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Standards of Measurement

STAR FRONTIERS: EARTH DAWN starts in FY 121. "FY" stands for Federation Year, which is equivalent to 365 days of 24 hours each. The number 121 signifies the number of years which have passed since the formation of the United Planetary Federation (UPF). FY 121 corresponds to AD 2271; thus the UPF was established in AD 2150. The reason that the Terrestrial year, along with all other Human measurements have been designated the galactic standard is because Humanity was and continues to be the driving force behind the UPF and the exploration and settlement of the Frontier.

About the Term "Frontier"

The territory both controlled and claimed by the UPF and the Rim Coalition is collectively called the Frontier, which is a bit misleading as it includes not only unexplored space, but the home planets of all the allied races. In any case the Frontier, with all its promise and peril, is where the action is, and where STAR FRONTIERS: EARTH DAWN takes place.

The Old Stellar Nations

Before the United Planetary Federation came into being, each of the four major races had settled their own region of space and governed it through their own institutions. Humanity had established the Solar Commonwealth in FY -212; the Vrusk had merged their Pan-System Trade Alliance with the Dralasite Communal Union to form the Galactic Barter and Trade Association decades before; and the Yzirians had had not one but four interplanetary empires (the Eastern and Western Histrani Empires, the Hakosoari Empire, and the Yasti Empire) spread over three different star systems since FY -289. These governmental bodies still exist and perform some governmental functions, much like the individual states of the United States of America and the nations of the European Union on Earth continue to do. Moreover, several of the more recent races to join the UPF have also had the ability to traverse the distance between the stars, and governmental and regulatory bodies to go along with them.

A wise spacer always remembers that national pride is a matter of grave importance to most sentients on the Frontier, and should not be treated lightly!