Midnight Garden
Art Artist's Bio Dreambook Links
Picture descriptions are contained within the mouse-over. So... click away, my pretties~! XD

Original Art
<--newest works this way!
blue-haired elf in glitterpink ink~ +Jan.2002 picture of Zymke, another character from my comic. +Jan.2002 updated sketch of my character Alushalut, yaaay~ =) +Dec.2002 Lounging around in my sister's apartment and using her lovely tablet... here's the result!~ +Nov.2002 Blue +Oct.2002 Super Bear! A happycool bear. =) +Oct.2002 A green-haired elf scribbled out on the large sheet of bristol board in my room. Scribbled out, so her chin and neck came out rather funny. +Aug.2002 A marker/color pencil drawing done for one of my going-to-a-different-college-than-I-am friends (you can find his webpage at http://www.geocities.com/bombs14_king/ by the way). I taped this to his front door the morning I left for university. :D Looks rather smug and self-satisfied, doesn't she? +Aug.2002 Alushalut! Her features turned out a bit more masculine than I intended; oooops. +Jul.2002 The designs on the walls had been fashioned with impressive delicacy, and the powdered kafh that covered the floor was so fine that it looked like the colors had been painted on. Hggrifhel's avaricious attention rested not on these marvels, however, but on the gleaming piece of sunny metal that lay in Yifhaalyn's green claws. It and several others like it could be his, Yifhaalyn had said... +Apr.2002
Fan Art
others' characters
Actually completed this a month ago, but I didn't want to put it up until I was sure that the requestor had seen it. This is my interpretation of the description given me by Jason Romein for his mountain mages, or Orn D'afay. =) +Dec.2002
rough sketches, older drawings, etc.
working on ink/color skills with cartoon animals costume sketch for Tikshu, a character from my comic. Sadly, the evil scanner destroyed my shading =( first big-eyed anime picture I've done in a long while... just a color scribble, really color scribble eh... brownish-haired elf in blue ink~ ... A... sketch... A pencil/ink picture done for a Chinese school contest...screwed up a bit in the inking, unfortunately. XP dragon and earth elemental quick marker sketch scribbled red elf A dragon enjoying a tasty afternoon snack! Towel Elf: giftart Mulan from Disney's version of this legendary young woman, half-done A tired dragon...
Unless otherwise specified, all images, graphics, and content
on these pages are © 2003 by Kristen C. Stewart