Arcadia: King Ironheart's Madness
(404/??? total cards)

Short Card Info
V0.404a  4/11/97

Arcadia: King Ironheart's Madness, and White Wolf are trademarks of White 
Wolf, Inc.  (c) 1996 White Wolf, Inc.  All rights reserved.  All card text 
(c) 1996 White Wolf, Inc.

List compiled and organized by: Richard Uyeyama ()
Contributors: Richard Uyeyama
              Donald Milne
              Devon Sheppard

CHARACTER PACK CARDS:  (199/??? character pack cards)

CHARACTER ICONS:  (20/?? character icons)

Army Ant Platoon   MSR: 2 1 3   Special: Swarm
Djinn (male)       MSR: 3 2 2   Special: Dashing
Djinn (female)     MSR: 3 2 2   Special: Sultry
Eshu (male)        MSR: 2 3 2   Special: Rapscallion
Eshu (female)      MSR: 2 3 2   Special: Far Traveller
Fianna Garou       MSR: 3 2 2   Special: Frenzy
Gremlin (male)     MSR: 1 1 4   Special: SNAFU             (Unseelie)
Gremlin (female)   MSR: 1 1 4   Special: Machine Mastery   (Unseelie)
Kokua (male)       MSR: 2 2 2   Special: Warrior           (Seelie)
Kokua (female)     MSR: 2 2 2   Special: Fleet of Foot     (Seelie)
Mechorg (male)     MSR: 1 3 2   Special: Urban Cognition
Mechorg (female).  MSR: 4 1 2   Special: Power
Naga (male)        MSR: 2 1 3   Special: Mysticism
Naga (female)      MSR: 2 1 3   Special: Witchery
Racoon Pooka       MSR: 1 3 2   Special: Scavenge
Renegade Cog       MSR: 3 1 2   Special: Self-Repair
Selkie (female)    MSR: 1 2 3   Special: Sleek
Sluagh (male)      MSR: 2 1 3   Special: Secrets
Sluagh (female).   MSR: 2 1 3   Special: Shadow Life
Triton             MSR: 3 1 2   Special: Scuttle

MERITS:  (149/??? total merits)

Abilities (by Cost):  (30/?? abilities)
4   Alert                  Resolve, Seelie
4   Beguiling                Savvy, Unseelie
4   Charming                 Savvy, Seelie
4   Commanding               Savvy, Unseelie
4   Creative               Resolve, Unseelie
4   Discerning             Resolve, Seelie
4   Ferocious                Might, Unseelie
4   Intimidating             Savvy, Unseelie
4   Persuasive               Savvy, Seelie
4   Rational               Resolve, Seelie
4   Robust                   Might, Seelie
4   Rugged                   Might, Seelie

4   Stronger Than You Look   Might, Seelie
4   Tenacious                Might, Seelie
4   Vigorous                 Might, Unseelie
4   Wily                   Resolve, Unseelie
5   Berserker      Might, Unseelie
5   Brawny         Might, Unseelie
5   Dignified      Savvy, Seelie
5   Insidious    Resolve, Unseelie
5   Intuitive    Resolve, Seelie
5   Reflective   Resolve, Seelie
5   Seductive      Savvy, Unseelie
5   Svelte         Savvy, Seelie
6   Cutting Humor          Savvy, Unseelie
6   Empathetic             Savvy, Seelie
6   Endurance Reserves     Might, Seelie
6   Knowledgeable        Resolve, Seelie
6   Naturally Aggressive   Might, Unseelie
6   Shrewd               Resolve, Unseelie

Advantages (by Cost):  (20/?? advantages)
4   Disciplined
4   Explorer
4   Fleet of Foot
4   Ingenious
4   Mechanical Knack
4   Misdirection
4   Nomad
4   Streetwise
5   Ironheart's Trust   (Unseelie)
5   Lord Gamine's Backing
5   Meditative Practice
5   Stinking Rich
5   The Dance
5   Thick-Skinned
6   Cheater   (Unseelie)  (cannot be used by a Seelie character)
6   Dark Yeoman's Guidance
6   Favored by Ali'i
6   Remorseless   (Unseelie)
6   The Great Caliph's Respect
6   Weapons Master

