Human Male
Druid 7th (47,533) [60,000]
STR 8 0/0 #35/90 5 1% Allign: N
DEX 18 +3/-4 Age: 19
CON 8 60%/65% Height: 5'10"
INT 14 4 Languages Weight: 140
WIS 17 +3 Magical Attack Base HP: 37
CHA 15 7 henchmen, +3 reaction Spell Pts: 51

AC 2 (Hide + Dex)        THAC0 18
4: Spear (1.0 at +0 : 1d6/1d8)
4: Lightning Spear (1.0 at +0 : 1d6/1d8)
4: Thrown Spear (1.0 at +3 : 1d6/1d8) 1/2/3
5: Long Bow/Sheaf Arrows (2.0 at +4 : 1d8/1d8) 4/8/17
5: Long Bow/Flight Arrows (2.0 at +4 : 1d6/1d6) 6/12/21

Druidic Abilities: Identify Plants/Animals/Water, Pass without trace at normal movement, Gain 1 woodland language per level
Proficiencies: Spear, Bow (specialized), Herbalism, Engineering, Healing
Languages: Common, Gnomish, Elvish, Treant, Pixie, Centaurs, Literacy
RSW 13
PP 12
BW 15
Save Mods: Dexterity +2, Wisdom +3,Fire/Lightning +2 Sp. 14

Equipment: Prayer Book (5#), Long Bow (?#), Large quiver (?#), 15 sheaf and 15 flight arrows (?#), Clothing, Silver sickle (?#), Backpack and pouches (?#), Spear of Lightning (?#) (From Grell: ???)

Treasure: 50 gp amethyst, 80 gp, 120 sp

GIMAR Dwarven Male
Figher 8th (188,764) [250,000]
STR 16 0/+1 #70/195 9 10% Allign: NG
(adj) 19 +3/+7 #485/640 16(8) 50%  
DEX 14 0/0 Age: 82
CON 16 +2 HP 95%/96% Height: 4'1"
INT 14 4 Languages Weight: 147#
WIS 12 +0 Magical Base HP: 62
CHA 11 4 henchmen  

AC 0 (Dwarven Plate + Boots + Helm)        THAC0 13
7: Battle Axe (2.3 at +4 : 1d8+1d2+7/1d8+1d2+7)
9: Great Axe (1.3 at +3 : 1d8+7/2d8+7)
4: Hand Axe (1.3 at +3 : 1d6+7/1d4+7)
4: Thrown Hand Axe (1.0 at +3 : 1d6+7/1d4+7)
7: Light Crossbow (1.0 at +0 : 1d4/1d4)
7: Light Crossbow w/+3 (1.0 at +3 : 1d4+3/1d4+3)
Proficiencies: Broad Group Crushing/Cleaving, Double Specialized Battle Axe, Light Crossbow, Blind Fighting, Tracking, Fungi Recognition, Mountain Survival, Spellcraft, Armorer, Etiquette, Heraldry, Endurance, Greyhawk/NB History, Weapon Smith, Riding, Magery
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Literacy
RSW 12
PP 11
BW 12
Save Mods: Poison +4, Boots of Speed +2, Airborne Poisons +2, Dwarf +4 Sp. 13

Equipment: Dwarven Plate Mail (60#), Girdle (2#), Helm (1#), Boots (.5#), Magic Battle Axe (4#), Exceptional Workmanship Battle Axe (7#), Light Crossbow of Speed w/ 10 Quarrels (8 are +3) (8#), 3 Rings(-), Purse(-), Large Belt Pouch (-), Scroll (protection: elemental), Decanter(3#), Backpack (3 + 33#)
Backpack contains { 2 Large Sacks(-), 100' Silk Rope(5#), 2 Potions(2#), Flint & Steel(-), 2 Flasks Oil(1#), Bedroll(10#), Bag of Holding (15#), Spicy Meat Jerky, old dwarven map of Irongate },
Bag of Holding contains { Potion of Polymorph Self (1#), Potion of Super-heroism (1#), Fine Brown Woolen Robe (2#), silvered short sword + scabbard (3#), silvered long sword + scabbard (4#), 2-man canvas tent(45#), 87 Additional quarrels(9#) , 2 weeks Iron rations (14#), Party Treasure(30#) }
Transport: Heavy Warhorse + Riding Saddle, Saddle Blanket, Large Saddle Bags, Steel Chain Barding, Bit & Bridle, Pack horse, ordinary light crossbow (), pavilion-style tent, useless Medusan Cloak

