Episode 44
Aside from Worlende

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 6th Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 8th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 5th Level (PC)
Dollin - Druid 6th Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 5th Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 5th Level (NPC)
Locale Worlende
Date 18th day of Flocktime, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time evening

Most of the Biscuits spent Godsday prepping their gear and getting ready for travel.

Outside the city, in fact outside the kingdom of Furyondy, others celebrated Walpurgis a different way.

Cloaked Figure What of the outsiders. Will they return?
Robed Figure I foresee that they will, and it is likely they will be our downfall.
Cloaked Figure Bah! What kind of seer are you, anyhow? When will they return?
Robed Figure Not for several moons.
Cloaked Figure Good, that gives us a chance to repair the damage and replace the minions.
Robed Figure It is all for nought.
Cloaked Figure Bah!

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 6th Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 8th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 5th Level (PC)
Dollin - Druid 6th Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 5th Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 5th Level (NPC)
Locale Worlende
Date 20th day of Flocktime, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time Late afternoon

The party hit the road on Waterday, heading southeast. Since there weren't a lot of other choices, they decided to make tracks now and discuss their routes in more detail in the future.

It was a fine morning, with clear skies and few clouds. The familiar road passed quickly by under hooves. The most notable incident of the first day was when a prophet and his retinue passed, deep in thought. When the prophet jostled Little John's leg in passing, he looked up, startled.

Prophet Evil will befall you.
Little John Oh really? So you've met my travelling companions, have you?

The prophet shrugged off the flip comment and made a holy sign, moving on. Rheaphlyndar made remarks about false prophets, but the group was still a little shaken.

The next morning brought more clear weather and more fast travel. In fact, the party reached the outskirts of town in the early afternoon, but traffic slowed them somewhat. Rheaphlyndar scouted ahead.

Jaron What in the holy blazes is going on up there?
Nicola Yeah, don't they know we have evil to vanquish?
Gimar Here comes Rheaphlyndar now, in disguise.
Dollin Where'd you get that face? The holly wood?

Indeed, the rogue's face closely resembled that of a flesh golem.

Rheaphlyndar OK, sometimes the make up just doesn't work. We are being delayed by a some sort of aristocrat's procession. Banners, trumpets, knights in polished armor, the whole works.

Eventually the Biscuits got through the traffic and into town. Their customary inn was booked, so they instead checked in at the Triple Crown. After they unpacked and freshened up a bit, they continued their discussion of the next leg of their journey.

Gimar Well, I don't know, maybe we should flip a coin.
Rheaphlyndar I have one here with two heads, if that will help.
Nicola Only if you want to make the decision.
Jaron Perhaps we should price the boat journey to compare.
Wed There's an odd number of us, you would think a simple vote would settle it.
Dollin I have a feeling that no matter how many Biscuits there were, they'd still be odd.
Little John Somebody approaches.

Indeed, a young female came into the common room, crying something along the lines of "it got him, that monster, it got him." After a quick vote the party moved to intercept the waif. Jaron talked with her and calmed her down and managed to get a description of the beasty.

Jaron A giant brain with a beak and tentacles below it. Apparently the tentacles had some paralysis effect, and it was also armed with some sort of spear. Also, it either flys or levitates.
Gimar Has anyone else seen this monster?

A few ayes rang out, and one of the younger men stepped forward.

Man I was hit with that spear; it shocked me like hell. If the town guard hadn't arrived it probably would have carried me away, too.
Rheaphlyndar Is there a reward for killing this thing?
Barkeep I recently heard 300 gold pieces and keep all it's treasure.
Gimar I think you've got yourself some heroes. Now, who knows where this thing lives?

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 6th Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 8th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 5th Level (PC)
Dollin - Druid 6th Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 5th Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 5th Level (NPC)
Locale Outside Worlende
Date 20th day of Flocktime, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time early evening

Celene and Luna were but slivers in the clear sky, tinted red with the dusk. The party had collected the conflicting reports and decided to wander in a stretch of hills to the west.

Dollin took the opportunity to chatter with a few animals, and was able to lead the party closer to the spot. However, the animals told of a thing coming in and out of the rock.

Gimar Well that's strange.
Rheaphlyndar Get me close, and I'll give it a wink.
Dollin It's somewhere along this rim here.
Rheaphlyndar (squinting) Ah.

He then turned and walked into the rock! Poking his head out again, he motioned for the rest to follow.

Gimar If this thing can cast illusions . . .
Wed . . . Then I'll beat it at it's own game.
Jaron Quiet everyone. Battle formation and continual light.

Dollin stood to the middle of the group, near Wed and Nicola. The entryway was about six feet wide and eight feet high, and the tunnel led downwards. Due to the paralyzation effect, Gimar had agreed not to scout ahead this time.

After a descent of some eighty feet, the tunnel opened up into a large room. The ceiling was about fifteen feet up, and it was about fifty feet square. A door led to the north and passageways opened to the east and west. The walls were painted with murals, containing scenes of battle, martial exercises and training.

In the northeast corner was a body, long dead, with bits of rotted leather armor and a decayed purse nearby. Quick flashes of light revealed nothing in either of the rooms to the sides, but Jaron sensed evil to the west.

(Roll Initiative)

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Typographical Conventions
Normal Text Character's words or descriptive text if part of a paragraph
Italic Text Character's thoughts or actions if surrounded by parenthesis
Bold Text Character is shouting.


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