Allies (by Cost):  (20/?? allies)
4   Cog Steed                   MSRC: 4 2 2 3   MOUNT
4   Fairbanks, Eshu Pirate      MSRC: 3 5 4 3
4   Kenu, Escaped Kokua Slave   MSRC: 5 3 4 4
4   Murch, Renegade Gremlin     MSRC: 3 4 5 3
4   Twist, Redcap Urchin        MSRC: 3 3 4 3
5   Army Ant Guides                          MSRC: 3 3 5 3
5   Dask, Dragonkin Knight                   MSRC: 3 2 5 4   (Seelie)
5   Hermann, Boggan Scout                    MSRC: 4 4 4 4
5   Jack Hammer, Rehabilitated Cog Dragoon   MSRC: 5 3 4 6
5   Liberated Steam Sprites                  MSRC: 5 3 3 4
5   Lyya, Naga Mistress of Secrets           MSRC: 3 5 6 3
5   Selina, Alternative Sluagh               MSRC: 3 5 4 3
5   Sky Ray                                  MSRC: 4 3 3 3   MOUNT

6   al-Sidan, Djinn Assassin        MSRC: 4 5 4 5
6   Buster Zoltan, Human Mechanic   MSRC: 5 4 5 5
6   Griffin                         MSRC: 4 2 3 4   MOUNT
6   Gurthdass, Troll Bodyguard      MSRC: 6 3 4 6   (Seelie)
6   Maria, Satyr Poet               MSRC: 4 5 5 3
6   Mr. Briefcase, Human Magician   MSRC: 1 2 3 2
6   Slammer, Triton Mercenary       MSRC: 3 2 2 3

Arts (by Cost):  (29/?? arts)
3   Side Track
4   Augury
4   Burn & Boil
4   Earthquake
4   Flood
4   Holly Strike
4   Insight
4   Mooch
4   Red Herring
4   Tempest
4   Veiled Eyes
4   Weaver Ward
5   Captive Heart
5   Earthshape
5   Fate Fire
5   Mirage
5   Phantom Shadows
5   Renewed Vigor
5   Star Body
5   Storm Clouds
5   Wind Runner
6   Charm
6   Elder Form
6   Flicker Flash
6   Geasa
6   Inferno
6   Reweaving
6   Schism
6   Shooting Star  [errata: cost 3 on back]

Treasures (by Cost):  (50/?? treasures)
1/2  Bag of Gold
3   Flash Powder
3   Magic Beans
3   Mechopolis Blueprints
3   Sewer Raft
3   Ship in a Bottle
3   Skeleton Key
3   Spyglass
4   Dem Bones
4   Dreamcatcher
4   Eshu Buckler   ARMOR
4   Magic Carpet
4   Music Box
4   Oyster Pearl Ring
4   Personal Dirigible
4   Porta-Sphinx

4   Ring of Karma
4   Rose-Colored Goggles
4   Rust Bucket
4   Sands of Sleep
4   Sluagh Shadow Shoes
4   Sooper Gloo
4   Springheel Jack
4   Steam-powered Flight Rig
4   Storm Maker
5   Army Ant Kommando Kit
5   Barnacle Armor         ARMOR
5   Blade of Cold Iron     WEAPON
5   Bliss Camp
5   Blood Key
5   Chainblade             WEAPON   (Req: Unseelie character)
5   Djinn Scimitar         WEAPON
5   Flame Lance            WEAPON
5   Gremlin's Tools
5   Lodestone
5   Monkey Wrench
5   Naga Fangspear         WEAPON
5   Pooka Mask
5   Repeating Crossbow     WEAPON
5   Selkie Sealskin        ARMOR
5   Sharktooth Sword       WEAPON
5   Wind Pistol            WEAPON
6   Bradburr's Mighty Pen
6   Cog Exoskeleton
6   Cog Hunter
6   Cog Tank
6   Egg of the Wyrd
6   The Giant's Third Eye
6   Little Hammer God
6   Shrink Lamp             WEAPON

FLAWS:  (30/?? total flaws)

Curses (by Cost):  (10/?? curses)
4   Anal Retentive
4   Cogophobia
4   Despised
4   Ill-Prepared
4   Useless Sycophant
5   Clumsy
5   Jabbermouth
5   Overconfident   (Req: Ally)
6   High Anxiety
6   Possessed

Enemies (by Cost):  (10/?? enemies)
1   Army Ants
1   Eshu
1   Gremlins
1   Kokua
1   Naga
1   Sluagh
4   Gurthdass

5   Aldrich, The Mechician
5   The Great Caliph
6   Lord Gamine

Weaknesses (by Cost):  (10/?? weaknesses)
4   Bumpkin
4   Fashion Victim
4   Pacifist
4   Tenderfoot
4   Vain
5   Braggart
5   Stupid
5   Submissive
6   Blind
6   Lazy

