
Code Name: Priest
Real Name: Murray Ardel DeMage
Age: 24
Height: 6'8"
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Colour: Black
Weight: 143lbs
Place of Birth: Ventura, CA
Power(s): Healing Touch, Teleport, Pacifist Reflex (quick Dodge)
Team Affiliation: None really....


Murray was born with a strange gift... the touch of healing... He discovered it when his best friend was hit by a car. The rest developed after that, for as he grew his mind matured very fast. He thought of far away places, and one day as he was thinking of Paris, France, he found himself there. He trained that power to make it more controllable, but one thing has remained the most constant in his life, he hates violence. He figures that the life that has been granted to us all is to precious to be squandered away like that, so he has devoted his life to protecting the lives of others, saving who he could along the way. This has attributed to his uncanny ability to dodge incoming blows... almost a karmic saftey net; offcoarse all is destroyed if he acts violently twords somebody.