Shamelessly Addicted - A Fanfiction Site

 shamelessly addicted
    Shamelessly Addicted
a fan fiction archive  :  v. Fray 
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 "Finally. Things get clearer. This is how I begin."  -  Melaka Fray 

 the fan fiction
    The Fan Fiction

June 12th, 2003 : Uploaded Strawberry Road (Chapter I), 100 Word Ficlets
June 10th, 2003 : Uploaded Word Sense

Yet Another Bothersome Notice
It may be bothersome, but it's necessary. I'd like to heartily thank my Beta readers. I thrive on constructive criticism, and every single one of them has been wonderful.
You all rock.

Birds of Prey

A Hero's Journey - Arc in Progress
DC Comics/Birds of Prey TV Show - Action/Drama - G-R
This is a large story arc that I'm planning, which will be weaving together the comics and the show. It will be character based.
This is a link to a subpage.

Broken Wings - In Progress
DC Comics/Birds of Prey TV Show - (Fem)Slash/Drama - First Person (Helena) - PG-13
A crossover with Hawkman, Helena leaves New Gotham after failing to protect someone she loves (like father, like daughter) and ends up in St. Roch. Kendra Saunders has had a falling out with Carter Hall. Can two broken heroes fix each other?

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Game Over; Restart - Parts I & II - In Progress
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - (Fem)Slash/Drama - PG
An AU fic I started just after the episode "Showtime" (Season 7). The story begins after my version of the season's end.

In Memoriam
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Generic - PG (language)
Faith gets out of prison shortly after Buffy dies (season 5) and goes to pay her respects at the Summers home.

Last Ditch Effort
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - (Fem)Slash/Romance/Action - NC-17
A response to a challenge; Buffy and Faith have a shared dream shortly before their big fight in Season 3.


Strawberry Road - In Progress
Firefly - Drama - PG-13 to R
A progression of Kaylee - Dark.

Word Sense
Firefly - Het - NC-17
For a friend - Simon and Kaylee goodness.


In Dreams
Gargoyles - (Fem)Slash - PG-13 to R for Innuendo
A response to a Halloween slash challenge that had no stipulations; my take on why Katherine hated the Gargoyles so much before the fall of Castle Wyvern.

Harry Potter

Christmas Day, Part I
Harry Potter - (Fem)Slash and Slash - PG
Ginny and Hermione have a something to tell everyone, and they start with Ron.

Christmas Day, Part II
Harry Potter - (Fem)Slash and Slash - PG
In which Ginny and Hermione tell the family, and Harry gets a surprise.

Harry Potter - (Fem)Slash - Soft NC-17
A (brief) study in characterization using sex.

Various Fandoms

100 Word Ficlets
Various - Various - Various
A miscellaneous collection of 100 word drabbles. Various fandoms. Currently: Harry Potter, X-Men, Buffy, and Firefly. The link it so my LiveJournal memories - I post all my 100 words on my LJ.


A Conflict of Self - In Progress
X-Men, Movieverse - Drama - PG
Jubilee leaves the New York academy to help establish Emma Frost's west coast school, where she meets Monet St. Croix, and her twin sister, Cassat. Except, Monet and Cassat are actually Cassat and Monet...

 other's fan fiction
    Other's Fan Fiction

War Craft III

A Paladin's Nature - Chapters I-III - In Progress
War Craft III - Action/Drama
This is being written by my friend, Anairellan. As I'm beta-reading this for him, I felt I might archive it for him, too. So yeah.
The story revolves around a young boy, Tallon, and how he becomes a champion of good against the onslaught of the demonic undead hordes.

This Website Design is Copyrighted to Faechick, 2003. Fray is Copyrighted to Dark Horse Comics, 2001.