Episode 4
Confronting Coset Nostrand

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
G'Leina - Fighter/Cleric 1st/1st Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 1st Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 1st Level (PC)
Hannah - Mage 1st Level (NPC)
Wed - Mage 1st Level (NPC)
Locale Within the Mistmarsh
Date 10th of Ready'reat, 584 CY (Common Year)
Time Dusk

As the party was making camp, Gimar wondered whether magic could be cast over in the "quiet zone." Wed agreed to try, and they both re-re-forded the stream. The quiet was mostly a lack of animal sounds, as the pair could still hear the party preparing supper of "frogs legs and biscuits".

Wed (mumble mumble mumble). That's it, then. Hop off that horse.
Gimar (hop) Hey, I'm not sinking into the mud at all! And I can move faster!
Wed This spell is called Drawmij's Light Step. I chose to memorize this instead of color spray, due to the near-certainty of undead.
Gimar (moving about, even onto the river) Cool! I can even walk on the water, if I go slowly. How long does this spell last?

Gimar found out that the spell didn't last much longer as he splashed into the river. Wed assured Gimar that the duration will increase as Wed gains experience. The duo returned to the party, wetter and wiser.

During supper there was a large discussion about methods of climbing trees and might versus magic. As the last crumbs were being swept away, this gave way to a contest as G'Leina and Rheaphlyndar rushed to climb the nearest tree. Of the Mangaroo, it is said that the tangled trunks and soft ground underfoot create an effective barrier to most human passage. The only effective means of moving throught the twisted mass of limbs is to climb up and down, over and through, snaking ones way through whatever passages present themselves. That being a good description of horizontal travel, the two racers are largely concerned with vertical travel. Rheaphlyndar made the fastest headway, but then G'Leina caught up and moved past, her spell allowing her to reach the slightly higher branches. With Celene new and Luna (waxing half-moon) rising, neither of the characters could see very far, but as they returned to the ground they both agreed they could see quite aways. Gimar just shook his head and made some comment about "must be some sort of elven disease."

The night passed without incident. Just after dawn (6:43 am), the party set out to recross the stream, leaving the horses behind, unhobbled. They naturally clustered around the warhorse.

After a few hours travel, Rheaphlyndar climbed a nearby tree, but could find nothing. The party continued on.

As the sun reached its zenith, the party broke for a midday meal, and Rheaphlyndar went to climb another Mangaroo. Partway up, he spotted a group of Gnolls approaching the clearing, and shouted down a warning to the group.

 5 [5-2+2] Wed Dagger :20-|6|:4: miss
 6 [6-2+2] Rheaphlyndar Thrown Dagger :20-|6+2|:4: miss
 9 [2+7] Gnoll w/BattleAxe :19-|0+1-1|:19:  1d8=6
 9 [7-2+4] Hannah Quarterstaff :20-|6|:5:  miss
13 [10-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :20-|6+2|:20: crit(17) 3x1d12+4=37 (killed Gnoll)
13 [4+9] Gnoll w/Halberd :19-|0+2|:12:  miss
15 [7+8] Gnoll w/Glaive :19-|4+1|:5:  miss
15 [9-1+7] G'Leina Mace :20-|6+0|:4:  miss
16 [9+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|6+5|:11:  1d8+1d2+8=14
17 [10+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|6+5|:7:  1d8+1d2+8=12 (killed Gnoll)

 5 [5-2+2] Rheaphlyndar Thrown Dagger :20-|6+2|:5:  miss
 5 [5-2+2] Wed Dagger :20-|6|:5:  miss
 9 [7-2+4] Hannah Quarterstaff :20-|6|:14: hit! 1d6=4
11 [2+9] Gnoll w/Halberd :19-|0+2|:16:  miss
12 [9-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :20-|6+2|:6: miss
13 [5+8] Gnoll w/Glaive :19-|4+1|:19: hit! 1d6+2=4
13 [7-1+7] G'Leina Mace :20-|6+0|:15: hit! 1d6=5
16 [9+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|6+5|:11: hit! 1d8+1d2+8=18 (killed Gnoll)
17 [10+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|6+5|:3: hit! 1d8+1d2+8=15 (killed Gnoll)

The party quickly cleans up, and G'Leina gives herself a cure light wounds. Gimar insists that his wound is but a scratch, and G'Leina should save her healing. While retrieving daggers, Rheaphlyndar searches the bodies and finds 130 Silver Nobles between them.

Around 3 in the afternoon, with just a few hours of daylight left, the party reached the tower. A quick reconointer revealed that there were no guards of note,and the party gathered around the base of the windowless tower to discuss their next move.

Gimar Well, this doorway is bricked up solid. It should take about 4 hours to break through.
G'Leina Which would put us well after dark. I don't think that's such a good idea...
Rheaphlyndar (stripping off his armor) Looks like it's time for me to earn my keep climbing something besides trees.
Gimar (digging into his pack) Here's 100 feet of silk rope. Now don't you go fighting all the undead by yourself.
Rheaphlyndar Hey, you don't have to tell me twice...
Gimar I think we should send up Jaron first, then G'Leina, followed by the mages and then myself.
Jaron (shedding his pack) Once again, sounds good to me.

Rheaphlyndar scaled the tower quickly and professionally, and found only a closed trap door set to one side of the top. Tying off Gimar's rope soundly, he slung it down the rest of the party. They came up quickly with no incident.

Rheaphlyndar reported that he had listened intently at the door but had heard nought but the huffing of a certain dwarf climbing the tower. There was a pull ring set in the door, but no apparent lock. Gimar tied off the other end of the rope and gave a mighty tug, pulling the door open. A spiral staircase led down, and the darkness below had the odor of an opened grave.

G'Leina (casting Bless) This will enable your sword to hit the accursed undead.
Jaron Killer! Or should I say, Slayer!

Gimar commanded his axe to shed light and shrink to the size of a hand axe, and led as the party descended. G'Leina was next, with Jaron close behind, followed by the mages and Rheaphlyndar taking up the rear. The first level of the tower appeared empty, so the party continued downward. The second layer held only a figure, his glowing eyes and pointed canines visible in the magical axe-light.

Vampire You guys are SO dead...

 2 [2] Jaron charges down the stairs
 8 [5+3] Vampire swings fist :11-|0|:13:  Hits Jaron, 1d6+4=9
 9 [7+4-2] Gimar Hand Axe :13-|1+5|:19:  1d6+10=15 + sever + return
13 [3+10] G'Leina spell (bless) on Vampire - save failed
   Hannah enters the doorway
   Wed, Rheaphlyndar are still above

Gimar's axe flashed through the air, severing the right arm of the vampire and returning to his outstretched hand. He continued down the stairs. The Bless spell kept the vampire from changing form or attacking, but it was of limited duration. It did not keep him from shouting orders, however...

Vampire (to his seven Ghoul minions) You ruined my jacket! Kill him A LOT!

   Vampire held at bay by Bless, cursing
 2 [1+1]  Hanna Magic Missile  1d4+1=5
 4 [1+3]  Ghoul 7 :19-|0|:12:  miss
 4 [1-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :20-|1+2|:18:  Hit!  1d8+4=5
 5 [2+3]  Ghoul 1 :19-|0|:1:  fumble(5) hits neighbor  1d3=1
 5 [2+3]  Ghoul 5 :19-|0|:12:  miss
 6 [3+3]  Ghoul 3 :19-|0|:7:  miss
 6 [3+3]  Ghoul 5 :19-|0|:19:  hit! 1d3=3  Gimar (8) saves
 7 [4+3]  Ghoul 4 :19-|0|:3:  miss
 7 [4+3]  Ghoul 6 :19-|0|:11:  miss
 8 [5+3]  Ghoul 7 :19-|0|:9:  miss
 8 [6+4-2] Gimar Hand Axe :13-|1+5|:13:  1d6+10=14
10 [7+3]  Ghoul 6 :19-|0|:6:  miss
10 [7+3] G'Leina turn (10)16 Success!  2d6=4 Ghouls leave
11 [8+3]  Ghoul 6 :19-|0|:4:  miss
12 [9+3]  Ghoul 7 :19-|0|:6:  miss
13 [10-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :20-|1+2|:18:  Hit!  1d8+4=5
   Wed enters doorway
   Rheaphlyndar still above

Gimar willed his weapon into Battleaxe form, and smiled as he turned to confront the ghouls.

   Vampire held at bay by Bless, cursing
 4 [1-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :20-|1+2|:13: miss
 5 [1+4] Hannah Quarterstaff :20-|6|:4: miss
 6 [3+3]  Ghoul 6 :19-|0|:3:  miss
 7 [4+3]  Ghoul 5 :19-|0|:5:  miss
 7 [4+3]  Ghoul 6 :19-|0|:3:  miss
 7 [4+3]  Ghoul 7 :19-|0|:13:  miss
 7 [4+3]  Ghoul 7 :19-|0|:14:  miss
 7 [5+2] Wed Thrown Dagger :20-|6|:16: hit! 1d4=1
 9 [2+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|6+5|:11: hit! 1d8+1d2+8=13
 9 [6+3]  Ghoul 6 :19-|0|:13:  miss
 9 [6+3]  Ghoul 7 :19-|0|:8:  miss
   Rheaphlyndar from the doorway
10 [10-2+2] Rheaphlyndar Thrown Dagger :20-|6+2|:18: hit!  1d4=2 (kills ghoul)
11 [4+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|6+5|:18: hit! 1d8+1d2+8=14
11 [5-1+7] G'Leina Mace :20-|6+0|:18: hit! 1d6+1=3 (kills ghoul)

The vampire shook off the Bless spell, and quickly moved to attack the dwarf who had cost him an arm.

