Episode 76
At the Oerth's Core?

The Biscuits Dollin - Druid 7th Level (PC)
Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Little John - Fighter 6th Level (NPC)
Nicola - Cleric 6th Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 6th Level (NPC)
Yodavan - Mage/Cleric 1st/3rd (PC)
Locale Dwarven Mines
Date 4th day of Goodmonth, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time afternoon

As the Biscuits finished their lunch, Gimar assured them that fresh potatoes were one of the staple vegetables of the dwarven miners. The conversation then turned to the denizens they had seen thus far.

Gimar Hobgoblins are a militaristic and organized race. I think the ones I bumped into were probably scouts.
Little John Of a larger invasion?
Gimar Or just a nearby tribal home. If Dollin is right, they could have been brought in by the brotherhood as well.
Dollin (frowning) That would be hell on the ecosystem.
Yodavan And not good for the locals either, hmmm?
Nicola What about these fish-men?
Gimar There are a number of reasons they worry me. Dwarves like dry mines, these guys apparently like the wet.
Wed Those webbed feet would seem to indicate as much.
Gimar So either the mines ahead are leaking or collapsed, or else these fish-men have tunnels that are nearly as extensive as our own.
Little John Are we below the sea level?
Gimar (Thinking for a minute) Hmmm, I'm pretty sure we are, but I can't tell by how far.

The Dwarven warrior readied his gear as the party discussed what they might do when they finally reached Irongate. He then left the party to go ahead again, promising to fall back if necessary.

Gimar You guys'll be fine - you've got Nicola's mace to protect you.
Nicola Ha!

With that, Gimar moved forward into the caves again. The party doused what was left of the small cook-fire, then moved to follow.

The tunnels were indeed quite dry, and no further sign was seen of the bizarre fish-men. Nor were any hobgoblins seen. Here and there the tunnel was braced against a weak section. Occasionally a newer weak section was spotted, this time with no bracing.

Dollin I suppose this shows the place to be abandoned - no dwarf would allow it.
Nicola Let's just hope there's no earthquakes this afternoon.
Yodavan So sure are you that evening it is not? Deep underground are we.
Little John Doesn't make a difference until we reach Irongate.

Abruptly the wall section across the corridor from the party broke open, and a large beak pushed through. The surprised party could barely react.

Nicola What?
Yodavan Where did?
Wed By jove, how very interesting.

The beast appeared to be some variety of small dinosaur, and was barely able to fit into the tiny corridor. Any thoughts that it might just leave were dashed, however, when it sprang to the attack!

Wed Yes, it is a somewhat agressive looking creature.

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :16-|5+4|:1:  fumble(2) save(20)
 6 [4+2] Wed Ice Knife :19: spell failed
 8 [1+7] Nicola Mace :18-|5+2|:2:  miss
 8 [7+1] Yodavan Magic Missile :2:  1d4+1=2 damage
11 [7-2+6] Dollin Lightning Spear :18-|5|:20: critical(17) 3xd6+12=30 damage
13 [7+6] Dinosaur Beak :10-|2|:14: 3d6=12 damage to Little John

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :16-|5+4|:15: hit 1d6+4=8 damage
 4 [3+1] Wed Magic Missile :15: 3d4+3=7 damage
 8 [2+6] Dinosaur Beak :10-|2|:16: hit 3d6=11 damage
 9 [6+3] Yodavan Cure Light Wounds :18: 1d8=6 healing to Little John
10 [4+6] Beaked Dinosaur - claw :10-|2|:1: fumble (1) broken claw
14 [7+7] Nicola Mace :18-|5+2|:16:  17 damage, slaying the dinosaur
A dwarven blur arrived, just in time to hear the dying shriek of the prehistoric creature.

Gimar Did I miss much?

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