Episode 77
Days and Nights in the Underground

The Biscuits Dollin - Druid 7th Level (PC)
Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Little John - Fighter 6th Level (NPC)
Nicola - Cleric 6th Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 6th Level (NPC)
Yodavan - Mage/Cleric 1st/3rd (PC)
Locale Dwarven Mines
Date 4th day of Goodmonth, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time evening?

The party rested for a while, and Nicola worked a bright healing magic on Little John. As the only nearby warrior, everybody agreed this was a wise precaution. Gimar reported only more abandoned passageways ahead.

Nicola stepped back when she was finished. Through the jagged holes in Little John's chain hauberk, the skin glowed faintly. Before anybody could comment on it, though, the glow faded away.

Gimar Does it always do that?
Nicola The major spells, yes. If we weren't in this underground blackness, you'd never notice it.

The party voted as one to move on, even though Gimar hadn't seen a good camping spot along the way. Nobody was quite sure if it was night or day. Dollin commented once or twice on how little there was living down here, but nobody really felt like debating the point.

More damage could be seen in the walls, and it didn't take a dwarf to realize this place would not be safe in an earth tremor.

Gimar returned after a few hours walk and could see that most of the party was getting fatigued. He told them of another cook room he had found, just a little ways off the main passage. All eyes glimmered at the thought of a warm meal and a place to lay out the bedroll.

Dollin So how far have we travelled?
Gimar Well, I haven't been mapping, but I'd estimate we've made it about a third of the way.
Nicola (frowning) That's at least three more days then.
Yodavan Harrumph, it's more like six with my stride.
Wed We must be tired for mister green and cheery to complain.
Little John G'night, people - we've got miles to go tomorrow.

The Biscuits dropped off to sleep one by one as Wed sat with his spellbook, skimming the pages and refreshing the arcane formulas in his mind. He kept an eye on the tunnel as well, but the party went undisturbed that night.

The Biscuits Dollin - Druid 7th Level (PC)
Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Little John - Fighter 6th Level (NPC)
Nicola - Cleric 6th Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 6th Level (NPC)
Yodavan - Mage/Cleric 1st/3rd (PC)
Locale Dwarven Mines
Date 5th day of Goodmonth, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time morning?

Nicola closed her prayerbook, figuring she had been on watch about an hour and a half. Dollin had gotten up about half an hour ago, and was working on some sort of cooked oats. She figured that the party would probably rise on it's own and besides, as that was one fantastic aroma coming from the druid's small cookpot.

Nicola (quietly) Amazing, you can do all of that with so few ingredients.
Dollin Not to get into a philosophical discussion, but nature will provide if you just know where to look.
Wed (yawning) I'm just glad we have you to know where and when.
Dollin (bowing) With pleasure.

The breakfast conversation was light, even though the room wasn't terribly. As the party was packing up for their hike, Wed chatted with Gimar about their location.

Gimar Well, what I've seen could match one of these two maps, in about eight places.
Wed Hmm, that's not too bad. Should we take a side journey to determine exactly which one?
Gimar I don't think that would be wise. I know the general direction, and we are still headed towards Irongate. In general, I don't think the party would enjoy spending too much time down here.
Wed It's so much different from the Temple, eh?
Gimar Yeah, you know, with the Temple you've got lots of battles to keep your mind off the fact that you are deep underground.
Wed Well Little John is almost completely healed, so let's not wish for too much action.
Gimar Fair enough.
Dollin (approaching) Everybody's ready to move out. You sure these tunnels are safe?
Gimar (cautiously) There are no guarantees, as you know, but I think you won't be buried deep undergound anytime soon.
Nicola Did somebody mention the Temple of Elemental Evil?

The Blades Nigel - Fighter (NPC)
Falgrim - Cleric (NPC)
Connor - Barbarian (NPC)
Faenya - Thief (NPC)
"The Shadow" - Mage (NPC)
Felicity - Druid (NPC)
Locale Western Gnarley Forest
Date 5th day of Goodmonth, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time afternoon

Connor stooped to the worn track. So far their guide had been, as Nigel would put it, "spot on", but he felt reassured to check. Besides, the lesser human would eventually make a mistake.

Tanner Here, this spot - I think horses have been tethered here in the past. I believe the building you seek is just over that hill.
Falgrim (pushing forward) Let's get to it.

Nigel and Connor clambered off their large mounts, and followed the Dwarven priest up the hill. Faenya checked her pack one last time before traipsing up after them. The mage, referred to only as the Shadow, carefully packed his travelling spellbooks.

Tanner (unbridling the horses) Don't everyone thank me at once.
Shadow It is their way. You will be well paid. If our companion comes by, send her along, will you?
Tanner With pleasure.

Shadow quickly reached the top of the low hillock. Gazing into the afternoon sun, he saw the temple and it's ruined fortifications. The warriors were striding right towards the front door, causing him to shout in annoyance.

Shadow Wait!

They checked around the building as he approached, then returned to meet him at the front door. The large bronze portal was carved with runes, their silvery script burned into the door.

Nigel Hurry up, now, it's time to get inside.
Shadow (staring at the door) This means something. This is important.
Connor (Reaching forward) Bah, mages, what do they know?

The piercing screech of a hawk was heard, and in a few brief moments it had landed on a broken railing near the party.

Nigel Ah, Felicity, I'm delighted you could make it.

Read the preceding or succeeding episode, or return to the index.

Typographical Conventions
Normal Text Character's words or descriptive text if part of a paragraph
Italic Text Character's thoughts or actions if surrounded by parenthesis
Bold Text Character is shouting.


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