Bill Kmet
The name is Bill Kmet, and I am 23 years old living out of North Bay, Ontario. (Canada.) Still in school most of the time, working on my fourth program in college as well as working full time as a commerical office buildings cleaner. Have been playing various rpg's since what feels like forever. I would have to say my favourite systems are good old AD&D and Shadowrun. Mostly I am player but every once in a while I do some GMing when I have the time. I like to read, mess around with computers and enjoy playing pool and some sports such as ultimate and football. Favourite bands would have to be NIN and Rage Against the Machine. At present playing in only about 3 pbems (trying to limit myself) and hopefully soon will be working on helping a few other players start up a new pbem based on something similar to the Terra Ulgar game that I play in with Mike.
AOL Instant Messenger nickname- IGathered