Hot Gamer Guy ContestDisclaimer: This contest is in no way related to the Amethyst-Alliance. I, the webmistress, am hosting it here because it will be a primarily Changeling-Fan based contest. It may or may not move to another location.
BEAU, the webmaster of The Right to Dream, setup the "Hot Gamer Chick" contest in order to prove a point: That most female gamers got into it because their boyfriends played, not because they found it interesting on its own.
Granted, it was a rather male way of holding the contest, but it was funny and it did solidify his assumption. Unfortunately, very few people seem to understand that it was supposed to be humerous, and BEAU got a lot of flame mail for it. Now, in an effort to help him, I'm holding this contest. Hopefully it will no longer be seen as a one-sided issue.
The winner of the Hot Gamer Guy contest is Liam. He managed to get 16 out of the 24 votes cast. Please check back for when I get a good plaque done up for him and stuff like that.
Thanks to Mikii and Bailey for their entries! I couldn't have held the contest without all three of our boys.
The Contestants