins both charged into the fray and were met by the vulture-headed Vrocks.

 6 [4+2] Wed casts Light on Glabrezu, dispelling darkness
 8 [2+6] Vrock 1 :12-|-2-1|:5:  miss
 9 [2+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-4+5|:7:  miss
 9 [3+6] Glabrezu :10-|2|:9:  2-5=5 pts to Rheaphlyndar
 9 [3+6] Vrock 1 :12-|-2-1|:9:  miss
 9 [3+6] Vrock 1 :12-|-2-1|:6:  miss
11 [4+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|-4+5|:15:  1d8+1d2+8=15 pts to Glabrezu
11 [5+6] Glabrezu :10-|2|:7:  miss
11 [5+6] Vrock 1 :12-|-2-1|:16:  1-6=2 pts to Jaron
12 [6+6] Glabrezu :10-|2|:4:  miss
12 [6+6] Vrock 2 :12-|0-1|:4:  miss
12 [6+6] Vrock 2 :12-|0-1|:13:  1-8=7 pts to Thrommel
12 [9-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :17-|0+2|:1:  fumble (13) Vrock 1 gets +3
13 [7+6] Glabrezu :10-|2|:15:  1-3=1 pt to Rheaphlyndar
14 [8+6] Glabrezu :10-|2|:11:  2-12=8 pts to Rheaphlyndar
14 [8+6] Vrock 2 :12-|0-1|:5:  1-8=8 pts to Thrommel
15 [9+6] Vrock 1 :12-|-2-1+3|:20:  critical 2x1-8=14 pts to Jaron
16 [10+6] Vrock 2 :12-|0-1|:17:  1-4=2 pts to Thrommel
16 [10+6] Vrock 2 :12-|0-1|:8:  miss
 * [**] Avras Fragrach :12-|0|:**: 1d12+4=9 pts to Vrock 2
 * [**] Avras Fragrach :12-|0|:**: 1d12+4=8 pts to Vrock 2
 * [**] Avras Fragrach :12-|0|:**: 1d12+4=8 pts to Vrock 2

Glabrezu I grow weary of this combat. Away, all of you.

The fear affect rippled through the melee, and only Nicola and Little John were immune to its effect. Nicola quickly turned to cast a Remove Fear on Gimar, but his speed boots had him quickly out of her range. She settled instead on the mage, who wasn't running all that fast.

The pincered Demon seemed to be concentrating on some sort of magical gate that it was forming.

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :17-|-4+4+2|:13:  miss
 3 [2+1] Wed casts Magic Missile =6 pts to Glabrezu
 5 [2-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :17-|0+2|:4:  miss
 7 [1+6] Vrock 1 :12-|-2-1|:7:  miss
 8 [5-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :17-|0+2|:13:  miss
 9 [3+6] Vrock 2 :12-|0-1|:3:  miss
 9 [3+6] Vrock 2 :12-|0-1|:5:  miss
11 [5+6] Vrock 1 :12-|-2-1|:15:  1-8=6 pts to Jaron
12 [6+6] Vrock 2 :12-|0-1|:6:  miss
14 [8+6] Vrock 1 :12-|-2-1|:14:  miss
14 [8+6] Vrock 2 :12-|0-1|:18:  1-4=1 pt to Avras
15 [9+6] Vrock 1 :12-|-2-1|:7:  miss
15 [9+6] Vrock 2 :12-|0-1|:8:  miss
16 [10+6] Vrock 1 :12-|0|:3:  miss
 * [**] Avras Fragrach :12-|0|:**: 1d12+4=15 pts to Vrock2, slaying it
The Vrock that was slain by Thrommel disappeared in a flash of orange light, and the paladin darted out of sight to the north. The Glabrezu grimaced with Wed's missile hits, but continued to concentrate on the gate.

Nicola We must stop it before it can finish that gate!