STORY PACK CARDS:  (205/??? story pack cards)

QUESTS (by Waylay rating, in order of Quest number):  (25/?? quests)

30      I - Border Run                                Treasure: 4   Exp: 2
25     II - Hunted!                                   Treasure: 4   Exp: 2
25.   III - The Dark Yeoman's Dream Test              Treasure: 7   Exp: 2
21     IV - Dark Yeoman's Quest: King of the Hill     Treasure: 6   Exp: 2
26      V - Dark Yeoman's Quest: Jacko D'Rakk         Treasure: 8   Exp: 2
25     VI - Dark Yeoman's Quest: Decoy                Treasure: 4   Exp: 2
27    VII - Dark Yeoman's Quest: Cog Refinery Spill   Treasure: 10  Exp: 2
25   VIII - The Secret of the Sleeping Giant          Treasure: 10  Exp: 2
25     IX - The Third Eye                             Treasure: 5   Exp: 2
29      X - Assault on Mechopolis                     Treasure: 4   Exp: 2
28     XI - Enslaved!                                 Treasure: 5   Exp: 2
33    XII - Join the Monkeywrench Gang!               Treasure: 2   Exp: 2
28   XIII - Rally the Slaves                          Treasure: 8   Exp: 2
30    XIV - Raid on General Motors' Workshop          Treasure: 9   Exp: 2
30     XV - Stowaway!                                 Treasure: 8   Exp: 2
25    XVI - Free the Waterfall City                   Treasure: 7   Exp: 2
30   XVII - Kokua Raid                                Treasure: 8   Exp: 2
32  XVIII - The Floating City                         Treasure: 4   Exp: 2
32    XIX - Air Assault                               Treasure: 9   Exp: 2
31     XX - The Steam Drake's Lair                    Treasure: 4   Exp: 2
30    XXI - The Slave Pit                             Treasure: 6   Exp: 2
32   XXII - Unwind the Key                            Treasure: 6   Exp: 2
20  XXIII - Aldrich, the Mechician                    Treasure: 9   Exp: 2
28   XXIV - The Darkening                             Treasure: 4   Exp: 2
26    XXV - Escape the Great Caliph's Wrath           Treasure: 8   Exp: 2

LEAGUES:  (105/??? leagues)

Aldrich's Workshop   City Wall, City Streets   (Unique)
The Ant Hill         Wasteland, Town, Border   (Unique)
Arborian Cog Tower   Forest, Border, Castle
Arden Border         Border, Fields, Road
Arden Junction       Border, Fields, Road
Bog of Ire               Marsh
Bog Pits of Grey Filth   Marsh, Ruins, Border
Chasm Range Foothills   Fields, Hills, Road
Chasm Range Trail       Mountains, Road, Hills
Chasm Spires.           Mountains, Hills, Border
Cog Access bridge       Bridge, Fields, River, Road
Cog Access Highway      Fields, Road
Cog Barracks            City Streets, City Wall, Road
Cog Refinery            Marsh, River, Lake, Town
Cog Training Grounds    Fields, Marsh
Downtown Mechopolis   City Streets, Town, Road
Dunes of Remorse      Border, Wasteland
East Cog Access Road     Fields, Road
East Cog Tower           Castle, Border, Fields, Road
East Gate Access         Road, Wasteland
East Watch Tower         Castle, City Skyway, City Wall
The Eastern Grey River   Marsh, River, Border

