Slaveriin of House Slan'voanin
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Fifth level Myrmidon (Fighter kit)
Player: Bill Kmet
Player Information
Alignment- Lawful Evil
Strength- Average
Dexterity- Exceptional
Constitution- Average
Intelligence- Exceptional
Wisdom- High
Charisma- High


Your first look of him as he steps from the darkness of drow society reinforces your beliefs of drow as rulers of the Underdark with Slaveriin standing a little taller than most males but still inches shy of most females.  He carries a wickedly notched longsword in a scabbard across his back. As well, he has a whip at his belt and handcrossbow hanging beside it, his chain has an emblem designed in an opal with a lizard's head between two crossed swords.  He moves gracefully across the path to stand before the rest of the patrol, with no waste of movement or expression, with a quick nod at his commander letting his short hair slip quickly across one eye he waits.  He has one scar across the right side of his neck, almost gone but still stands out, as well he has markings up his left arm.

Slaveriin was born to his now Matrons eldest daugther, Staciss, who was one of the finest commanders of House Quilxter, and when Matron Valannin left the House her daughters left with her, forming the core of the female nobles of House Slanvoanin. Slaveriins mother became the commander of the House guard, for the new House, training many of its new soldiers until an appropriate weapons master was found.

Slaveriin spent much of the early parts of his life with Staciss learning the blades as she taught those who would soon be the elites of House Slanvoanin. His natural agility and dexterity, much like Staciss, destined him to be a blade of ruthless ability, as well even in his early years his ability with tactics caught the eye of Matron Valannin and he was allowed to go to the academy to further hone his skills.

At first in the academy, Slaveriin fared poorly, unused to what appeared to him as useless drills, but in time he mastered them. With his applied agility, the forms they taught slowly formed a dance that flowed from one stance to the next every movement already working into the next. During his stay he became entranced with the lizard mounts and spent any time he could working with them, becoming quite an accomplished rider. By the end of his time there, he finished 12th out of the 100, quite impressive for such a low House but not impressive enough for Staciss, who beat him mercilessly for hours upon his return to within an inch of his life.

Upon his return to House Slanvoanin, he was one of the perfect choices to assist Staciss in the forming of the new mounted core for Matron Valannin. After assisting getting the forces started, Valannin ordered him back to the academy for further instruction in lizard mounts, where he spent eight years learning the habits and traits of the mounts. They also taught him the finer points of training the mounts, although he still has much to learn. They felt he needed more experience in the Underdark before they were willing to finish his training, so sent him off with one of the patrols bound out of the city.