Fligh McVey

Court: Changeable - changes "Court" often
Seelie Legacy: Virtuoso (concentrates on spying, frightening, and natural athletics)
Unseelie Legacy: Frightener (see Legacies on my site for info on this)
Seeming: Childling
Kith: Sluagh
Political Impulse: Modernist

Attributes: Str 2, Dex 4 (Spec: Silent), Sta 4 (Spec: Rubbery), Cha 1, Man 4 (Spec: Sneaky), App 1, Per 3, Int 3, Wits 2

Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Intimidation 1, Kenning 2, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 2
Skills: Blowgun 1 (analogous to Archery), Etiquette 1, Stealth 3
Knowledges: Poisons 2, Enigmas 2, Greymayre 2, Investigation 2, Science 1

Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Mentor 2, Chimera 2 (Gray Vines from Kithbook Sluagh 67 - note that this is a Chimerical Only version)
Arts: Primal 1, Soothsay 2
Realms: Actor 1, Fae 1, Nature 3
Glamour 5, Willpower 2, Banality 1

Other Traits:
Merits: Acute Sight, Eidetic Memory, Poison Resistance, Winged (usable bat wings), Fly Fingers (Sluagh 64), Nightsight (Sluagh 63), Puddle (Sluagh 64)
Flaws: Child, Short, Mute (except for Magical effects, such as Willow Whisper)
Musing Threshold: Helping Those in Need
Ravaging Threshold: Destroy Hope
Fligh's Description: Age 11; Height 4'3"; Weight 98 lbs.; Black, lank, straight hair; Black eyes; Pale skin; Skinny, lean build
Fae looks: As Sluagh, with large bat wings


Fligh's Background

Fligh's father, John McVey, is a fairly typical american salesman, currently working for a premier web-solutions company as SE Regional Sales Director. Fligh's mother, Sharon McVey, is VP of Sales and Marketing, Alternate Channels, SE, for a national drug company. She works closely with a contact lens producer and many national chains to carry her company's contact lenses. Fligh also has a sister, Amy, who is five years old.

John is 6'2", with a ruddy complexion, black hair and eyes. He's heavyset, being a sometime baseball player in high school. He is outgoing and preoccupied, smart but not inventive, and believes in money and technology.

Sharon is 5'6", with light blond hair, blue eyes, and is attractively thin (always has been - her Appearance is 4). Of course, were she male, she'd be called scrawny. She is hard-nosed with a soft heart. She appreciates the unusual but stays within the normal. One reason for this is her older deadbeat brother (a musician with some talent but no self-esteem), and her enabling mother (so gentle, with '50's manners). Her father died some years back, after a long bout of COPD, and her mother supports her brother.

(For those of you who don't know about COPD, it stands for "Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease," and is what the doctors say you have when they don't know what you have, but it's destroying your lungs.)

Fligh was born 12/2/88, as Greg Corey McVey. John's marriage to Sharon was for understanding and convenience - Sharon was a trophy for John, and John provided protection from harassment for Sharon. The two do get along, and might even grow to truly love each other one day, but John is somewhat of a cold fish and Sharon knows "she could've done better."

Flight's birth was supposed to help them into that love, but he was born tiny, and mute. His skin was pale, and he had lank, black hair. Still, John and Sharon managd to stay together, and raised little Greg as dutiful parents should, following (somewhat) the advice of experts. To help offset his frame, Greg was enrolled in physical courses early and often. A computer was also made available to him as a child.

While Greg never excelled at traditional team sports, he loved swimming, and especially gymnastics. He also showed aptitude in school early, mostly thanks to his eidetic memory. However, Greg never tested well enough to be in "gifted" classes, nor did he ever really apply himself to anything except swimming and gymnastics.

After seven years, John and Sharon decided to try for another baby, and on 5/11/95, little Amy Elaine McVey was born. She seemed to be the spitting image of her maternal grandmother, Joyce. Well, John and Sharon had prepared better for this birth, and were in a better financial position, and had a "better" child. So Amy got the desirous attention Greg rarely had. Greg was somewhat jealous, but assuaged himself by sneaking around and getting into his parents' things, and spending time with a few select friends from school.

