Episode 8
A return to the tower

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
G'Leina - Fighter/Cleric 1st/2nd Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 2nd Level (PC)
Locale Blue Dragon Inn
Date 1st of Sunsebb, 584 CY (Common Year)
Time Late evening

Gimar (examining G'Leina's new mace) That is a fine piece of craftsmanship. Perhaps you should replace that leather strap so you don't lose it in the Mistmarsh tomorrow.
G'Leina I didn't think we could make it to the marsh that quickly.
Gimar It is a bit shorter distance from Greyhawk, and if we hustle we should be able to camp near our "second day" camp from before.
Rheaphlyndar And since we know the route to the tower from their, we should be able to reach it by mid-day, instead of late afternoon.
G'Leina Sounds good to me. Pity there aren't any doors for me to try this mace on.

Rheaphlyndar muttered something about a one-track mind, and the remainder of the party turned in for the night.

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
G'Leina - Fighter/Cleric 1st/2nd Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 2nd Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 2nd Level (PC)
Hannah - Mage 2nd Level (NPC)
Wed - Mage 2nd Level (NPC)
Locale Druid's Gate, Free City of Greyhawk
Date 2nd of Sunsebb, 584 CY (Common Year)
Time Sunrise

The group arrived at the Druid's gate just as the guards were opening it at sunrise (7:15 am). As Gimar signed the group out, the sentry inquired as to his business.

Sentry Returning to Greysmere, are ya?
Gimar We must journey to the mistmarsh for the glory of Pelor.
Sentry I hope Pelor is going to hook you up with better weather. It really looks like snow.

And a short distance from the wall, the snow began. The first landmark on the road to Erybend and the Mistmarsh was the great StoneRing. Gimar relayed a rumour that anybody standing among the central stones of the arch can speak, act, and think without being observed by any magical means.

The snow continued to fall, piling up along the roadside. As the group rode on past the ferry at Erybend and towards the marsh, the conversation turned to the details of the recent Bar Fight.

Jaron I tell you, I did not throw the first punch. It was entirely self defense.
G'Leina And paladins never lie . . .

Upon reaching the mistmarsh, the party made camp, clearing out the accumulated snow to reach the ground. Gimar, with his Axe and knife, proceeded to make seven foot walking sticks for the whole party, and then four foot walking sticks for the dwarven engineers.

Gimar Since we have the time, this will help us avoid many of the deadfalls and pockets of quicksand.
Hannah Better that than my quarterstaff, that's for sure.

Locale A Dark Tower
Date 2nd of Sunsebb, 584 CY (Common Year)
Time Sunset

Dev Seen any sign of intruders?
Porkins (Zzzzz) Huh? No, no sign over here.
Dev Fine, fine. Remember, they said dwarves.
Porkins Yeah, little buggers. None of 'em will get through me.
Dev Unless you eat them . . .

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
G'Leina - Fighter/Cleric 1st/2nd Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 2nd Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 2nd Level (PC)
Hannah - Mage 2nd Level (NPC)
Wed - Mage 2nd Level (NPC)
Locale Edge of the Mistmarsh
Date 3rd of Sunsebb, 584 CY (Common Year)
Time Sunrise

The only encounter during the night was a snuffling sound that moved past the camp fairly quickly. The tracks in the snow appeared to be of one large mammal. Over breakfast, the party asked questions of the engineers, and found that they had spotted four human-sized persons, two dressed in leather armor. The dwarves had not been trying to hide their presence at the time, so it is possible they were seen, but they were definitely not followed.

Gimar Alright, we know the terrain and where the tower is. I say we pull up just shy of it and have Rheaphlyndar climb a tree, let us know how many sentries they have.
Jaron That's good. I will flank off to one side and provide covering fire. Odds are they haven't opened up that doorway, and I am a lousy wall-climber, especially with this snow.
Gimar I think if we watch the tower long enough, we can hopefully catch them all outside.
Hannah I can provide a "wall of fog" to mask our approach if necessary -- that clearing on the north-west side of the tower would make sense, with the solid footing provided.
Gimar Excellent.

Before long, the party left their horses and proceeded through the thick part of the mistmarsh. The dwarven engineers came along, but planned to hang back once the group reached the tower. They weren't entirely non-combatant, but would prefer to avoid such situations.

