Creating CharactersPlayer Characters (PCs) are created at the beginning of the campaign, and can be of one of four possible types: Pure Strain Human, Mutant, Mutant Animal, or Mutant Plant. Once chosen, the player rolls four six-sided dice to determine the values of each of his or her character's six attributes. In each case, the lowest die roll is discarded, the- three remaining values are added together, and a final 1 point is assigned to any attribute of the player's choice, provided the addition of this point doesn't take that particular attribute score over 18. Once the character's base attribute scores are generated, the player decides what sort of character type he or she wishes to play. There are four character types in GAMMA WORLD: THE MIDWASTE - Pure Strain Humans, Humanoids, Mutated Animals, and Mutated Plants. Once the character's base attribute scores are generated, the player decides what sort of character type he or she wishes to play. There are four character types in Gamma World: Welcome to the Mid-Waste: Pure Strain Humans, Humanoids, Mutated Animals, and Mutated Plants. Attribute Definitions and Benchmarks
GenotypesPlayer Characters (PCs) are created at the beginning of the campaign, and can be of one of four possible types: Pure Strain Human, Altered Human, Mutated Animal, or Mutated Plant. Once chosen, the player rolls four six-sided dice to determine the values of each of his or her character's six attributes. In each case, the lowest die roll is discarded, the three remaining values are added together, and a final 1 point is assigned to any attribute of the player's choice, provided the addition of this point doesn't take that particular attribute score over 18. Pure Strain HumansPure Strain Humans (PSH) are the descendants of those individuals who survived the Apocalypse genetically unscathed. By definition, they do not possess physical or mental mutations, nor can they acquire them through exposure to radiation over the course of game play as other character types can. While their lack of offensive and defensive mutations is a significant drawback in the Gamma World setting, Pure Strain Humans also possess a number of advantages that are based in their being the descendants of the Ancients - the human beings who created the pre-apocalyptic civilization upon whose ruins Gamma World is built. PSH Characters receive the following bonuses when they begin play:
Altered HumansAltered Humans (AH), or Mutants, are of mutated Human stock; i.e.: they are Humans possessing one or more physical and/or mental mutations. They are generally not as hardy or naturally intelligent as Pure Strain Humans, though their mutations generally more than compensate for this. Their total advantages include: