This is the third incarnation of Our science fiction roleplaying game site. We created it for the enjoyment of fanboys and fangirls everywhere who appreciate the science fiction genre and its myriad sub-genres.
This site will be under construction for quite some time. For the most up-to-date information of its state and content, please check the LOG.
We'd like to thank Our new hosts at Amethyst Alliance for their 10 megs of free webpage space, every bit and byte of which is 100% BANNER-AD FREE!
- Lord Irish
Also, check out Our Rant About Wizards of the Coast in the ALTERNITY section. This is Our last word of the new "d20 System" that WotC will be using to lure roleplayers into giving D&D3e a second look - whether they want to or not.
This site is voluntarily rated
Mature Audiences
This site contains material that some people might find objectionable, including negative characterizations of various ethnic, political, religious, and social groups within a fictional context.
We make absolutely no apologies for the works of fiction presented herein. If you are close-minded, easily offended, or overly sensitive, We recommend you point your browser elsewhere. Otherwise, please feel free to explore this site at your liesure.
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If you're not using Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator 4.0 or above, and/or don't have the Boost SSi font installed on your computer, you can acquire all three (and a lot of other goodies) by clicking on the DOWNLOADS link to the upper-left.
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