Episode 5
Buy the Dwarf a Beer

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
G'Leina - Fighter/Cleric 1st/1st Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 1st Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 1st Level (PC)
Hannah - Mage 1st Level (NPC)
Wed - Mage 1st Level (NPC)
Locale Within the Mistmarsh
Date 11th of Ready'reat, 584 CY (Common Year)
Time Midnight

After pooling their treasure and examining everything except the scrolls in great detail, the party decided to wait the night in the tower. Gimar spent some time examining the doorway and the layout, and pronounced that there were no hidden areas. The last of the Frog's Legs were fried up, and the usual watches were announced.

In the morning, the group set out from the tower early. Gimar carried most of the treasure in his large sacks, The most interesting thing that happened on the way back to the horses was when the head of the younger vampire was brought out into the light of dawn and burst into flame.

G'Leina That is the end of that.
Jaron And good riddance.

The horses were waiting where the party left them, munching on the tall swamp grasses. The ranger, Tanner Macabee, had finally come around, and it was decided he could probably ride with Gimar. It was a chilly morning, and by the time the group had made it out of the swamp, it had begun to rain. Hard.

Wed Brrrrr

At best possible speed, the party made it as far as little Erybend before having to crash for the night. Old Mother Austin, a kindly old halfling, was able to put them up for the night on short notice, and the party left a very generous tip in the morning. During the evening, the group talked with Ranger Tanner about, well, everything.

Gimar So, you are a ranger of the Gnarly Forest, and while travelling back from Duchy of Urnst you were bushwacked.
Tanner That's right. Something swooped down on my camp from above, and before I could do anything about it I was captured. I lost all of my armor, weapons, everything.
G'Leina You know, those vampires have some sort of major charm abilities, so it's not like there was something you could do.
Tanner I know, but it was still humiliating. They kept taunting me, bringing in small animals and killing them before me. It was horrible.
Rheaphlyndar Well we've laid them low now. I personally will stake 50 gold towards helping you replace the equipment you've lost.

The rest of the group gave a chorus of the affirmative, although it was decided to put off the purchases until they reached Northbank the next day.

Tanner Thank you, one and all. If there's anything the Gnarly Rangers can ever do for you, just let us know.

Upon their return to Northbank the next night, Gimar and the two mages met with Gelfant, Gimar's gnomish friend, who agreed he could provide the training required. Rheaphlyndar set up a room at the Joe's, on the advice of G'Leina and Jaron, who had both chosen that inn randomly and were staying there.

Jaron Pelor works in mysterious ways...

Later that night, the party met up at the White Tree. They had pulled two of the seven tables together, and were laughing and discussing the battle. The first round was on Jaron.

Jaron Is your axe the fabled "dwarven throwing axe" I've heard of?
Gimar Actually, dwarven throwers is just a class of magical items. There are several of them out there. This axe has many properties, and one of them is the same as those dwarven throwers.
Hannah Greatsh shot no matter what you call it.
Wed Are you drunk or something?
Hannah Drunk is more fun.
Tanner (now outfitted in a smart green cloak) I can't thank you enough for saving me from that monster.
G'Leina Pass me some more of that broiled cabbage. If you ever hear of any other non-dead monsters, just send word over to Northbank and we'll come get 'em.
Tanner Haven't heard of any of that stuff, but there is a rumour I've heard. There's a dungeon containing a host of fabulous treasure and a magical fountain somewhere under the ground in the Gnarly Forest. It's guarded by a small army of monsters, of course.
Hannah Of coursh. Let ush at 'em.
Wed (pulling out his notebook) Another one for the rumour list.

The next day was Freeday, and for followers of Tritherion it was Great Freeday. G'Leina and Tanner went shopping, discussing matters half-elven. Rheaphlyndar also went to the Freeday market, but had other profits in mind and liberated a few coins. Jaron and the Mages began training that would last a week. Gimar caught back up on city business and met with the Mayor for lunch, telling her all about his adventure.

After the mages first day of training, Wed and Hannah met with Gimar and Gelfant in the workshop. Wed pulled out his scroll case and extracted the scrolls. Gimar hopped up on a stool and watched. Gelfant helped his students with their castings of Read Magic and neither could read the final of the three scrolls. The gnome nodded sagely and indicated that the third scroll was a priestly scroll that even Gimar could not read.

The first scroll contained Phantasmal Force. The second contained three spells, Sleep, Rope Trick, and Minor Globe of Invulnerability. The third spell was clerical in nature, and contained Barkskin, Tongues, Control Winds, Raise Dead, and Find the Path. Gimar indicated that the group would have to discuss the scroll distribution, but selling them in Greyhawk was a possibility.

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
G'Leina - Fighter/Cleric 1st/1st Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 2nd Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 1st Level (PC)
Hannah - Mage 2nd Level (NPC)
Wed - Mage 2nd Level (NPC)
Locale Just North of Northbank
Date 21st of Ready'reat, 584 CY (Common Year)
Time Daybreak

As they rode out of Northbank in the light snow, Jaron reflected on the previous weeks learning, and flexed his newly repaired and perfectly fitting armor. Gimar's shooting range had been put to good use this week. When he wasn't busy with fighting skills, he had helped out the smith, Grimli. The dwarven way of armor smithing was more akin to a church service than the repetitive assembly process the humans used. During the week Grimli had been working on a set of leggings that he pronounced were good enough to be magicked, and Jaron could see some of the differences indicated.

Hannah Hey, Jaron
Jaron What?
Hannah Is it true that a paladin's farts smell like flowers?
Jaron Why you biscuit, I ought to...

The party had eaten together each night, discussing their day's events. This had brought a good cohesion to the group and despite this uppity mage, Jaron was happy to be among friends. The group had divided up the money in Northbank and was now headed to Greyhawk for Rheaphlyndar's training and to try and sell off the art objects. Also, they had picked up a few rumours of adventure, but the big city always has plenty more. Tanner had decided to continue on to Corustaith to meet up with his Gnarly Ranger friends. In Jaron's estimation, he probably wouldn't have fit in too well in the big city anyhow.

The road northward had quickly turned to a trail, but eventually connected with the River road. The party had a brief lunch at Ford Keep, then continued on towards the big city. They urged their horses onward, for at a good clip they would make it just after nightfall. Most of the small farms they passed had already shut down for the winter. They knew they were approaching when they began to see clusters of stables and the Super Eight Inn.

Gimar Probably connected with the Circle of Eight.
Wed Hmmm...

About an hour after sunset the road came to a large gate, with 40 foot towers on either side and two 16' by 12' doors in the middle. There was only a short line at this time of the evening, and they dismounted. At Rheaphlyndar's advice, Gimar attached at leather Head Case to his hand axe, and all other party members sheathed and tied their weapons. Individually each was met by the constabulary, asked to sign in and queried as to their business in the Free City. Rheaphlyndar, who was illiterate, marked his name as an X. The sentry made some cryptic notes and initialed their entries, and the group was allowed to pass.

Sentry Welcome to the Free City of Greyhawk!

Rheaphlyndar led them into the city, down the Processional, past the just closing Low Market, across the Mill Stream and left down a side road to the Blue Dragon Inn. Hannah and Wed gaped the whole way, while Jaron, G'Leina and Gimar took it all in stride.

G'Leina That's funny, the Blue Dragon Inn looks just like the Silver Dragon Inn we just passed.
Rheaphlyndar I've thought that as well. In fact, late one night (after too many ales) I even wandered into the wrong one. Ask the owner about it if you like, I am sure he has a story to tell. We'll stay here for the night and I can give you directions to the High Market, Moneychangers, and the Temple of Pelor.
G'Leina Thanks Rheaph.

After getting two more rooms at the Silver Dragon (Rheaphlyndar was paid up through the end of the year for his room) most of the party crashed. After a long days ride, the soft warm beds were most inviting.

Gimar (snore)

Rheaphlyndar was not to get as much rest as the others, however. After checking in and dropping off his pack, he went out to the Red Serpent restaurant to meet up with one of his contacts. Ravi was a young human with some Baklunish blood, and he had a post in the city watch, Foreign Quarter. He didn't know Rheaphlyndar's true profession...

Rheaphlyndar Ravi, hows it going?
Ravi Hey, Rheaphlyndar. You've been out of town for a few weeks, no?
Rheaphlyndar Yep, I was able to get in some adventuring. Major payoff too.
Ravi Glad to hear it. Have you heard the latest?
Rheaphlyndar No, tell me...

Rheaphlyndar turned in very late that night, and wished for a clerical spell of "cure heartburn" after the many rice and pepper dishes he had enjoyed. Still, the Red Serpent was one of the only places in town to serve cold ale and it was much appreciated.

In the morning, Rheaphlyndar took the art objects to his fence contact in the Thieves Guild of Greyhawk, and planned also on getting some training. G'Leina and Jaron went to meet with Sarana, matriarch of Pelor. After that, G'Leina planned to hit the High Market and Jaron to meet up with his liege over on Ambassador's Row. Hannah and Wed planned to check out the Grey College, and Gimar just decided to wander around.

Read the preceding or succeeding episode, or return to the index.

Typographical Conventions
Normal Text Character's words or descriptive text if part of a paragraph
Italic Text Character's thoughts or actions if surrounded by parenthesis
Bold Text Character is shouting.


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Quote: John