Treasure: 14 GP, 54 SP (518 PP, 7530 GP, and 500 SP, 5800 gp gems/jewelry in Northbank)

Paladin 7th (85,986) [150,000]
STR 17 +2/+4 #70/330 13 30% Allign: LG
DEX 16 +2/-3 Age: 17
CON 15 +3 HP, 85%/98% Height: 5'11"
INT 13 1 Languages Weight: #195
WIS 10 +0 Magical Attack Base HP: 84
CHA 17 20 henchmen, +3 Reaction Spell Pts: 0

AC -2 (Chain + Mag.Shield + Dex)       THAC0 14
*:Scather (1.2* at +4 : 2d4+6/1d6+7)
3:Long Sword (1.7 at +3 : 1d8+4/1d12+4)
1:Short Sword (1.2 at +2 : 1d6+4/1d8+4)
0:Boot Knife (1.2 at +2 : 1d3+4/1d2+4)
8:Heavy Crossbow (0.5 at +3 : 1d8+1/1d12+1)
0:Shield Punch (1.0 at +2 : 1d6/1d6)

Paladin Abilities: Lay on hands, 2 hp/lvl (14) 1/day, cure light 1/day, Immune to diseases Protection from Evil 10' Radius (demons, etc. get -1 to hit) Turn Undead as Cleric same level (7)
Proficiencies: Broad Group: Swords, Specialization Long Sword, Specialization Heavy Crossbow, Etiquette, Fire Building, Heraldry, Navigation, Riding (Land), Rope Use, Swimming, Armorer
Languages: Keoish Common, Literacy
PPDM 11 ?
RSW 13 ?
PP 12 ?
BW 13 ?
Save Mods: Dexterity +2, Paladin +2, Shield +2 Sp. 14 ?

Equipment: Heavy Chain Armor(40#), Magic Medium Round Shield(5#), Heavy Calf High Boots(5#), Leather Gloves(.5#) Long Sword + Belt Scabbard(4#), Short Sword + Belt Scabbard(3#), Magic Long Sword + Belt Scabbard(3#), Boot Knife(.5#), Heavy Crossbow w/16 Quarrels(15.6#) 30' Rope(3#), 4 Spikes(.8#), Flint & Steel(-), 1 Gallon Water Skin(8#)
Transport: Light War Horse, Saddle & Blanket, Tack & Harness, Armorers Hammer(3#), Metal File(1.5#), Large Pliers(2#), Standard Crowbar(3#) Fine Brown Woolen Robe (2#), 2 weeks iron rations(14#)

Treasure: 4000 GP worth of gems and jewelry, 10 PP, 20 GP, 42 SP

NICOLA Human Female Cleric 7th (68,254) [110,000]
STR 13 0/0 #45/140 7 4% Allign: NG
DEX 17 +2/-3 Age: 22
CON 11 75%/80% Height: 5'7"
INT 13 3 Languages Weight: avg
WIS 18 +4 Mag., 2x1st,2x2nd,3rd,4th Base HP: 49
CHA 5 2 henchmen, -3 Reaction Spell Pts: 63

AC 5 (Chain Mail)        THAC0 18
7:Footman's Mace (1.0 at +0 : 1d6+1/1d6)
7:Magical Mace (1.0 at +2 : max damage(17))
4:Staff (1.0 at +0 : 1d6/1d6)
Proficiencies: Mace, Staff, Reading/Writing, Herbalism, Riding, Healing, Religion
Languages: Common, Elven, Halfling, Literacy
RSW 11
PP 10
BW 13
Save Mods: Dexterity +2 Wisdom +4 Sp. 13