Fallen Border       Border, Road, Wasteland
The Far Steppes     Border, Wasteland
Fields of Honor     Marsh, Fields
Fields of Plunder   Fields
Fields of Sludge    Fields, Wasteland, Border, River
Flatlands           Marsh, Fields, River, Border
Garden District      City Streets, Road, Ramp
The Giant's Breath   Mountain, Plains, Road, Border
The Great Dam        Castle, Fields, Lake, River, Wasteland   (Unique)
Grey Bog             Marsh, Border
Grey Marsh           Marsh, River
Grey Mire River      Marsh, River
Grey River           Marsh, River, Border
Grey Sod Glades      Marsh, River
Iron Park                 City Streets, Ramp, Road
Iron Plains               Fields, Border
Iron Swamp                Marsh, Border
Irondew Junction          Marsh, Fields, Road, Border
Irondew Road              Road, Fields
Irondew Ruins             Marsh, Road, Border, Ruins   (Unique)
Ironheart's Toll Bridge   Bridge, Fields, River, Road
Ironleaf Fields           Fields, Forest
Ironleaf Forest           Fields, Forest
Ironleaf Lane             Fields, Forest, Road
Ironleaf Vale             Fields, Forest, Road
Jacko's Bog   Marsh, Ruins, Border
Kaihikaai                      Border, Town, Wasteland   (Unique)
Kelwrath's Volcano             Mountains, Road, Border
King Ironheart's Highway (1)   Border, Fields, Road
King Ironheart's Highway (2).  Border, Fields, Road
King Ironheart's Highway (3)   Road, Wasteland
Lair of the Steam Drake   City Wall, City Sewers, River   (Unique)
Lastwater Fields          Border, Fields, River
The Lighthouse            Border, Fields, Road, Town
Loric's Fields            Fields, River
Lost City of Mirron.      Marsh, Border, Ruins
Marketplace              Road, City Streets, City Wall
Mechopolis Water Works   City Sewers, City Wall, Ramp, River
Middlemarch Airfields    Fields, Castle
The Mirage               Border, Wasteland
Northern Boglands     Marsh, Border
Northgate Fields      Fields, Road
Nowhere Forest        Forest, Border
Nowhere Timberlands   Forest, Border
Omar's Tackle Shop   City Streets, City Wall, Road   (Unique)
The Pipeline    Bridge, Fields, River, Road, Wasteland
The Promenade   City Streets, Ramp, Road
Qadan, The City of Clouds   Town   (Unique)
Rat Apple Fields             Border, Fields, Road
Residential Mechopolis       City Streets, Road, Ramp
River of Sludge              Fields, Wasteland, River
Road of the Sleeping Giant   Mountains, Road, Border
Road to Kelwrath's Volcano   Hills, Mountain, Roads [Road]
Road to Skyeholme            Fields, Road, Hills, Border
Road to the Fallen Lands     Road, Wasteland
Ruins of Srissan             Ruins, Wasteland   (Unique)

The Secret Trail      Fields, Road, Mountain
Secret Tunnels        City Sewers, River, [City] Wall
The Shipyards         Ocean, Castle   (Unique)
The Skywalk           City Skyway, Ramp
The Sleeping Giant    Mountains, Road, Town, Border   (Unique)
The Slums             City Wall, City Streets, Road
South of Sybilline    Marsh, River, Border
Southern Wastelands   Wasteland
Splendour Brook       Fields, River
Splendour River       Fields, River, Border
Splendour Riverbed    Border, Wasteland
Swamp of Fingers      Marsh
Timberlands of Grey Filth     Forest, Marsh, Border
The Tower of King Ironheart   CStreets, CSewers, CSkyway, Castle   (Unique)
Tsu Coastline                 Border, Fields, Road
Tsu Ocean (1)                 Ocean
Tsu Ocean (2)                 Ocean
Undercity Slave Pits   City Sewers, River, Ramp, Lake   (Unique)
Uptown                 City Wall, City Streets, Ramp, Road
The Vortex   Border, Wasteland
Waste Tunnels            City Sewers, City Wall, River, Ramp
Wasted Fields            Border, Wasteland
The Wastelands           Wasteland
West Cog Tower           Border, Castle, Fields, Road
Western Access Tunnels   City Wall, City Sewers, River
Western Moor             Marsh, Forest
Western Watch Tower      City Wall, City Skywalk [Skyway], Castle, Ramp

WAYLAYS (by Rating):  (75/?? waylays)

2   Carnivorous Plants    Combat    MSRC: 2 - - 2
2   Head Leech            Combat    MSRC: 1 - - 2
2   Insane Homesteaders   Savvy     MSRC: 2 2 1 4
2   Worn Out              Resolve   MSRC: - - 4 -
3   Affectionate Oilslick       Savvy             MSRC: 4 2 - -
3   Assembly Line               Might, Resolve    MSRC: 2 - 4 -
3   Boggan Gang Bangers         Combat            MSRC: 3 5 4 3
3   Capsized                    Might, Resolve    MSRC: 2 - 2 -
3   Cog Hunting Dogs            Combat, Resolve   MSRC: 5 - 2 4
3   Cog Sniper                  Combat            MSRC: - - 4 3
3   Coughing Break              Might             MSRC: 3 - - -
3   Cruel Geyser                Savvy             MSRC: - 3 3 -
3   Footpad                     Resolve           MSRC: - - 2 3
3   Hypo-Scorpions              Combat            MSRC: 4 - 1 2
3   Mechopolis Security         Combat, Savvy     MSRC: 5 4 4 3
3   Polluted Water              Resolve           MSRC: 6 - 3 -
3   Rat Apples                  Combat, Resolve   MSRC: - - 4 2
3   Road Crew                   Resolve           MSRC: 3 4 3 4
3   Sociopathic Steam Sprites   Savvy             MSRC: - 3 4 -
3   Tempting Illusion           Resolve           MSRC: - - 6 -
3   Tiger Trap                  Might             MSRC: 2 - 5 -
3   Time Clock                  Savvy             MSRC: 6 3 4 -
3   Volcanic Plain              Might             MSRC: 4 - 4 -
3   Wyld Boars                  Combat            MSRC: 4 1 3 3

