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Welcome to Endless Dreams. Here you will find a page dedicated to making itself your one-stop emporium for Changeling: The Dreaming. Changeling: The Dreaming is copyrighted and trademarked by White-Wolf Inc. The image map on the left will guide you through the site, while the title graphic at the top will bring you back here.
This site was created for the Amethyst-Alliance International Roleplaying Guild. As such, I urge you to visit the page and become a member. It will give you access to message boards, chat rooms and other utilities. For more information on this please see the Amethyst-Alliance Information section.
I, the site's webmistress, am known as MystWalker on the Amethyst-Alliance. You may find my contact information under the "Contact" section or you can just e-mail me .
February 7th, 2001
The Hot Gamer Guy contest is closed. Liam won. I also added a link to the setting section and to the links page for "The County of Rowan-Oak." WAR IN CONCORDIA COMES OUT THIS MONTH! *jumps around in happiness*
January 3rd, 2001
I fixed a few typos I knew about and arranged the product list so it's easier to read.
January 2nd, 2001
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I added a question to the Q&A section. It deals with the Fomorians. I tried not to give too much away, since I think reading the books is far more fun than just getting a straight answer. But it sufficed.
December 29th, 2000
God, talk about a long time between updates. I apologize. I'm affraid that when life smacks me, it smacks me with a really big club. Anyway, I updated the product list, the Wyld Hunt cards I'm missing, the game section (I'm no longer running my forum game), the image section, and the Hot Gamer Guy contest - VOTE NOW!
September 27th, 2000
I added a link to The Endless Dreaming to the Links page.
September 4th, 2000
I added The Last Carriage Out - A Chronicle for Flint, MI to the Settings and Links pages.
August 28th, 2000
I'm currently hosting a contest for Hot Gamer Guys. It's on par with the "Hot Gamer Chick" contest that "The Right to Dream" is hosting. Click here if you're interested in learning more.
August 6th, 2000
Added art to the Wyld Hunt section.
August 5th, 2000
Added two new sections: Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt and Settings.
August 2nd, 2000
Added the "You Know You Play Too Much Changeling When..." list to the Archives and created a SLEW of new polls for your enjoyment.
July 29th, 2000
Added some things to the Archive and added a new Poll suggested by Wallaboy!
July 28th, 2000
Still more troubleshooting for Netscape! I think I'm going to start using that to preview my pages before uploading them onto the net. It catches more mistakes.
July 27th, 2000
Joined the webrings (haven't been added to them yet, though) and updated the Game Info just a tad. I also did a little troubleshooting with a friend of mine and [hopefully] fixed the problem Netscape users were having viewing the site.
July 26th, 2000
Moved to the new address!
July 25th, 2000
Added things to the Music Box, the Archive, and the Game Listing section.
July 24th, 2000
Added some stuff to the Product List section and the Q&A area.
July 23rd, 2000
I uploaded all 78 of the pictures I took from the books I own. They're in the Archive under "Official Creations - Art."
July 22nd, 2000
The Beta version of the site is complete. Now I've just got to get some actual CONTENT for this sucker. If you've got anything to add me.