Episode 3
At Least It's Not Raining

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
G'Leina - Fighter/Cleric 1st/1st Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 1st Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 1st Level (PC)
Hannah - Mage 1st Level (NPC)
Wed - Mage 1st Level (NPC)
Locale Near the Mistmarsh
Date 10th of Ready'reat, 584 CY (Common Year)
Time Mid-Morning

Rheaphlyndar thought back to the previous day's travels, and hummed with satisfaction. Adventuring was certainly the life, and despite the chill of the late fall day, the "great outdoors" appealed to his elven side. The previous days journey had been very uneventful, this party only meeting up with one other group, a militia travelling to Northbank to purchase horses and fresh weapons. Gimar and Jaron did enjoy talking with them at length. Hannah and Wed have been discussing their different magical styles, but who can fathom those wizard types? The real enigma in the company was G'Leina, who had so far given him the cold shoulder. He had made a rather poor joke while on the ferry, but Rheaphlyndar felt there must be something more to it.

After this mornings breakfast (Jaron even cooked biscuits!), the company continued to ride on to the east, crossing only one well-used path, which Gimar said was from the Cairn Hills militia, patrolling the edge of the marsh. Still, Gimar seemed the experienced adventurer, and also appeared to have a good handle on that map he was staring at...

Rheaphlyndar Gimar!
Gimar What? Aaarrrgh...

Gimar's horse had stepped in another soft patch of ground, throwing the mountain dwarf unceremoniously to the ground. All around them, the terrain had gradually faded from the leafless phost and chestnut trees to low, stunted yarpick trees and the occasional mangaroo. The ground had become less solid as well, and only the near-freezing temperatures of the previous night kept it hard enough for horses hooves.

G'Leina helped Gimar to his horse, checking the map again. Jaron scanned the area, seeing only more low clouds and black birds. Hannah and Wed both stood about on their horses, looking more and more uncomfortable. The party rode on, occasionally fording small streams or detouring around larger mangaroo trees.

Gimar Our pace has slowed considerably, but if this map is accurate we should only have a few more hours travel.
Jaron What can you tell us of the end point?
Gimar This map was made by gnomish hand, and I consulted with certain gnome contacts of mine. The symbol at the end of the trail is generally used to represent a small tower, not unlike a wizards tower.
Hannah If this undead creature is or rather was a wizard, will it still have use of it's spellcraft?
G'Leina Unknown. There is a time for daring and a time for caution...
Wed Well I think, ... Ulp ...
Rheaphlyndar (turning) Ulp? What kind of comment is ...

Wed was being steadily pulled from his horse by what seemed to be a large tongue. Following the tongue back, it was connected to a well-camouflaged Giant Frog!

Jaron (Charging toward the frog) To Arms!
Giant Frog Ribbett.
Gimar (Leaping from his horse, and into the swamp) Splash
Hannah (mumble mumble mumble) Take that!
Giant Frog (impaled with a magic missile) Urp.
Wed (being dragged into the Frog's mouth) Help Help!
Gimar (pulls out his light crossbow)
Jaron (missing the tongue) Darn.
G'Leina (throws a light spell, putting it right on the Frogs eyes)
Giant Frog (doesn't need to see to swallow Wed -- and he does)
Jaron (stabs at the frog, but turns his sword aside to miss the kicking legs of Wed)
Gimar (lands a crossbow bolt in the frogs glowing eyes)
Giant Frog (expires)
Jaron Let me aid you, my son (laying on hands).
Wed (pulled from the frog and now healed) Thanks.

No lair was spotted nor treasure found, so the party decided to push on.

The group travelled a few more miles, then forded yet another stream. After a bit of travel, Rheaphlyndar called the company to a halt.

Rheaphlyndar Listen -- do you hear that?
Jaron Sounds quiet to me.
Hannah All I hear is the wind.
Rheaphlyndar Exactly. Where are the birds, the small animals?
G'Leina Good spot, Rheaphlyndar. Perhaps our prey is near. I have heard instances of undead draining their surroundings, literally.
Gimar I recall hearing plenty of fauna on the other side of that stream. Hmm.... (fingering his bolt of slaying) I suggest we re-ford that stream and make camp. Tomorrow is Godsday, and I think that would be an excellent day to slay the undead.

Jaron and Hannah have first watch, Gimar and Rheaphlyndar take second watch and Hannah and G'Leina take the third, giving the spell casters a full eight hours of rest to recover spell points.

Jaron (unslinging and readying his heavy crossbow) Fine with me.

Read the preceding or succeeding episode, or return to the index.

Typographical Conventions
Normal Text Character's words or descriptive text if part of a paragraph
Italic Text Character's thoughts or actions if surrounded by parenthesis
Bold Text Character is shouting.


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Quote: John