Episode 74
Crab Meat

The Biscuits Dollin - Druid 7th Level (PC)
Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Little John - Fighter 6th Level (NPC)
Nicola - Cleric 6th Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 8th Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 6th Level (NPC)
Yodavan - Mage/Cleric 1st/3rd (PC)
Locale Onnwal Peninsula
Date 3rd day of Goodmonth, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time midday

The launch from the Saucy Mare was not quite all the way to her ship when the party was beset by giant crabs. These crabs were between eight and fifteen feet across, and scuttled from the ocean in pairs and trios.

The paladin was still missing, but the rest of the party answered Little John's call to arms. Gimar hit two of the crabs, dropping one, and as quick as that they were on the party. Dollin, moving back from the reflecting pool, was hit the hardest; Yodavan also received a small pinch.

Little John couldn't manage to hit the crabs, who dodged his magical staff with surprising ease. When Gimar finished chopping the crabs he was facing, he turned to lend the hapless warrior a hand.

Gimar Your courage has deserted you?
Little John Me? No, my heart is full of bravery! But I have very cowardly legs.

The rest of the party formed a more or less straight battle line. To the joy of all involved, even Nicola's mace landed on a crab's shell with a fatal crack!


With four of their number down but probably not noticed, the crabs charged to attack the only way they knew how - sideways. Gimar and Little John held one end of the battle line, but on the other Rheaphlyndar was quickly put off balance then rocked by massive blows from the crabs. Nicola spied this melee, but could do nothing to help yet.

The giant crabs pressed their attack, pheremones of battle lust surging through the air. Little John was hit hard on the other end of the line, and only the center was relatively unscathed. Rheaphlyndar was down, and two crabs were battling between themselves for the tasty flesh.


When Dollin saw a third crab join the fray, he charged Rheaphlyndar. He knew that their animal instincts must be telling them to cut their losses, but overcoming the two largest crabs still on the beach would be difficult. The other spellcasters were battling the second largest crab now.

The druid gave a shout and saw that Gimar, just finishing a battle with two more crabs, turned to give chase. As Dollin advanced he was surprised to see a spear flying directly from Yodavan, and even more surprised to see the crab collapse from it's wounds.


Now Gimar was well into the water, wading waist deep after the two remaining crabs. One was quickly singled out and slain, but the largest crab of all had claimed Rheaph's corpse as it's personal prize.

Gimar sensed the deep water all around him and activated a special power of his helm. A mighty blow on the crab caused it to turn and try to defend its prize, which Gimar was glad to see was being rescued by Dollin. The warrior gave out the first mighty blow, but at the last moment his foot slipped on a slimy rock and he nearly drove his axe through the ocean floor.


When Dollin got the body to shore, Nicola rushed forward to examine it. One of Rheaph's arms was missing, and his chest had been nearly ripped in two. When she saw Gimar wading victorious from the surf, she shook her head at him.

Gimar The situation isn't good, I take it.
Nicola He's still missing an arm, and he's barely alive.
Dollin (wading back to shore) Found the arm. How's your sewing?
Nicola No, I think he's too far gone.
Gimar Bring the arm here, I have an idea.

With a minor mending spell, the arm was partially attached, and Gimar leaned over and touched his dwarven axe to the corpse. Within a few moments, a gray ashen color came over Rheaphlyndar's nearly lifeless body and he became a statue.

Gimar We'll find healing in Irongate -- I owe him that much.

The Biscuits Dollin - Druid 7th Level (PC)
Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Little John - Fighter 6th Level (NPC)
Nicola - Cleric 6th Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 6th Level (NPC)
Yodavan - Mage/Cleric 1st/3rd (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Statue (PC)
Locale Onnwal Peninsula
Date 3rd day of Goodmonth, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time evening

Lunch was plentiful and fresh, for the crabs had been very large. The party tended their wounds well into the late afternoon, and finally concluded that Jaron wasn't going to just re-appear.

As the sun began to dip below the low hills to the west, Dollin again prepared his divinations. The minor tide had come and gone, and once again the ocean had left behind a small pool of clear water.

Dollin A little better guard this time, please.
Gimar It's not like you were that wounded.
Nicola Or torn in two.
Dollin Yes, but this is a very powerful spell, and if I am interrupted then I will have to wait until tomorrow to cast it again.
Little John We've got your back.

The druid sprinkled three separate spoons of walnut oil onto the salty water, which began to cloud over. As he stared into the pool and focused on the paladin, the swirling clouds began to clear.

Dollin I can see him now. He's hazy - yes, he's under water.
Yodavan Well that figures.
Nicola Shhh!

Dollin then began to cast another, concurrent spell. Noticing the results of this, he gave a low whistle.

Dollin I think he's alright. There's some sort of magical aura around him, and now I can see that he is moving rapidly in some direction.
Wed (eyeing the process with obvious interest) Anything else?
Dollin It looks like there's some creatures with him, but I can't quite make them out.
Gimar Well that's good, I suppose. Are you sure we can't talk to him?
Dollin No chance, I'm afraid.
Little John So it's plan B, then.
Yodavan Plan B?
Gimar Yes, Little John and I discussed this earlier. We're going to move into the caves, and I'll keep a few hundred feet ahead of you guys. With my infravision and dwarven senses, I am sure I can go quieter and safer than if you were with me. I'll use this chalk to mark the way.
Nicola And if you run across any evil-minded creatures?
Gimar If I don't think I can handle them I'll come back to the party.
Little John There's little chance of that.
Yodavan So we can also leave some marks here on the beach for Jaron?
Gimar Absolutely, no problem.

Dollin reluctantly turned away from the image, wondering just where Jaron was off to and just what was waiting for him there . . .

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