Equipment: Chain Mail(25#), Boots(2#), Gloves(.5#), Magic Footman's Mace (3#), Holy Symbol(-), Wand (-), Prayer Book(5#), 2 Large Sacks(-), Tinderbox(-), Healing Kit(4.5#), 8 x Ceramic Bottle with Holy Water(.5#), 2 belt pouches(2#), 2 flasks lamp oil(1#), 60' silk rope(3#), Bedroll(10#), magic necklace - silver globe does "Otiluke's Freezing Sphere"
Transport: Medium Riding Horse, Saddle & Blanket, Bit & Bridle, Hooded Lantern, Small Basket, Fish Hook, Iron Pot, Sewing Needle Soap, Winter Blanket, 2 weeks iron rations(14#), Lamia sword, unknown potion, Fine Brown Woolen Robe (2#), +1 morning star

Treasure: 120 gp in gems & jewelry, 37 GP, 125 SP

Thief 9th (122,864) [160,000]
STR 13 0/0 #45/140 7 4% Allign: NG
DEX 17 (19) +2/-3 (+3/-4) Age: 20
CON 14 +0 HP, 88%/92% Height: 5'6"
INT 14 4 Languages Weight: #125
WIS 13 (16) +0 (+2) Magical Attack Base HP: 39
CHA 12 5 henchmen Spell Pts: 0

AC 1 (Studded Leather + Ring + Dex)        THAC0 17
1:Quarterstaff (1.0 at +0 : 1d6/1d6)
0:Dagger (1.0 at +0 : 1d4/1d3)
0:Jambiya (1.0 at +0 : 1d4/1d4)
0:Thrown Dagger (2.0 at +3 : 1d4/1d3)
2:Hand Crossbow (1.0 at +3 : 1d3/1d2)

Half-Elven Abilities: Detect Secret & Concealed, 30% resistant to sleep and charm, 60' Infravision
Thief Skills: Climb Walls 75%, Move Silently 50%, Detect Noise 40%, Open Locks 80%, Find/Remove Traps 80%, Pick Pockets 55%, Hide in Shadows 45%, Read Languages 40%, Backstab x3
Proficiencies: Hand Crossbow, Quarterstaff, Dagger, Jambiya, Tumbling, Tightrope Walking, Swimming, Rope Use, Direction Sense, Fire Building, Etiquette, Heraldry
Languages: Common, Thieves Cant, a smattering of Elvish
RSW 10
PP 10
BW 14
Save Mods: Ring +2, Dexterity +2/+3, Cloak +2 Sp. 11

Equipment: Gnomish Studded Leather (25#), 6xDagger(6#), Quarterstaff(3#), silvered dagger (1#), Eyepatch, Ring of Protection, Backpack(1.5#), 3 Torches(.6#), Wineskin (1.2#), Flint & Steel, Potion of Invisibility(1#), Magic Cloak (2#), golden ring of X-Ray Vision
Transport: Light Riding Horse, Saddle & Blanket, Tack & Harness, Fine Brown Woolen Robe (2#), rope of climbing, 2 weeks iron rations(14#)

Treasure: 800 GP worth of gems and jewelry, 40 PP, 54 SP, 22 GP

Gnomish Male
Mage 2nd (4012) [5000] / Cleric 4th (6,845) [13000]
STR 6 -1/0 #20/55 4 0% Allign: N
DEX 17 +2/-3 Age: 96
CON 12 80%/85% Height: 27"
INT 18 7 Languages, 85% Weight: 35#
WIS 18 +4 Magical Attack Base HP: 25
CHA 8 3 henchmen, reaction -1 Spell Pts: 18/27

AC 5 (Leather + Dex)        THAC0 20
0: Dagger (1.0 at -1 : 1d4/1d3)
0: Thrown Dagger (2.0 at +2 : 1d4/1d3) 10/20/30
4: Spear (1.0 at -1 : 1d6/1d8)
4: Thrown Spear (1.0 at +2 : 1d6/1d8) 10/20/30

Gnomish Abilities: Pass Without Trace at will, -4 AC vs Giant Class Creatures, +1 to Attack/Damage vs Orcs, Goblinoids, Reptilian, anyone damaging the forest
Proficiencies: Dagger, Spear, Animal Handling, Cooking, Healing, Herbalism, Direction Sense, Riding Land-Based, Forest Survival, Woodworking
Languages: Common, Gnomish Common, Forest Gnome, Forest Mammal, Literacy
RSW 11
PP 13
BW 15
Save Mods: Magic +3 (Gnome), Dexterity +3, Wisdom +4 Sp. 12