4   Accountability      Savvy           MSRC: - 3 - 6
4   Ash Heaps           Resolve         MSRC: 6 - 6 -
4   Clock Roaches       Savvy           MSRC: - 4 - 4
4   Cog Autogyro        Combat          MSRC: 4 - - 3
4   Cog Spider Flyers   Combat          MSRC: 4 - 4 3
4   Jungle Sirens       Savvy           MSRC: - 3 4 -
4   Kokua Blowguns      Combat, Savvy   MSRC: 4 5 - 4
4   Press Gang          Combat          MSRC: 5 4 - 4
4   Propaganda          Resolve         MSRC: - - 4 -
4   Razor Hawks         Combat          MSRC: - - - 4
4   Riddle Gate         Resolve         MSRC: - - 5 -
4   Ruined Temple       Resolve         MSRC: - - 3 -
4   Salamander          Combat          MSRC: 4 - - 4
4   Sandstorm           Might           MSRC: 4 - 6 -
4   Smog Cloud          Might           MSRC: 3 - - -
4   Stilt Gators        Combat          MSRC: 3 - 4 4
4   Sweatshop Heat      Might           MSRC: 4 - - -
4   Tangle Vines        Might           MSRC: 3 - - -
4   The 4man            Combat, Savvy   MSRC: 4 4 5 5
4   Wyvern              Combat          MSRC: 4 - 2 4
4   Zip of Zeppelins    Savvy           MSRC: - 4 - -
5   Buccaneer Colony   Savvy, Might      MSRC: 6 5 2 5
5   Cog Dreadnought    Savvy             MSRC: - 5 - 42
5   Cog Marauders      Combat            MSRC: - 6 3 7
5   Cog Mortar         Combat, Resolve   MSRC: 4 - 5 5
5   Cog Platoon        Combat, Savvy     MSRC: - 4 6 6
5   Cog Trap           Might             MSRC: 2 - - -
5   Djinn Wanderers    Combat, Savvy     MSRC: 7 5 - 6
5   Dystopian Maze     Resolve           MSRC: - - 4 -
5   Gridlock           Resolve, Savvy    MSRC: - 5 3 -
5   Mechorg Assassin   Combat            MSRC: 4 - 2 5
5   "Progress"         Resolve           MSRC: - - 3 -
5   Sandman Pageant    Savvy             MSRC: - 5 7 -
5   Sidewinder         Combat            MSRC: 3 - - 5
5   Tornado            Might             MSRC: 3 - - -
5   Torque Wrench      Might             MSRC: 5 - - -
6   Cog Juggernaut                Combat            MSRC: - - - 4
6   Cog Spider Tank               Combat            MSRC: 6 - - 5
6   Cog Squid                     Combat            MSRC: - - 4 6
6   Cog Submarine                 Combat, Resolve   MSRC: 9 - 6 6
6   Dapper Rokea                  Savvy             MSRC: - 5 - 6
6.  General Motors                Savvy             MSRC: - 6 7 5
6   Industrial Accident           Might             MSRC: 7 - - -
6   Naga Guardians                Resolve           MSRC: - 5 6 -
6   Plummet                       Might             MSRC: 6 - - -
6   Proselytizing Velociraptors   Resolve           MSRC: - 4 6 -
7   Aldrich, the Mechician   Combat, Resolve   MSRC: - 8 9 5
7   General Electric         Resolve           MSRC: - 5 7 6
7   Jacko D'Rakk             Savvy             MSRC: - 7 - 8
7   Passing Kraken           Might             MSRC: 6 - - 89
9   Steelwing, the Steam Drake   Combat, Resolve   MSRC: 11 5 8 9