Then, in 1997, John got the offer from his current employer, and Sharon managed to get a transfer at her company. So up they moved, from St. Petersburg, FL, to Atlanta, GA. Attention for either kid became scarce, and sitters were often hired. Greg ran away twice, but not a third time after he overheard his parents discussing psychological intervention. Instead, he found ways to keep track of their schedules, and, later, offered to watch Amy instead of having a sitter. These and his many after-school activities offred him a range of free time. His only true setback was when he got caught using his father's credit card number to purchase a certain book of anarchy online. His computer was confiscated and sold, although he was finally allowed to use the new "family computer," complete with parental blocks, after some months. Of course, it was quite easy to find the password that... However, Fligh thinks about covering his tracks now.

Shortly after moving to Atlanta, Fligh's emotional state triggered his Chrysalis. It was a strange and protracted Chrysalis, mostly coming in disturbed and paranoic dreams. However, Fligh's second attempt at running away was reported by Amy to their parents with, "Daddy, daddy, he just flew away!"

During this second, week-long absence from home, Fligh was discovered by Mortimer (a satyr), who passed him to Josh (a troll), who took him to Dr. Smythe (a sluagh). Dr. Smythe gladly took such a promising and polite boy under his wing (figuratively). The two hit it off very well, and Dr. Smythe is an excellent mentor and employer for Fligh.

Fligh chose his "fae" name from his love of the movie Back to the Future (obvious identifications with certain characters).

Fligh has learned most everything he knows at the feet of Dr. Smythe, but he also has made two other fast friends. One is Niall Westworth, a sidhe of indeterminate House (actually Ailil, which is known to Fligh), and another enterprising sluagh known by his "handle" of Dark. Dark actually calls himself a "Fixer," and is convinced that a certain cyber/fantasy RPG is a fairly accurate depiction of the world. However, Dark is good at what he does, and got the Gray Vines for Fligh in payment for a theft operation.

"Operations" are what Fligh has found he likes best, especially spying and "leaning" on marks. He is developing a reputation among the sluagh as a closed-mouth and careful operative, though few outside the kith know a thing about him.

Fligh is quite at home in the Kingdom of Willows, and is quit an admirer of King Meilge.

Fligh is currently learning to raise spiders and frogs (for their poisons) at Dr. Smythe's, and he has recently picked up the blowgun.

Niall Westworth has become a friend of John McVey, and helps run cover for Fligh sometimes. Niall loves the manueverings in the current tech world, and works as a manager for a local day-trading company. Some in the sluagh community wonder just how involved he was with the man who started the shooting at that company a while back, as the two were seen talking a couple of weeks before the event...

Back at school, Fligh started wowing the local gymnastics club - he has begun to lose interest in swimming after his Chrysalis. However, Fligh has fewer friends than ever. As his ability at manipulation has increased, what little natural charisma he had has lessened. Still, Fligh has a place near the top among the outcasts, playing them like wind-up toys. He even got one poor "ugly" girl to, well, nevermind. (Being the silent type sometimes brings out interesting reactions.)

Fligh loves loud, disorienting music. For one thing, it keeps blathering conversation to a minimum. Amazing how some people think they have to talk for two. Fligh's favorite musicians are: Prokofiev, Mahler, Ministry (especially the newer stuff), KMFDM (Wrath on XTORT, with its appendix, may be his favorite), and other, more obscure artists.

John and Sharon don't pay much attention to Fligh anymore: he keeps out of trouble, they talk at late occasional dinners, and not much else happens. Amy, due to her age, has seen Fligh's fae mien on several occasions, but has come to love the interesting sitters which come over now (thanks to a suggestion by Niall to John for a low-cost, quality, discriminating sitter company, and a kickback arrangement between said company, Niall and Fligh). Some of the sitters consider Amy to be kinain (Fligh doesn't know this), but no one has enchanted her or seen evidence of it yet.

Fligh gets accused of being a "goth" all the time, which isn't helped by his tendency to wear dark clothes. Even his gymnastics outfit is somewhat somber. Fligh's favorite outfit is black cutoff shorts, an olive green t-shirt, his Gray Vines vest, and black tennis shoes (sans socks).

Luckily, Fligh's bat-style wings fold fairly flat, although he never tucks his shirts in. The vest has two covered vents for the wings, and Fligh does have some slit shirts.

John and Sharon live on Riverview Road, just within the 285 NW loop, in one of the expensive houses near the river. Fligh routinely sneaks out at night to play in the Chattahoochee River Recreational Areas there.

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