Yodavan's Prayerbook

Clerical Spell Points: 9

Spells per Day

  1. 3

Orison (1 SP) Orison

First (3 SP) Analyze Balance , Animal Friendship , Animal Sanctuary , Battlefate , Beastmask , Bless - , Call Animal or Bird , Calm Animals , Ceremony , Combine , Command , Create Water - , Cure Light Wounds - , Detect Disease , Detect Evil - , Detect Magic , Detect Poison , Detect Snares & Pits , Easy Road , Empathy - , Entangle , Faerie Fire , Find Water , Firelight , Heal Plants , Hibernate , Invisibility to Animals , Journey's Orison/Malison , Know Direction , Light - , Locate Animals or Plants , Log of Everburning , Magic Creeper , Mistaken Missive , Nectar , Orison , Pass without Trace , Portent , Precipitation , Puffball , Purify Food & Drink - , Purify Water , Read Language , Regenerate Light Wounds - , Remove Fear - , Ripen , Sanctuary , Sense Direction , Shillelagh , Strength of Stone , Sunscorch , Weathertell , Whisperward , Wind Column

Second (6 SP) Animal Speech , Animal Spy , Augury , Aura of Comfort , Banish Blight , Barkskin , Bat Sense , Beastspite , Chant , Chaos Ward , Charm Person or Mammal , Cure Moderate Wounds - , Dark Fire , Detect Charm - , Detect Life , Dissension's Feast , Druidsight , Dust Devil , Enthrall , Find Traps , Fire Trap , Firebreak , Flame Blade , Fortifying Stew , Gift of Speech , Goodberry - , Grassdart , Hailstone , Heat Metal - , Hold Person , Holy Symbol , Know Allignment - , Know Language , Lighten Load , Messenger , Music of the Spheres , Mystic Transfer * , Obscurement , Pass without Notice , Pressure Resistance , Produce Flame , Protection from Animals , Protection from Charm , Protection from Orisons , Sanctify -* , Sharpleaf , Slow Poison , Snake Charm , Soften Earth and Stone , Speak with Animals , Spring , Trip , Warp Wood , Watery Fist , Wild Deer Speed