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :17-|-4+4+2|:19:  1d6+8=6 pts to Glabrezu
 8 [1+7] Nicola Mace :18-|-4|:6:  miss
 9 [3+6] Vrock :12-|-2-1|:18:  1-4=3 pts to Jaron
 9 [6-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :17-|0+2|:13:  miss
 9 [8+1] Wed Magic Missile=7 pts, slaying Glabrezu
10 [4+6] Vrock :12-|-2-1|:4:  miss
12 [6+6] Vrock :12-|-2-1|:16:  1-4=4 pts to Jaron
12 [6+6] Vrock :12-|-2-1|:16:  1-6=1 pts to Jaron
12 [6+6] Vrock :12-|-2-1|:6:  miss
The Glabrezu also vanished in an orange flash, and the unfinished portal vanished with it. Thrommel appeared to the west, running past Jaron and carrying a small child. Little John, Nicola, and Wed rushed over to battle the sole remaining Demon. Also arriving on the scene was a certain Rogue, daggers in hand.

 3 [3-2+2] Rheaphylander Thrown Dagger :17-|0|:8:  miss
 4 [4-2+2] Rheaphylander Thrown Dagger :17-|0+1|:18:  1d3=3 pts to Vrock
10 [4+6] Vrock :12-|-2-1|:17:  1-6=2 pts to Jaron
11 [5+6] Vrock :12-|-2-1|:17:  1-4=1 pt to Jaron
11 [5+6] Vrock :12-|-2-1|:3:  miss
13 [10-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :17-|0+2|:9:  miss
14 [8+6] Vrock :12-|-2-1|:5:  miss
14 [8+6] Vrock :12-|-2-1|:7:  miss

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :17-|0+4+2|:13:  1d6+8=14 pts to Vrock
 4 [1-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :17-|0+2|:3:  miss
 5 [2-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :17-|0+2|:19:  1d12+4=9 pts to Vrock
 9 [8+1] Wed Magic Missile=6 pts to Vrock
10 [3+7] Nicola Mace :18-|0|:4:  miss
10 [4+6] Vrock :12-|-2-1|:16:  1-4=3 pts to Jaron
12 [6+6] Vrock :12-|-2-1|:15:  1-8=2 pts to Jaron
15 [9+6] Vrock :12-|-2-1|:17:  1-6=4 pts to Jaron
15 [9+6] Vrock :12-|-2-1|:9:  miss
16 [10+6] Vrock :12-|-2-1|:5:  miss

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :17-|0+4+2|:4:  miss
 8 [2+6] Vrock :12-|-2-1|:11:  miss
 9 [2+7] Nicola Mace :18-|0|:5:  miss
 9 [6-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :17-|0+2|:14:  miss
12 [9-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :17-|0+2|:1:  miss
13 [7+6] Vrock :12-|-2-1|:19:  1-4=3 pts to Jaron
13 [7+6] Vrock :12-|-2-1|:4:  miss
15 [9+6] Vrock :12-|-2-1|:8:  miss
16 [10+6] Vrock :12-|-2-1|:12:  miss
** [**] Avras :12-|0|:19:  1d12+4=5 pts, slaying Vrock
The remaining Vrock vanished in the now familiar flash of orange light. Jaron waved off Nicola as she came to tend to him, indicating the crying villagers nearby instead. As he cleaned his sword he grumbled and then followed over to help the villagers.

An hour later, with all the fires put out and most of the Ryemenders bandaged, the party met again at Zebel's Maroon Mon. The mood was somewhat less than jovial.

Jaron So you see, I need to find a magical weapon. Is Fragarach your holy sword?
Avras No, although we go back a long ways. This sword was originally given to me here in Verbobonc, in order to fight the evil at Emridy Meadows. I am glad to see the forces of evil that captured me did not destroy it.
Nicola I'll second that. So you say those were demons?
Avras Demons, summoned from the nether planes. I am quite surprised they are operating out in the open and so close to civilization.
Jaron I have heard rumours of demon hordes, summoned by Iuz to attack his good enemies.
Avras That is a grave situation indeed. Many Knights of the Hart are not equipped well enough to handle these foes, much less the peasantry.

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Normal Text Character's words or descriptive text if part of a paragraph
Italic Text Character's thoughts or actions if surrounded by parenthesis
Bold Text Character is shouting.


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