
Code Name: Lyric
Real Name: Genesis Jun Li
Age: 25
Height: 5'5"
Eye Color: Raven Onyx
Hair Colour: Onyx
Weight: 96lbs
Place of Birth: China
Power(s): Flight - Vocal/Mental Manipulation
Team Affiliation: X-Factor | Chaotic Good Aligned


Born in a small village in china Genesis was the first child born of the new Generation. Being given very little chance of Survival she was placed up for adoption as her mother, an American, died in childbirth. She has several Brothers and Sisters she won't ever see and as she wanders the Ny Countryside she wonders about them daily and wonders is she the only freak of her family.

Even as a child the adoption lasted little, her parents were killed and she was palced into an Orphanage. Daily she sees the war and conflict within her homeland, a place she has but only read about and never visited as she shivers letting her powers sooth her, for sometimes that is all one has.

-Eclipse 's Notes- Rescued as a small child from an Orphanage in Puerto Rico and brought to NY to be properly raised. Child is very withdrawn and keeps to herself.