Equipment: Spear (3#), 2 Daggers (2#), Leather Armor (5#), Travelling Cloak (.5#)
Transport: Pony, Saddle, Bit & Bridle, Small Saddle Bag, 100' Silk Rope (5#), Blanket (3#) , Bed Roll (8#), Rations (7#), Spellbook (8#), Prayerbook (5#), Ring of Telekinesis (50 # maximum)

Treasure: Pearl (6gp), 5 GP, 6 CP

"LITTLE" JOHN MCCLANE Human Male Fighter 7th (77,142) [125,000]
STR 17 +1/+1 #70/330 13 30% Allign: N
DEX 17 +2/-3 Age: ??
CON 19 +5 HP, 99%/100% Height: ??
INT 17 6 Languages Weight: ??
WIS 16 +0 Magical Attack Base HP: 79
CHA 16 8 henchmen, reaction +5 Spell Pts: 0

AC 2 (Chain Mail + Dex)        THAC0 14
Battlestaff (1.2 at +3 : 1d6+4/1d6+4)
Quarterstaff (1.2 at +1 : 1d6+1/1d6+1)
Short Sword (1.2 at +1 : 1d6+1/1d8+1)
Sling+Stones (1.2 at +2 : 1d4+1/1d4+1)
Proficiencies: Broad Group: Blades, Quarterstaff, Sling, Tight Group: Shields, Fishing
Languages: Common
PPDM 11 ?
RSW 13 ?
PP 12 ?
BW 13 ?
Save Mods: Constitution +1, Dexterity +2 Sp. 14 ?

Equipment: Chain Mail(40#), Boots(2#), Gloves(.5#), Quarterstaff(4#) (-8 charges), Silvered Short Sword + Belt Scabbard(3#), Sling + Stones(3#), Backpack(1.5#), Fur Bedroll(15#), 30' Rope(3#), Flint & Steel(-), 1 Gallon Water Skin(8#), 2 Large Sacks(-), Magic Cloak (2#)
Transport: Light Riding Horse, Saddle & Blanket, Bit & Bridle, Fine Brown Woolen Robe (2#), 2 weeks iron rations(14#)

Treasure: 3000 gp in gems & jewelry, 141 PP, 69 SP

WED BOOTH Human Male Mage 7th (69,594) [90,000]
STR 12 0/0 #45/140 7 4% Allign: CN
DEX 10 0/0 Age: ??
CON 14 88%/90% Height: ??
INT 16 5 Languages Weight: ??
WIS 17 +3 Magical Attack Base HP: 24
CHA 13 5 henchmen, reaction +1 Spell Pts: 56

AC 6 (Leather + Dex)        THAC0 16
Long Sword (1/1 at +0 : 1d8/1d12)
+2 Long Sword of Adventure (1/1 at +2 : 1d8+2/1d12+2)
Long Bow/Flight Arrow (rof 2 at +1 : 1d6/1d6)
Proficiencies: Dagger, History
Languages: Common, Ancient Flan, Ancient Suloise, Literacy
PP 11
BW 13
Save Mods: Wisdom +3 Sp. 10

Equipment: Linen Robes(1#), Bracers AC 6(-), 3xDagger(4#), silvered dagger (1#) Backpack(4#), Spell Book(8#), Bedroll(10#), Scroll Case(1#), 4 Blank Parchment(-), Ink & Quill(6#), Another Spell Book(8#), Scroll (strength, strength), Scroll (misdirection), Scrolls (Friends, Knock, Mirror, web, slow, rary's enhancer), Yet Another Spell Book(6#) ring of Protection +1, bone scroll case + "Protection from Earth Elementals" scroll, unidentified wand
Transport: Light Riding Horse, Saddle & Blanket, Bit & Bridle Fine Brown Woolen Robe (2#), 2 weeks iron rations(14#), waterskin

Treasure: 3500 GP worth of gems and jewelry, 13 PP, 224 SP, 21 GP