Episode 43
The King's Quest

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 6th Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 8th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 5th Level (PC)
Dollin - Druid 6th Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 5th Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 5th Level (NPC)
Locale Worlende
Date 14th day of Flocktime, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time Mid-day

While Rheaphlyndar was fishing around down in the ankheg tunnels, the Biscuits cleaned their weapons and armor. Wed's cloak was ruined, and Gimar was short a crossbow string and backpack, along with a magic ring. Since most of his clothes were also lost, the dwarven warrior asked Nicola to grab his fine set of clothes to wear for the time being. After tallying the damage, the whole group chatted about their mission.

Gimar Hmmm... didn't we hear a rumor about ankhegs being near the river when we were in town? It could be that someone is summoning them, but why? Should we make a short investigation?
Dollin Right, that's what the small ankheg was saying.
Wed It was that barge captain who mentioned them.
Dollin The only problem is, I don't think it would be a good idea to delay the king. His mission, though I don't know the details, seemed urgent.
Jaron An excellent point there.
Dollin Maybe we can come back to it after. I'd hate to see us delayed too long on a side investigation.
Nicola And for all we know, whatever the king wants might be tied up with this.
Gimar I will relent, for now, but I would like to come back here to investigate if this phenomenon continues.
Dollin Perhaps I can have some animal friends keep an eye out for this when/if we come back.
Rheaphlyndar (poking his head out of an ankheg hole) Found some treasure. Mostly silver pieces, local mint.
Nicola (eyeing her new mace) Any weapons that can actually hit?
Rheaphlyndar Mostly corroded I'm afraid. Still, lots of adventuring type gear down there. I'd say it isn't locals these dudes have been eating.
Gimar Well, lets get moving. I want to get out of these clothes and into something more comfortable before nightfall.

The night was spent uneventfully in the nearby town of Worlende. Gimar picked up a new set of clothes from a travelling merchant. In the three months since they'd first seen it, the new fortress was beginning to take shape. A tall warrior also stood watching the work.

Gimar That building there must be the smithy.
Warrior Always trust a dwarf to know the details. I am Sir Hymend, the Administrator of this township. You're not from around here, right?
Gimar I am Gimar Axewielder, and our party is just passing through, sir. We are headed north to the capital.
Hymend Ah, Chendl. I am travelling their myself tomorrow, mind if I join you?
Gimar It would be a pleasure.
Hymend In that case, breakfast is on me. Let's meet at the Triple Crown, up on the hill, at daybreak.

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 6th Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 8th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 5th Level (PC)
Dollin - Druid 6th Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 5th Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 5th Level (NPC)
Sir Hymend - Paladin (NPC)
Locale Chendl
Date 16th day of Flocktime, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time Late Afternoon

The Biscuits had a vast breakfast spread of flat cakes and fresh syrup, hearty portions of bacon and eggs, along with tasty biscuits and gravy. The meal was so hearty, in fact, that the first mile or two was travelled at a much slower pace.

The paladin Sir Hymend found much to discuss with Jaron as their horses rode along. Jaron steered the conversation away from the Biscuits mission, letting on only that it was urgent.

After another uneventful campsight on the road, they reached the outskirts of the capital. The party rode past the shelter where they removed their armor on their previous visit.

Hymend It's a pity about this continued state of war.
Gimar And a shame about this beautiful capital.
Jaron Someday the injustice will be righted.
Dollin Or someday nature will reclaim her own.

After the gate, Sir Hymend bid them good journey. The party checked in at the King's Arms Inn, and were halfway through their meal when a runner arrived. He informed them they were due to see the king first thing the next morning.

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 6th Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 8th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 5th Level (PC)
Dollin - Druid 6th Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 5th Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 5th Level (NPC)
Locale The Inner City of Chendl
Date 17th day of Flocktime, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time Early Morning

During their previous visit to the King, they had been whisked past the minor functionaries and left in the anteroom. This time, they were even rushed past that. The only occupant, Sir Hymend of Worlende, raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

His August Majesty, King Belvor IV was sitting patiently. He greeted each of the party members as they entered. He motioned for his guards and attendants to wait outside. After the doors were closed, he wasted no time getting down to business.

Belvor Thank you for coming on such short notice. I appreciate that you were busy vanquishing evil and the like, but I have need of a special favor and it requires talented adventurers such as yourselves. But first, I must introduce my guest.

A robed figure near the side of the room turned towards the party. Jaron, Nicola, and Wed immediately fell to their knees in respect, and seeing that the rest of the party bowed their heads.

Belvor May I present His Venerable Reverence, Canon Hazen of Veluna.
Hazen (nodding) Rise, all.
Belvor What I am about to say is confidential, and should not be repeated outside this room. Magical safeguards against scrying have all been secured. In a message that was finally delivered by Dollin, we received word that Lord Drax of Rel Astra wishes to convey a magical item to us.
Hazen This particular magical item is more rightly called an artifact, the Crook of Rao.
Belvor We believe Lord Drax may be making a power play for the leadership of the former Great Kingdom.
Hazen Of course, that doesn't concern us as much as possession of that artifact.
Gimar So how can our humble party possibly help?
Belvor In the first phase of this operation, we want you to travel to Free City of Irongate . . .
Jaron (incredulous) But that city is under siege!
Belvor (ignoring the outburst) We believe you can get in and out through the dwarven mines nearby. There you will meet with our second-in-command, Patriarch Lemuel, and receive the package of magical items to be carried to Lord Drax.
Hazen You must then travel post-haste to the city of Rel Astra. Lord Drax will be informed of your arrival and should welcome you.
Belvor In the third phase of the operation you must return the item to Veluna or Furyondy, whichever works out the best. Are there any questions?
Jaron What can you tell us about the artifact?
Hazen It is a powerful item of lawful good. It's power can be used to banish demons from this plane of existence.
Belvor I know that you have dealt first hand with the Tanar'ri and you know how important this mission is to my people. You also know now what sort of forces you will have to deal with if word of this mission gets out.
Dollin Sir, I wish to travel with these folks. My wilderness knowledge could prove useful.
Belvor I agree. I feel your group should not leave the city for a few days, since tomorrow is Walpurgis night and there are likely to be many demons and evil priests about.

After a few more questions were asked, the party bowed and left the throne room in order to prepare for and plan their journey. A previously hidden robed figure descended from above the throne.

Belvor Do you really think they can make it?
Hazen They are our last hope.
Figure No. There is another . . .

Read the preceding or succeeding episode, or return to the index.

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Normal Text Character's words or descriptive text if part of a paragraph
Italic Text Character's thoughts or actions if surrounded by parenthesis
Bold Text Character is shouting.


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Quote: Gary