The party arrived near the tower, and Rheaphlyndar successfully climbed a tall tree. Jaron found a small thicket and laid out his crossbow bolts on the snow. The engineers stayed well back as they had planned.

After three hours of observation and one shift-change, Rheaphlyndar gave the all clear signal. G'Leina had counted at least seven different names, and had seen at least one mage. The rope ladder was down, and a humanoid (but definitely not an elf or half-elf) in leather armor was half-way up.

Wed (mumble mumble mumble)

The target fell asleep, and fell off the ladder, catching his sword arm underneath him in a crunch. Up on top of the tower, the sentry whose head was poking out also dipped down, and Rheaphlyndar gave a whistle indicating he was also slept. Then the half-elf began to hurry down the tree.

Gimar was the first up the ladder, with a burst of speed. Hannah was close behind to provide spell support, and G'Leina was just hitting the bottom. Jaron's plan was to stay in cover until Gimar signalled the top was clear, watching for any returning guards.

Upon reaching the top, Gimar gave out a hoot, indicating that the top of the tower was empty! Apparently the guard on top of the tower was playing possum and had disappeared down the trap door. Quickly Jaron raced over and followed Rheaphlyndar and Wed up the ladder. Gimar waited beside the trap door, axe raised, but had no occasion to use it.

Gimar Rheaphlyndar, check for traps. That lock certainly looks new.
G'Leina And that guy down on the ground probably has the key.
Rheaphlyndar I found one! (pick snip slash) There, I've removed it, but the lock will take a while.
G'Leina If you'll allow me to save us some time.
Gimar Very well, we've already lost surprise. After the mace, Rheaphlyndar you throw open the door and we charge down the stairs. I would bet that they expect one trap and some sentries to be enough protection.

G'Leina smashed her mace on the trap door, and with a loud crash and very audible click the door was unlocked. Rheaphlyndar threw the door open, and Gimar descended quickly, Jaron and Hannah right behind. In fact, as the rest of the party descends behind them they notice that the staircase seems to have collapsed just past the first floor. Below, Gimar was alive and cursing, and Jaron seemed to be slightly dazed. Wed called a halt to the group and threw a Feather Fall on the three remaining members, who then jumped.

After floating gently to the floor, G'Leina rushed to Hannah's side and began giving first aid, while Jaron made a hearty effort to stand. Gimar threw aside the pieces of staircase that had buried him and immediately headed over to the stairs down.

Gimar Buggers laid two traps! It's not fair, I tell ya. Somebody's gonna pay for this.
Rheaphlyndar The shit hath hitith the fan... ith. Do you want me to check for traps, Gimar?
Jaron (laying hands on his sprained ankle) OK, I am ready to go with you Gimar. Let's give 'em hell.
G'Leina Hannah needs more work, we'll have to catch up. Try not to collapse any more of the tower, eh?

Hannah managed a weak smile, and Wed readied another Feather Fall, "just in case." Rheaphlyndar found another trap, and pointed out the step to avoid. The majority of the group charged down into the cellar, finding the first room empty and the door to the second room closed -- and locked.

Gimar Sheesh! Of all the nerve. Rheaphlyndar . . .

Rheaphlyndar detected no traps and quickly opened the lock. Gimar stood with Axe in hand-axe form and had the thief pull the door open. Jaron stood ready with his sword and Wed was beginning a color-spray. The door opened . . .

. . . and all hell broke loose. The wall that G'Leina was leaning Hannah against collapsed outward, since it had been the bricked-up door.

G'Leina Four hours my foot. Come on, Hannah, let's get clear of this tower.

Gimar threw his axe, striking the lone remaining figure in the room and wounded him. However, the figure shortly vanished -- directly into the wall!

Gimar (sputtering) I didn't hit him THAT hard!
Wed Hmmm...

A great rumbling noise was heard, as the tower began to fall in on itself! The party raced up the stairs, only barely making it free because Wed threw another Feather Fall on some of the stones falling down on their heads.

When the dust settled, the party was clear of the tower ruin and had one prisoner, a human in leather armor either sleeping or passed out from the pain of his shattered sword-arm. Gimar summoned the dwarven engineers to the tower and the group sat down to discuss their options.

Read the preceding or succeeding episode, or return to the index.

Typographical Conventions
Normal Text Character's words or descriptive text if part of a paragraph
Italic Text Character's thoughts or actions if surrounded by parenthesis
Bold Text Character is shouting.


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Quote: John