Endless Dreams - May your Dream be Long and Enjoyable

Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt was White-Wolf's Changeling: The Dreaming collectable card game. It flopped (not that Rage and Jyhad didn't), but it was still really cool. In this section you'll find stuff that I've [openly] taken from some other pages (I don't have a compelte card list, myself, and why rewrite something already written? The only real reason I didn't just link to them online, is because stuff like that tends to go down a lot, and I didn't want them to become dead links. I'm still going to link to them.) and some scanned images.

Two sets were printed before this game went out of print: Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt and King Ironheart's Madness. The latter was an expansion for the main set (although I believe it could be played on its own - I don't own any of the packs, so I couldn't tell you). And, in case you were wondering, these are the cards I'm missing from the main set.

The following items were taken from The Arcadia Page. I claim no part in creating these items, and give full and grateful credit to the compiler.

Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt Rules
King Ironheart's Madness Rules
Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt Short Card Listing
Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt Long Card Listing
Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt Artist/Card List
King Ironheart's Madness Short Card Listing
King Ironheart's Madness Long Card Listing
King Ironheart's Madness Artist/Card List

Check out The Personal Homepage of Andy Scheffler for a really cool map of Ardenmore (the land where the game takes place). It's CGI created. There's also this map which, while on the same page, doesn't have a working link directly to it from Andy's site.

Art, Wyld Hunt Main Set

Quest, Art, Ability, and Advantage Cards
Treasure, Enemy, Ally, and Weakness Cards
Waylay Cards

Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.

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