Episode 24
Meanwhile, back in civilization

The Biscuits An unknown halfling
Locale A tavern in Greyhawk
Date 17th of Fireseek, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time Mid-day

The halfling sat at one of the corner tables, a cool draught of ale in his pudgy hand. When he saw the tall Flan enter, he responded with a rapid motion of his hand. Seen and understood, the Flan approached the table.

Flan I have much news.
Halfling Tell me all about it, mister Bronze.
Bronze First of all, the business in the River Quarter is completed.
Halfling Very good. Any word from the docks?
Bronze Yes, One-eye was just disembarking this morning.
Halfling (frowning) Code names only, friend.
Bronze Sorry, it slipped. Anyhow, what would you like me to do next.
Halfling I need to check on the impact of recent events. I think it best you head south for a bit, though.
Bronze Very well, I shall pack at once.

The tall Flan left the room, and the halfling casually sauntered over to an adjoining table. Sitting at the table was a slender half-elf, previously engrossed in a scroll which he placed on the table.

Half-elf Sloppy.
Halfling An unfortunate risk. How have you found his work?
Half-elf Exceptionally clean. That sage was quite an annoyance, but Selczek's got him now. And nary a peep from the city watch.
Halfling Good work, mister Silver. You'll find a nice bonus in the usual location. I must be going now.
Half-elf (Already back to his scroll) Hmm-hmmm.

The Halfling travelled next to the low market. Selecting the proper rug merchant, he gave the proper sign. The merchant moved forward to call attention to his rugs, allowing the halfling to slip under a rug and into a hidden room. An average height Oeridian was there already.

Oeridian Copper, how good to see you, and finally be off that acursed boat!
Copper Winter storms a problem, then?
Oeridian You don't know the half of it. The Azure is not to be travelled lightly, what with the Red Pirates about. I had to call in a few favors.
Copper I am glad you made it. Fill me in, friend.

The Oeridian tells a story of the exploration of an archway located within a swamp, and the rapid abandonment that followed.

Copper Did your traps slay any of them?
Oeridian Alas, no. Perhaps the final one, but likely not. A pox on that dwarf who was leading them!
Copper So you are sure the warrior was with them?
Oeridian There were other dwarves sighted, but it is likely they were merely sappers. But his armor was just as you described.
Copper Very well. You have a week to rest up, and after that you must travel to the west. (reaching in his pouch) Here is a packet of information for you to study until then.
Oeridian (glancing into the packet) I've never been to Dyvers before. This should be interesting.
Copper With luck, some of the snow will melt. Otherwise, you may need to fly.
Oeridian (grinning) That can probably be arranged.

With that the Halfling called Copper left the meeting room. Tipping the rug vendor, he moved rapidly through the market to an herbalist. Picking up a small package, he returned to his room at the Brass Dragon Inn. He was greeted by the head bartender on his way in.

Rainy Hey, Reddy, what's up?
Copper Not much. I'm checking out tomorrow, by the way.
Rainy Fine, fine. I'm sure we'll have a room for you when you come back. Heavy snow to the west I hear.
Copper Yep, shouldn't be a problem. I am headed more south than west.
Rainy Ah, Blackfair Manor.

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