 6 [3+3]  Ghoul 7 :19-|0|:7:  miss
 6 [6-2+2] Rheaphlyndar Thrown Dagger :20-|6+2|:16: hit! 1d4=3
 7 [3+4] Hannah Quarterstaff :20-|6|:3: miss
 9 [3-1+7] G'Leina Mace :20-|6+0|:3:  miss
 9 [6+3]  Ghoul 7 :19-|0|:3:  miss
10 [8+2] Wed Thrown Dagger :20-|6|:19: hit! 1d4=1
11 [8+3]  Ghoul 7 :19-|0|:13:  miss
12 [5+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|6+5|:16: hit! 1d8+1d2+8=12 (kills ghoul)
12 [9-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :20-|1+2|:13: miss
13 [10+3] Vampire :11-|0|:20: critical(8) double damage 2x(1d6+4)=14
15 [8+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|1+5|:19:  1d8+1d2+8=13  (kills vampire)

The vampire went to mist and dropped through a trap door outline in the floor. Hurriedly, the party continued descent, Wed scooping up his daggers and Jaron laying a quick healing spell on himself. The party descended the staircase quickly, and spotted something. There, in the dim blue light from Gimar's axe, was a cage -- containing a human being! Rheaphlyndar quickly opened the lock, releasing the occupant. He tumbled to the ground, nearly dead. At last he looked up, and weakly he croaked out

Ranger Behind you!

 5 [2+3] Coset Nostrand charms Hannah -- save 7 (at -3) failed
 5 [3+2] Wed Thrown Dagger :20-|1|:8:  miss
 6 [6] Gimar readies weapon
 6 [3+3] G'Leina Turn Attempt  8 failed
10 [7+3] Jaron Turn Attempt  18 failed
12 [10-2+4] Rheaphlyndar Quarterstaff :20-|1|:14:  miss

 5 [2+3] Coset Nostrand charms G'Leina -- save 11 (at -3) failed
 5 [2-2+5] Jaron L.Sword :20-|1+2|:16:  miss
 8 [2-1+7] G'Leina Mace :20-|1|:18:  miss
 9 [5+4] Hannah Quarterstaff :20-|10|:10:  hit Wed 1d6=3
11 [4+7] Gimar L.Crossbow :13-|1+3|:19:  1d4+3=6 (+ special)
11 [9+2] Wed Thrown Dagger :20-|1|:17:  miss
12 [10-2+4] Rheaphlyndar Quarterstaff :20-|1|:7:  miss

Upon being struck by Gimar's special quarrel, the vampire exploded, spraying a cold wind about the room. Upon looking up, the vampire was gone. There was but one exit from this room, leading to the other half of the cellar. Hannah and G'Leina snapped out of the charm, leading the group to believe (and hope) the vampire to be truly dead.

The last remaining room of the tower cellar contained the vampires' coffins. In the final resting place of Coset Nostrand, there was nothing but a mouldering pile of bones -- apparently the "bolt of slaying" had done a number on his mortal remains. For the other vampire, his coffin labeled "Amilyn", a wooden stake was driven through his heart. His severed head would accompany the party outside to tomorrows daylight. The worshippers of Pelor set about defiling this place, and only splinters and dust remained afterward. Now that the coffins were removed, the faint outlines of a secret door were found!

After all appropriate healing and a quick discussion, it was decided to open the secret door. The Ranger stayed behind with the head of "Amilyn", too weakened by his ordeal for combat of any kind. Inside lay a darkened room that had not been disturbed for hundreds of years.

Within lay old furniture, the veneer peeling and rotting. Toward the back of the room was a sprawled skeleton, whose non-rotted weapon and armor clasps indicated he or she must have been an adventurer. The skeletal figure did not rise to challenge the might of Pelor however, and the room was searched. Mundane clothing and blank parchments were found in most locations, along with some rotten rations. The left and right walls were plain and flat, the rear wall contained an arched alcove, but no other exits were found. Most walls contained some form of tapestry hangers, the cloths long since rotted away.

A complete inventory of the treasure finds 60 Gold Eagles (in a rotting pouch near the skeleton), a few scattered gems, and a tin piece minted in CY 354, a time when Greyhawk was still under the Overking of the Great Kingdom. Upon the skeleton there was no form of identification found. In the Vampire's lair were found 5000 Gold Orbs, 6 art objects, and 3 scrolls. The ghouls had 4000 Copper Commons and 2000 Silver Nobles.

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Quote: Mike